Mission Space 'Green' vs. 'Orange' Question


New Member
In all seriousness, are females are more susceptible to nausea?

I've taken my past 3 girlfriends to Epcot, and every single one of them got queasy after M:S. I've never had a problem. Coincidence?

My boyfriend always gets queasy. I don't.
So I don't think that it's a male/female thing. Or it could be and I am just an exception.
I would definately try the Green first. It will get you familiar with how enclosed the ride is and basic environmental things.
I have ridden both and while the Orange is an amazing experience, I think I am going to stick with the Green from now on. When riding the Orange, I get nervous that the people on the ride with me are going to get sick, so I get really, really anxious. The level of anxiety I bring myself up to just doesn't make the ride as enjoyable.


Active Member
Yes, the height requirement still applies.

I'd hesitate to bring someone that young on, but every child is different. You know him better than anyone here, so it's up to you to read the signs, maybe try out the ride beforehand, and then make your decision.

And yes, people do still get sick on Green. It's rare, but it does happen (We had a nice one today, as a matter of fact).

Thanks so much. I wasn't sure if I would let him on it or not. I'm not sure if I would ride it myself. I didn't like it when I rode it back in 2004. At least the height requirement took it out of my hands since he's only 41.5 inches.


New Member
...an experience of dying!!! lol

....it's hard to hear yourself or anyone else, you can't move... you will feel claustraphobic regardless if you are or not. The throw up bags in front of you when you get in make you feel real great.

I'm not tryin to bash the ride, I think it was a great idea.. but it's just so intense for a lot of people...
No, LOL if you're not claustraphobic, you won't be "feeling" it. Everybody is different and the thread starter might enjoy orange. Personally, I think Green is a waste of time.

Yes people do get sick on green, but it's very, very rare, and probably either just from nerves or because they felt sick before going on the ride.


New Member
My Advice

Do not go on orange... i repeat...do not go on orange...it made me feel like death was near.. and I am rollercoaster and ride fanatic...

if "orange" is the original ride ... then I'd agree! My boyfriend and I rode MS last may (I guess that was before the orange and green versions) and we both agree we will never ride this ride again. I'm glad I did it so that I won't go around the rest of my life wondering what if... but I won't step foot on it again.. orange *or* green version. :lookaroun oh! and I love rollercoasters too. this is completely different from a rollercoaster.


New Member
I've ridden both. I have never gotten sick on the orange. I am a huge roller coaster chicken, but I *love* this ride. It isn't like anything else. That said, I was surprised how much fun the green side was too! You still get a good sense of the ride without getting pushed into your seat.

My advice: Are you the type of person that doesn't like simulators or rides that spin? My hubby will ride any roller coaster.. but I thought he was going to lose his lunch on M:S.

If there is any doubt hop on the green! It is still a fun ride and you won't get sick!


Active Member
My Advice

Do not go on orange... i repeat...do not go on orange...it made me feel like death was near.. and I am rollercoaster and ride fanatic...
Roller coasters and spinning things are 2 very different things that our body responds to with different processes in different ways. You just can't compare them. The body doesn't have a single way of reacting to "thrill rides." it has ways of reacting to individual situations.

I love roller coasters -- the loopier and faster and higher, the better. But old original Mission:Space, and even the "teacups" in MK for that matter, make my stomach very uneasy, make me feel dizzy for up to 2 hours later, and make me think seriously about decorating the floor and ruining my shoes ... and yours if you're too close.

My inner ears are apparently very wimpy. Roller coasters don't have the intense and sustained spinning necessary to make my inner ears cry and scream for mommy.

My father-in-law is the opposite. He refused to ride Splash Mountain because it was too high of a drop. And after riding Goofy's Barnstormer with my then-5 year old, my FIL looked like he was going to lose his lunch, and he needed to sit for a few minutes. But he was absolutely untouched by the old original M:S. He even made fun of how green I looked. He refused to believe me that we were spinning in a centrifuge. I asked how he thought the g-forces were produced, and he said there were no increased g-forces, that it was all done by video special effects and the power of suggestion. He is blissfully clueless.

