Michael Eisner


Original Poster
Come on, lay off the guy. Every last one of you bad mouth him for everything that he does. At least think of some of the good things that he has done. He introduced new theme parks and new resorts. Also known as the "Disney Decade." All I'm saying is that although he may be doing some bad things, there are also other people below him in the company that are just as bad. I'm not defending him, but consider what I say.

Thank you for any replies.


Please, don't generalize and say "every last one of you." I don't seem to recall having ever said anything that would be bashing Eisner, and I believe there are others out there, too. That's not my style! I don't defend him (publicly), but I don't berate him (publicly) either.

I love WDW, regardless of who has been at the helm.

DisneyFan 2000

Well-Known Member
1. Wrong section.

2. I don't live in the past! I live in an era where sequels are a good idea, and quite frankly, I'm FED UP! So I'll bad mouth him as much as I want because he is slowly destroying my beloved company!

But I do agree, not only he is rotten to the core! His fellow puppets (board members) are as bad as he is! :hurl:

EDIT: Sorry for sounding harsh but as I said, I'm fed up with the current situation! I think this is the first time I feel an angry feeling towards Disney! :(


Original Poster
Originally posted by sarajo
Please, don't generalize and say "every last one of you." I don't seem to recall having ever said anything that would be bashing Eisner, and I believe there are others out there, too. That's not my style! I don't defend him (publicly), but I don't berate him (publicly) either.

I love WDW, regardless of who has been at the helm.
Sorry about that, I'm just used to many people saying bad things about I figured many people disliked him. I apologize.


From what I have seen, the people who badmouth him DO acknowledge the good he has done. But good decisions in the past do not negate bad decisions in the present. If I was nice to you 5 years ago, but I'm a b**** to you now, what do you think of me? :p


Account Suspended
You know what? We can bad mouth him as much as we like. Most (notice I didnt say all) of us despise him. However, do you ever stop to see why?

Also, I am against flaming with opinions, however, if you have facts, you should flame all you want.

I have no problem with complainers, as long as they complain about pure facts which many have done and many have not.

so, my point is, I will complain about him until the day he leaves, just as Roy and Stanley and many if not most of us on here will.

People that screw up once are forgiven, twice are forgiven but after a while we all get fed up and say enough is enough and now no matter what Eisner does he will not win our faith back.

So, if you plan on sticking around here, please prepared to read about him constantly because we are here because we love Disney World, not Eisner, and we talk in regards for the desires we have for Disney World.

When we think Disney World, Michael Eisner does not pop into our minds as a hero.


Original Poster
Originally posted by civileng68
You know what? We can bad mouth him as much as we like. Most (notice I didnt say all) of us despise him. However, do you ever stop to see why?

Also, I am against flaming with opinions, however, if you have facts, you should flame all you want.

I have no problem with complainers, as long as they complain about pure facts which many have done and many have not.

so, my point is, I will complain about him until the day he leaves, just as Roy and Stanley and many if not most of us on here will.

People that screw up once are forgiven, twice are forgiven but after a while we all get fed up and say enough is enough and now no matter what Eisner does he will not win our faith back.

So, if you plan on sticking around here, please prepared to read about him constantly because we are here because we love Disney World, not Eisner, and we talk in regards for the desires we have for Disney World.

When we think Disney World, Michael Eisner does not pop into our minds as a hero.
Listen, he may have done things bad to the company but he has done good things. What he does should not affect you unless you work for him. So you can complain and have all the facts you want, but that will not help with anything. Sorry if I was rude, but i wanted to express my opinion.

And about having the facts, you have not noticed what he has done. If you take a look back at Disney history, he came when the company was in trouble and helped it. He introduced the Disney Decade and added many other things that helped the company.

Again, sorry if I was rude.


Account Suspended

well you are right in that in the past Eisner was awesome. He was a great CEO in the past and did wonderful things............however, just as the poster above said........the past doesn't make up for the present.

If I were your best friend 4 years ago and treat you like crap now, I bet you'd forget the past real quick wouldn't you?

