imagineer boy
Well-Known Member
I just re-read this. You couldn't get through the first half-hour of Pulp Fiction?!? I'll agree the movie sags a little in spots. But if you couldn't even make it through the first half hour, I'm done with you. You're clearly not interested in giving the movie a fair viewing.
You can dismiss a decade's worth of awards as "elitist" if you want to. Fine. That says more about you than it does about Miramax's output in its hey day.
But it is indisputable that Miramax was a force to be reconned with during the 1990s. Other studios were jealous of the awards success (some even cried foul that Miramax lobbied too hard for awards) and their financial track record. Dimension produced popular fare that would not have been appropriate under the Disney banner. And the company lead the way in a cultural film revolution that sadly is no more.
Relax, this is jt you're talking to here. Just put that into perspective.:lol: