Mission Space tourist died from bleeding of brain


Well-Known Member
Pete C said:
For all of you that are celebrating this report, let me say that everyone that was arguing for the ride to be checked out already knew that the ride was probably going to be exonerated. So, this report CHANGES NOTHING about what has been said countless times in other threads about the warnings not being good enough, and the fact that way too many people get sick as hell on this ride.

You are really having trouble understanding the nature of the report, aren't you. With severe hypertension, even treated with medication, a hypertensive crisis leading to a CVA could have happened on a whole lot of rides...even just exherting herself walking around all day in the sun could have done it.


Well-Known Member
Timmay said:
You are really having trouble understanding the nature of the report, aren't you. With severe hypertension, even treated with medication, a hypertensive crisis leading to a CVA could have happened on a whole lot of rides...even just exherting herself walking around all day in the sun could have done it.

Or sitting at your kitchen table reading the newspaper... thats what happened to my dad.

Its sad that this happened, but we cannot change it. I have not ridden M:S and I don't plan on it. Some people I know love it, others will never ride it again. Its been checked nine ways to Tuesday and deemed safe. Its like any other ride... you make your decision and take your chances.


Active Member
Timmay said:
You are really having trouble understanding the nature of the report, aren't you. With severe hypertension, even treated with medication, a hypertensive crisis leading to a CVA could have happened on a whole lot of rides...even just exherting herself walking around all day in the sun could have done it.

I still don't care for M:S. But this does shift the blame from Disney/M:S to this poor woman... And PeterC... I think you are on your own now... I too was backing you up but now, that remark about people celebrating that M:S didn't kill this woman, went way to far... I do not think anyone here on WDWMagic is heartless enough to celebrate something trivial like the ride not being the cause of her death... Although, I see there is a M:S fan club that was form not even 24 hours after this woman died, which may be a a tad bit insensitive.. But I digress...


Well-Known Member
warlord said:
The people who have been hurt on this ride are only people with extreme cases. I believe Corrus said somewhere that the pressure on your body is ony 1.4-1.7G anyways I can sit on you and do that. :D we could do a Mission:Space the home version ;)

:sohappy: haha. Imagine that article in the newspaper.


dxer07002 said:
I agree with Disney explaining just how this ride works better to its guests... I believe if they do, however, the number of people who get sick will stay the same, and attendance will not suffer... Because no matter what, people will not take the warnings seriously...

You are probably correct. Consider this; I watch local news report last night. They interviewed a couple from NH that had ridden MS last year and the husband had gotten sick. However here is the kicker; both of these people were very large (the husband easily 300lbs or more). The husband admittedly had high blood pressure. They claimed the warning signs (which they read according to them) said nothing about high blood pressure and Disney was at fault for not warning them.
My view, these people were at fault.

Personally, I don't think they should shut down or alter a ride because people refuse to follow directions and heed warnings; if you have one of these conditions and it is known to you then you need to take responsibility for your actions.


New Member
Well I have to say that I'm very lucky as I have hypertension and went on that ride of course my high blood pressure is controlled with medication but I didn't think it could affect you that severly, I can say that I will read the warnings and stay off of rides that have those warnings. I just wanted to say this because there are people who ignore the warnings as I have been guilty of in the past. :brick:


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
The reason FoM:S was created was the bombardment of "OMG this ride is a deathtrap" "We should destroy this ride immediatly" "Disney should be ashamed for opening such a dangerous ride"

I was tired of hearing this and I, along with many other people are now saying that this is a safe ride. It has been tested many times and is not really that intense. It is a good ride and hopefully will stay open until it is time for a new ride to open.



Active Member
Death by Disney;-)

My retirement plans include dying at Disney.
When I retire in about 10 years, I plan to move near WDW and spend my days there enjoying the food, entertainment and atmosphere.
I imagine that someday I will be found on a comfortable bench somewhere.:snore:

"But which ride at Disneyworld would you rather die on ? "

If I has to choose a ride(/attraction) to die on (at each park), it would probably be Mickey's Philharmagic or the Haunted Mansion (what a story that would be...to actually be #1000) at MK; the American Adventure or Soarin' at Epcot; Fantasmic at MGM, or Lion King at AK.
Afterwhich, Disney officials would quietly drag me away and convert me into a new animatronics figure for some fabulous new attraction, where I could live on forever:eek:


New Member
thank goodness for that! finaly proof that M:S was'nt the cause of her death, my heart goes out to her family. i think that too avoid some thing like this happening again they should put warning signs up in german and any other major nationalities language that visit disney, specifically epcot,that way they have no excuse, it will just be their own fault for not reading the signs and i hope this never hapens again. ever!.


New Member
I had a good feeling this was because of a medical condition, too bad the media are going "Is this ride deadly?!" My heart does go out to the family though.


Well-Known Member
You know I could not agree more with some of the post on here.....Disney is to blame for this!!! They do need to make the warning signs something more! How about this a short video of someone enjoying the ride then stepping off right into the grave? That would get some attention because really the 10 times I have gone on it the signs every few feet they have really has not been enough for me.