So M:S does not affect everyone the same. I'm glad I rode it before the changes, because I'm sure if I had the choice I would have avoided orange, but I wanted to ride it so much I took the chance, and I'm glad I did. I just rode the green version with my 6 year old a few days ago. It was enjoyable, but the old original (orange) was much more of an "experience."

It's not only unfair, it's incorrect to tell people that they MUST avoid the orange version because they WILL feel a certain way. We don't all experience things the same way. If that were the case, I'd be picketing outside the Teacups and Dumbo.


Well-Known Member
I agree with many of the things said here, especially that each person is different. I am in a similar boat to you. I have read all the reviews, but the first chance I had to ride the attraction was this August AFTER green team went into effect. I HIGHLY suggest doing green team first. It does show you the story, but it is the only way to fully enjoy the green team experience. What i found was that it actually lessens orange. We did green team and then immediately went around and did orange. Orange was intense-ish, but it really didn't do anything to me, I kept my head back the whole time, but I did look around. Never felt queasy or anything other than a little odd fromt he pressure (was gone by the time we walked over to Test Track). I know others that had less reaction; others that had more. Interestingly, though, when we came back later that night and did orange again, it felt more intense to me. I still was fine reaction-wise, but I could definitely feel the pressure when I didn't do the green-orange back to back.

Like I said, there really is no way to know how you will react. Coasters are just fine with me as are simulators. Tea Cups are fun, but they can make me sick. M:S did neither. It is a really fun attraction, so definitely go for green even if nothing else. The one concern I would raise is claustrophobia. That can work you up if you react badly to that (I have it, and I was just fine. But, it is a small space).

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
Do you pull negative G's (weightless) on the Orange version? I have only ridden the Green. I was lucky enough once to ride in a F-16 and unfortunately got sick when we went weightless. I'm a little nervous to try the Orange version because of that.
There is a period where you feel weightless but I don't believe this is a result of negative G's. Chances are the weightlessness you felt in the F-16 was the result of being at the top of a parabola (peak of a steep climb) I believe the way M:S simulates weightlessness is to slow the spin down and tilt you slightly backward making you rise up slightly.


Well-Known Member
There is a period where you feel weightless but I don't believe this is a result of negative G's. Chances are the weightlessness you felt in the F-16 was the result of being at the top of a parabola (peak of a steep climb) I believe the way M:S simulates weightlessness is to slow the spin down and tilt you slightly backward making you rise up slightly.

yep. At the end of launch, they slow the centrifuge fairly quickly giving you an alleged feeling of weightlessness. It wasn't really that effective to me, but it's kinda hard to remove the gravity from the room. Budget cuts and all... :p


Premium Member
yep. At the end of launch, they slow the centrifuge fairly quickly giving you an alleged feeling of weightlessness. It wasn't really that effective to me, but it's kinda hard to remove the gravity from the room. Budget cuts and all... :p



Premium Member
Do you pull negative G's (weightless) on the Orange version? I have only ridden the Green. I was lucky enough once to ride in a F-16 and unfortunately got sick when we went weightless. I'm a little nervous to try the Orange version because of that.

I think if you have ridden in an F16, you'll have no problems on MS orange.

There is no real weightlessness in MS, just a simulated version as mentioned above.


New Member
Generalizations are never good things to make. While this is how YOU felt, I have NEVER felt such effects.

The fact of the matter is that different people handle the ride differently. And, while it's impossible to say for sure how anybody would feel, it's important to realize that the ride is not a death trap--just not suitable for some.


You're right it's not suitable for some... and I said that it's "too intense for a lot of people". I was making a generalization because I have talked to.... a lot of people who had trouble with this ride.

This board is made for opinions and that was mine.