We're not slamming him but I can tell you many of his downfalls right now and just as in the example, the past is now just that.

If he still cared like he did in the past, the past would still matter but his change has been 180 degrees so most of us just don't look in the past anymore.

DisneyFan 2000

Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Lennyg512
He introduced the Diseny Decade and added many other things that helped the company.

Again, sorry if I was rude.

He and Frank Wells. :animwink: Strangly after Well's death the company has declined!

And in my book, you are far from being rude!


Original Poster
Re: well

Originally posted by civileng68
well you are right in that in the past Eisner was awesome. He was a great CEO in the past and did wonderful things............however, just as the poster above said........the past doesn't make up for the present.

If I were your best friend 4 years ago and treat you like crap now, I bet you'd forget the past real quick wouldn't you?

We're not slamming him but I can tell you many of his downfalls right now and just as in the example, the past is now just that.

If he still cared like he did in the past, the past would still matter but his change has been 180 degrees so most of us just don't look in the past anymore.
But if you do not consider what happened in the past, it could have never happened. If he had not done what he did in the past, the Walt Disney Company would not be as it is today. I agree, he has been doing a terrible job lately, but if he changes his attitude and does as he did in the past, how he acts now would become the past and it would be forgotten.


Account Suspended
Originally posted by Lennyg512
Listen, he may have done things bad to the company but he has done good things. What he does should not affect you unless you work for him. So you can complain and have all the facts you want, but that will not help with anything. Sorry if I was rude, but i wanted to express my opinion.

And about having the facts, you have not noticed what he has done. If you take a look back at Disney history, he came when the company was in trouble and helped it. He introduced the Diseny Decade and added many other things that helped the company.

Again, sorry if I was rude.


There have been some pretty solid responses here to your original question about why we are unhappy with Eisner. Either you did not read any of them, or you didn't get the point. I would suggest you go back and re-read the responses though. This argument you are now making has already been pretty clearly rebutted.


New Member
We build them up just to tear them down.

If you don't like what he has been doing for Disney - that's ok, tell us all about it, but don't bash the man. He's not a bad person, in fact the one person in all of this who gives off the worst image is Roy Disney, he should be working to keep the company together not rip it apart and Steve Jobs is no better. I'm sure you will think I'm wrong because Roy has painted Michael Eisner as the anti-christ:fork:


Account Suspended
Re: Re: well

Originally posted by Lennyg512
but if he changes his attitude and does as he did in the past, how he acts now would become the past and it would be forgotten.

There's one problem: He won't.

Over 40% voted against him at the Conference and it's almost now like he's taking it personal against Disney's most faithful. The problem with Eisner is very simple yet something very difficult to change.........and that is.................any CEO of Disney does it with full intentions of making money, but the problem with Eisner is that is his ONLY care.

He won't change. He nearly has an "in your face" attitude towards the people who voted against him.

He has no intentions of changing. That has become obvious and that is why we demand he be removed.


Account Suspended

Originally posted by MartyMouse
We build them up just to tear them down.

If you don't like what he has been doing for Disney - that's ok, tell us all about it, but don't bash the man. He's not a bad person, in fact the one person in all of this who gives off the worst image is Roy Disney, he should be working to keep the company together not rip it apart and Steve Jobs is no better. I'm sure you will think I'm wrong because Roy has painted Michael Eisner as the anti-christ:fork:

You see here's the difference between flaming and speaking out against Eisner.

I have said on these same boards that the man is a BRILLIANT business man. However, that same great quality is the one that is going to tear him down.

I will respectfully disagree that Roy is making things look bad. Roy has spoken harshly and shown a major dislike for Michael, however, I respect that he's not fake. If Roy were acting like buds with him, we'd all know he was lying. Between the two, I respect the one that's honest.

Also, I feel Roy has a completely legitimate reason, more than any other, to feel very negatively towards things. Roy cannot "help pull the company together" because Eisner refuses to let him touch anything. Roy sees the company dragging it's feet and if he's working there, he is considered by others as part of the problem since he is associated with it. That is why he's outside now. Roy knew he could never make the change from the inside because nobody would take him seriously. It was only when he disassociated himself with the company that bears his own last name did people open their eyes. It was the only way.

