I'm also curious and am following this thread in case we learn more. I'm going for a one-night solo trip and have yet to figure out what I want to do. I believe buses should start at 5:15, but I don't want to mess with that. So I've thought of Lyft or a Minnie Van.
Not a bad idea, but I've decided to try and limit costs where I can. So I'm also pretty likely not doing a Minnie Van either. I was just curious for that one trip if it's worth it.
I know the Minnie Vans are on the more expensive side but that isn't the case for Lyft and Uber. We got from Port Orleans Riverside to Universal Studios for $15 and it was generally about $10-$12 for getting between resorts and parks at WDW.
I looked up what a Lyft would cost from All-Star Movies to DHS, and it's a little less than $10. That doesn't include tip of course. So that's not too bad, but it does add up if you use it a few more times.