New Member
It's not only unfair, it's incorrect to tell people that they MUST avoid the orange version because they WILL feel a certain way. We don't all experience things the same way. If that were the case, I'd be picketing outside the Teacups and Dumbo.

Ok well, let's just say.. if you are claustraphobic and have problems with sensory overload, avoid this ride. There was a time when I was exposed to chemicals in a lab that really made me dizzy and such- and this totally reminded me of it. The pain in my chest, the poor hearing, etc.

Obviously it is okay with a certain percentage of people- but I wish there was some statistics that showed who would ride it again or not.


Well-Known Member
Ok well, let's just say.. if you are claustraphobic and have problems with sensory overload, avoid this ride. There was a time when I was exposed to chemicals in a lab that really made me dizzy and such- and this totally reminded me of it. The pain in my chest, the poor hearing, etc.

Obviously it is okay with a certain percentage of people- but I wish there was some statistics that showed who would ride it again or not.

Why not start your own poll? :veryconfu


Here's my humble opinion having ridden both.

I thought the Orange side (the only option when I rode in early 2005) was one of the most awesome rides I had ever experienced. The whole simulation of the g-force along with the movie was incredible.

I went on just the green side this past trip and I thought it was a great ride and I had a lot of fun. I do think it misses some of the experience of the original but it was still excellent. In fact it was much better than I thought it would be without the spinning.

I felt no motion sickness on the Green but I am sure you can still feel sick. Have you ever been to and Imax type theatre and watched a rollercoaster type movie? If that gave you motion sickness then the Green side could too.

On the Orange side while I was not ill to the point of :hurl: , I did still feel kind of woozy for while afterward. Have you ever been on the Rotor at a carnival (that ride that you stand against the wall and it spins and they lower the floor but you still stay up against the wall)? If that ever made you ill, then the Orange side could very easily make you ill too.

My feeling in the end was that the couple of little extra thrills of the Orange (FOR ME; I'm not trying to speak for anyone else) were not worth feeling sick for an hour after. I also thought that if I feel ill for an hour after probably physically it's not a ride I should really go on. So it's green side for me all the way from now on. Plus my wife, who does not like fast or intense rides, will go on the Green side with me and she enjoys it so that makes it even better.

My advice is if you think you can physically handle the Orange side, do it at least once because it is like nothing you have ever done before but then stick to Green for a fun ride that you can feel happy doing over and over.

One final note that might influence your decision. In October the Orange side pretty much always had at least a 20min wait. The Green side I was able to just walk right on.

Have fun!:sohappy:


Well-Known Member
Personally I adore M:S, I guess it would be the orange version since I rode it back in 2004. I rode it twice on my vacation and loved it both times. The first time I came off with a slightly stronger headache then when I went it but then I do suffer from migraines and there is a warning for that but I went anyway and did it again. The second time I rode I came off perfectly fine. This ride rocks! It's probably my absolute fav at EPCOT next to Figment of course. Will be trying the milder version of it this time but still plan to ride the original as well.


Well-Known Member
I rode the green version last week and it was alot of fun. I get motion sick really bad on some rides and was a little worried about this ride but, after going on it,the ride was a piece of cake.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Thanks for all the replies. I'm convinced that I can do 'Green' and the decision about 'Orange' will be made after that ride. I can be claustrophbic in some situations, and I know that might be an issue, but a few 'posters' on this thread who tend to not like enclosed spaces stated that they did okay. That's encouraging.

Any thoughts on the enclosed spaces concern?

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
Thanks for all the replies. I'm convinced that I can do 'Green' and the decision about 'Orange' will be made after that ride. I can be claustrophbic in some situations, and I know that might be an issue, but a few 'posters' on this thread who tend to not like enclosed spaces stated that they did okay. That's encouraging.

Any thoughts on the enclosed spaces concern?
M:S is pretty much as enclosed as you can get. After you board the ride the instrument panel moves toward you. It is about 18" from your nose to the panel. So there really is no wiggle room at all.

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