He had many meetings and communications with Eisner on his feelings for years before this happened, yet you never heard of it. That's the problem. You never heard of it when Roy was on the inside trying to change it, so the share holders just kept thinking everything was beautiful when it wasnt. If Eisner has listened this would never be happening.

Roy leaving and speaking out was an absolute last resort and I respect his desire and love and dedication to what he is doing.

We don't have to agree, that's fine, but I just have to say that I fully support Roy and Stanley.


Original Poster
I would like to thank everyone of you for your input on this topic. You have showed me many of your different views and ideas of what has happened, is happening, and will happen. Civileng68, thank you for rebutting everything I said. I found your views, along with all of the others, reasonable. I respect all of you.

Thank you.

DisneyFan 2000

Well-Known Member
Originally posted by MartyMouse
in fact the one person in all of this who gives off the worst image is Roy Disney, he should be working to keep the company together not rip it apart and Steve Jobs is no better. I'm sure you will think I'm wrong because Roy has painted Michael Eisner as the anti-christ:fork:

Well to me Roy is my hero. Everything he's saying are things that the board were and still are too afraid to say out loud! Right now his job is to make him look as bad as he can get so people will come to realise he is wrong for Disney. You know what? Roy isn't the only one! Long before SaveDisney Spielberg got into a personal argument with Eisner about the same issues, so it shows Roy isn't just bashing Eisner for the kicks!


Well-Known Member
I think is is too late for Roy no matter what he does now. He had momentum but now it is gone....

I think Eisner did a lot of good and some bad. I just feel that for some people it is the "cool thing" to jump on him. I hear it all the time from people I know but when asked why they should get rid of Eisner they have no idea....kinda funny. A lot of people use emotion in this also which is fine but you also need to look at it from a fiscal sense. The parks ARE improving imo while the movies/tv are failing bad. In fact I dont think the parks are the major concern at all for the company its actually the movies and TV which have gone down hill a ton...and dont get me started about ABC family.

Just my opinion :)


New Member
Originally posted by Erika
From what I have seen, the people who badmouth him DO acknowledge the good he has done. But good decisions in the past do not negate bad decisions in the present. If I was nice to you 5 years ago, but I'm a b**** to you now, what do you think of me? :p

Sorry, but I just can't picture you being a b****. You're one of the nicest people here. Then again I don't live with you. :lol:

:wave: ACE


Account Suspended

Originally posted by blackride
I think is is too late for Roy no matter what he does now. He had momentum but now it is gone....

I think Eisner did a lot of good and some bad. I just feel that for some people it is the "cool thing" to jump on him. I hear it all the time from people I know but when asked why they should get rid of Eisner they have no idea....kinda funny. A lot of people use emotion in this also which is fine but you also need to look at it from a fiscal sense. The parks ARE improving imo while the movies/tv are failing bad. In fact I dont think the parks are the major concern at all for the company its actually the movies and TV which have gone down hill a ton...and dont get me started about ABC family.

Just my opinion :)

Actually the momentum is not gone at all, you just don't hear about it as much on here because everyone's pretty much tired of saying anything about Eisner and then the few that support him slamming the one's that hate him.

Wait until next convention time, you'll hear the sparks start flying again. It won't stop until he's gone.


New Member
Originally posted by DisneyFan 2000
Well to me Roy is my hero. Everything he's saying are things that the board were and still are too afraid to say out loud! Right now his job is to make him look as bad as he can get so people will come to realise he is wrong for Disney. You know what? Roy isn't the only one! Long before SaveDisney Spielberg got into a personal argument with Eisner about the same issues, so it shows Roy isn't just bashing Eisner for the kicks!

Roy is your hero because he has painted himself as the hero who is a victim of Eisner, he is trying to manipulate the public around him by using his uncles good name. Roy lined his pockets with the Disney gold for years and never said a word until he reached the age where he was being forced to retire. There is something wrong with the Disney Company but Roy is part of the problem not the solution.

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