MickeyMan101's FIrst Picture update!


Original Poster
One last word

I would just like to say-Isnt this site supposed to be where you go and share what you have, Learn about things,help OTHER people out with their problems(ex. I rember a post on what it takes to be an imagineer) etc.

That's what i was wondering and I do beleive i covered about all those-doesnt look like i did anything wrong-Thanks for the Support EVERYONE!:sohappy:



New Member
Also, by your logic, I have just as much right to post as he does, since its for everyone's benefit. If the staff of the board don't have a problem with how I post, then I can continue to do so.

I think if the staff doesn't care about how Mickey Man post then you shouldn't either! Let the staff desided when to much is to much!

Don't come here telling me I'm mistaken!!


Premium Member
Isn't there an "ignore" feature on the forums yet?

Either way, I just don't read the threads if they aren't interesting to me. Everyone has their 2 cents to share. Whether or not it is the best 2 cents is opinion of the reader.

Thanks for the photo update MM101.


Well-Known Member
MrNonacho said:

It's been there for as long as I can remember. If you're thinking of ignoring Thrawn, you can just click the link he provides with each of his posts.

Which makes it so ironic that he seems unable to do that himself...he said earlier that a "lot less people would be upset" if the OP didn't post - I didn't see anyone upset except for Thrawn until people started defending the OP against Thrawn's attacks.

However, we've wasted our breath enough about Thrawn - like a few other posters who occasionally have interesting things to say but overall are so negative and show such a lack of respect on such a consistent basis, I've taken his invitation to use the ignore feature. It's a shame, as he does occasionally have something interesting to say - unfortunately it's not worth reading through all his vitriol to find. We all have bad days; none of us are perfect. It just seems like some people come here to generally exercise their love of Disney - and others, well...come here daily to exercise their personal demons.



Premium Member
No offense to the person who took the time to post these wonderful photos (I did enjoy looking at them - especially the lego shots!), but just in general it seems like the rumors forum has turned into a "check out my vacation photos" forum. It seems like as long as someone sticks a photo of EE in their post that they get to post their trip report/photos here. There's been quite a few threads like this lately, some of them even get a 5 star rating (or whatever) even though half the content is silly vacation photos and not pertinent to rumors/news. I DO enjoy looking at photo threads, but I prefer them in the trip reports section. A year ago this particular forum was lots of interesting late-breaking news and I liked it that way. If I had some down time and I wanted to see someone's vacation photos I'd go to the trip reports forum. But now the trip report posts seem to be every where. That's just my opinion. Ultimately it is the site owner's decision where things go! ;)
Laura22 said:
But now the trip report posts seem to be every where. That's just my opinion. Ultimately it is the site owner's decision where things go! ;)
Exactly! If someone posts in the wrong section, their post should be moved and they should be reminded of posting rules/etiquette. If someone continually ignores the rules...ban them!

But if someone does it once, why do the usual thread vigilantes jump all over them and write things they're probably be too chicken to say in person?

If the mods were a little more engaged, this wouldn't be a problem. If they are staff, they aren't doing their jobs. If they are vounteers, there aren't enough of them.

That said...I'm making great use of the ignore feature and my blood pressure is better for it! Why should a quick visit to this board leave me shaking my head? It's all about having fun in Walt Disney World isn't it????

More and more I'm spending time at other sites where people are *gasp* actually nice to one another. Can you imagine???? No one feels the need to compensate for their own personal inadequacies by tearing down others.

I guess in the end that's how all this will resolve itself. Those of us who are tired of sarcastic, childish posts will leave and WDWMAGIC will be a happy, tiny community of self-proclaimed Disney experts who argue with each other over painful minutia all day long.



Well-Known Member
DisneyFans! said:
But if someone does it once, why do the usual thread vigilantes jump all over them and write things they're probably be too chicken to say in person?

Very good points. Life is too short to worry about what someone says on the Internet when they probably do not have to guts to say those things in person.

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