I have worked at a theme park for many years and NO MATTER WHAT people will always blow past the signs. They don't care what the signs say they just want to go on the ride, so is that Disneys fault? Here is a great idea before they enter the park they make each of us read and sign a form with all the info about the attractions.....oh how about on the DME instead of the cute video have a safety video about all the attractions....NO I have got it, Disney will send out to every human on the earth a list of warnings for all the attractions and they must send it back and Disney will have a list at each theme park and if they have not they may not enter the park!!!! YES THAT WILL MAKE IT ALL BETTER!!!!!!!!!!

When does this stop being Disneys fault and it becomes the people how ride the rides fault? I forget what the number was, but it was like 1.8 million people have been on Mission:Space since it opened and 2 have died and some have gotten sick. So because of those numbers they should get rid of it? It's a theme park ride that from the second you step in starts to tell you...this is a intense thrill ride. Disney has done nothing wrong, other then come up with a AMAZING thrill attraction that people want to go on.



Well-Known Member
Jerm said:
They do need to make the warning signs something more! How about this a short video of someone enjoying the ride then stepping off right into the grave?
LOL....Sorry that made me laugh...
JeffH said:
My retirement plans include dying at Disney.
When I retire in about 10 years, I plan to move near WDW and spend my days there enjoying the food, entertainment and atmosphere.
I imagine that someday I will be found on a comfortable bench somewhere.:snore:

"But which ride at Disneyworld would you rather die on ? "

If I has to choose a ride(/attraction) to die on (at each park), it would probably be Mickey's Philharmagic or the Haunted Mansion (what a story that would be...to actually be #1000) at MK; the American Adventure or Soarin' at Epcot; Fantasmic at MGM, or Lion King at AK.
Afterwhich, Disney officials would quietly drag me away and convert me into a new animatronics figure for some fabulous new attraction, where I could live on forever:eek:
Death by Disney


New Member
When does this stop being Disneys fault and it becomes the people how ride the rides fault? I forget what the number was, but it was like 1.8 million people have been on Mission:Space since it opened and 2 have died and some have gotten sick. So because of those numbers they should get rid of it? It's a theme park ride that from the second you step in starts to tell you...this is a intense thrill ride. Disney has done nothing wrong, other then come up with a AMAZING thrill attraction that people want to go on.


i could not agree more, stop blaming disney for other peoples mistakes, its their fault,NOT DISNEYS, well said Jerm


Well-Known Member
Does anyone have a park ticket handy? (I'm away from home and don't have access to any.) I'm curious what the back of the ticket says - you know, the part that they ask you to sign??


New Member
Nicole said:
Does anyone have a park ticket handy? (I'm away from home and don't have access to any.) I'm curious what the back of the ticket says - you know, the part that they ask you to sign??

i avent got 1 on me but i think its just listing all the trademarks and copyright laws:wave:


There is no blame here.

If the lady did not know about her condition is is not her fault (If she did, then it is).

It is not Disney's fault either, as the ride is 100% safe, and warnings are provided for people who may be unsuitable to ride.

It is a entirely Human condition to "have" to assign blame to something, or someone.

Well sometimes we just have too say, nobody is to blame, and as terrible analogy as it is for this kind of thing "________ Happens".


New Member
I just looked on the back of my PAP and the "legalese" reads as follows:

Nontransferable; must be used by the same person on any and all days. Disney is not responsible for lost or stolen tickets. Parks, attractions or entertainment may change operating hours; close due to refurnishing, capacity, weather or special events; and may otherwise change or be discontinued without notice and without liability to the owners fo the WALT DISNEY Resort. ticket and ID required for entry; Ticket, ID and handstamp required for re-entry. Not valid for special events or premium events or other activities which are separately priced or for any park commencing operations after May 1, 1998.

If is agreed between owners of the WALT DISNEY Resort and ticket users that all caims for injury or loss arising incidnt to presence of owners' property shall be litigated in Florida. 1-265523


then it has the ticket information printed on it.

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
Nicole said:
Does anyone have a park ticket handy? (I'm away from home and don't have access to any.) I'm curious what the back of the ticket says - you know, the part that they ask you to sign??

Looking at the back on my annual pass:

"Nontransferable; must be used by the same person on any and all days. Disney is not responsible for misplaced, lost or stolen tickets. Parks or attractions may change operating hours; close temporarily due to refurbishing, capacity, inclement weather or special events; and may otherwise change or be discontinued without notice and with liability to the owners of the WALT DISNEY WORLD Resort. Ticket and ID required for entry; Ticket, ID and hand stamp required for re-entry. Not valid for special events requiring a separate admission charge or for any park commencing operations after May 1, 1998. It is agreed between owners of the WALT DISNEY WORLD resort and ticket users that all claims for injury or loss arising incident to presence on owner's property shall be litigated in Florida."

I made that red because it is red on the ticket.

Edit: WCOX beat me to it lol

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