New Member
Hello Everyone! I am new to the forum, but have been to the wonderful world 10+ times. My husband and I got married while at WDW last year! We are planning a return trip for 2015. I have only been in November and once in February. We are thinking September because it gives us time to save for the trip, And we are going back in April 2016 with a large family group so that gives us some time after we come home to save money for that trip! Anyway! I am thinking sept12-20 that way we have 2 days of the food and wine fest, but are still in a low attendance time at the beginning of our trip. The only thing I am worried about is rain! How bad is it usually? Also we are going to try the French quarter. Before this I have stayed at AOA ASMovies and POP. We are usually a value resort family, but would like to try a mod on out first solo trip. Thanks for the help!