Merchandise Choices


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Is anyone besides me a little disappointed in the limited choice of merchandise available in the parks anymore? It seems like I saw the same 5 sweatshirts everywhere I went. And this is the first time I didn't buy an ornament for my tree - couldn't find anything with a date and just about everything I saw was the same stuff I could buy here at home at the Disney Store.

Mr Bill

Well-Known Member
Trust me, you aren't alone. Everything seems so generic now, and there's no real point in going into any store besides the Emporium, Mouse Gear, or World of Disney.


Account Suspended
There's a few holdouts, for example the store at Soarin has the unique little plants made from clipping at Living with the Land. Generally though, going outside of Epcot and you're going to see the same merch in every store.


Active Member
They aren't tapping some big markets. HM neefs a giftshop with HM merchandise. PoTC has one with PoTC merchandise. ToT has another with ToT merchandise. Even Stitch has one, and they all seem to do well. Tattoine Traders too.

Spacsship Earth Shop anyone?



Well-Known Member
Generic merchandise seems the wave o the future at the world. It is even getting difficult to find park-specific merchandise anymore, forget ride-specific stuff.

And try to get something with just your resort name on it like you used to be able to....Good luck!

The Disney Parks push is probably good business for the company, but it just seems to upset hardcore Disneyophiles by separatin us from the cool souviners we are looking for...:eek:

Main Street USA

Well-Known Member
I went down for the ToT 13k a few months back, and I left without buying anything at all. I went all through DTD and just didn't see anything worth spending any money on. I really wanted a few specific maybe a golf shirt and hat...but they had virtually the same stuff as a year ago. Just......blah. It's a shame.


Account Suspended
Yeah, I used to buy stuff all the time at Disney, and now it's rare for me to purchase more then a bottle of water - i'm hard pressed to even get food at this point because the same burgers and chicken fingers dont appeal and the selection keeps dwindling.


Account Suspended
And a note for the Holidays.. I used to shop for everything at Disney for my holiday gifts. This year, the only thing I gave from WDW was a mini-garden cactus. The bland and generic just isn't good gifting.


Well-Known Member
What I was really surprised at how the scrapbook store and the Disney at Home stores in DTD have really scaled back the amount and variety of merchandise. Considering scrapbooking is so big, you'd think that they would have more stuff. I was really disapointed at the Disney at Home store. Usually I buy a lot of stuff there, but not this year. The store also had a large assortment of over priced non-Disney items.

I did manage to spend a small fortune in the Art of Disney and the Christmas Shop. Some things never change.


Well-Known Member
I was there last week and saw ONE ToT t-shirt with artwork on the back that I really wanted. Of course they didn't have my size (XL). I just don't understand the horrible selection of ride-oriented stuff. I did get a cool new (I think) OKW shirt and the Tink night shirt for my GF. But that one's been around for a while. I think 3-4 of my ex-GFs have that one. :lol:


New Member
Yeah, I must agree. My wife and I have actually talked alot about this especially after our last two trips. We're still relatively new to "The World" since we have only been going since April of 2005 but it seems like even back then the selection of merchandise was much better. Do you think it has anything to do with the Year of A Million Dreams celebration? It seems like there was more variety and creativity during the Happiest Celebration On Earth. I seem to remember more attraction specific merchandise just three short years ago. I remember seeing several Space Mountain shirts that I really liked in April of '05 but when I went to look for them a year later they were nowhere to be seen as a matter of fact there weren't any SM shirts at all!

Disney knows that most of thier guests love to spend money on merchandise, the fact that there are a bazillion shops scattered all over property is a testament to this, so you'd think they would pour more time and money into developing more diverse and unique merchandise. My wife and I have bought alot of Disney clothing on Ebay and I am constantly wowed by some of the cool merchandise we find from just a few short years ago, especially the Disneyland stuff. While I'm whining let me say that the mens section at World of Disney is absolutely pathetic, but then again, the men's section at MOST clothing stores is pathetic.

We do most of our shopping at, you can find some amazing deals there and they tend to update thier merchandise quite frequently. Contrary to another posters statement, Disney Store merchandise tends to be exclusive and can't be found in any of the parks and vice versa.

I keep hoping that we will see some new merch rolled out for the second year of YOAMD and for the retheming of of MGM to DHS.


New Member
I agree, the merchandise has become much more generic. Also, maybe its just me but the year logo merchandise like "2007" or "2008" is ugly...


Well-Known Member
I used to love when they had a huge selection of mens wear such as
-dress socks
-belts-dress shirts
-dress watches-rolex looking with Mickey
-briefcases and business accessories like Mickey Stationary

Disney Store used to have alot too but cant lump them in same boat since they were Disney Consumer Products verses Disney Parks/Resorts.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
While I'm whining let me say that the mens section at World of Disney is absolutely pathetic, but then again, the men's section at MOST clothing stores is pathetic.

Yeah, that was one of my biggest complaints. I was looking for a nice denim shirt for DH, seeing as how he doesn't golf, or wear a dress shirt & tie for work. Zip, nada, nothing, so I ended up getting him a John Wayne video at the Virgin store Downtown.....


New Member
Disney just signed a deal with Hanes, so I bet that most of the clothing that they already had from their previous vendor (a local Florida shop I think) needs to be sold through before bringing in the new stuff. I am not sure when Hanes will be sold in the parks, but I am sure it will be soon.


Well-Known Member
Disney just signed a deal with Hanes, so I bet that most of the clothing that they already had from their previous vendor (a local Florida shop I think) needs to be sold through before bringing in the new stuff. I am not sure when Hanes will be sold in the parks, but I am sure it will be soon.

Some of the newer clothing items already bear the Hanes label. I've seen it on many pieces already.


Active Member
I've noticed since 2001 that merchandise had really gone downhill. I used to love to shop in the World, but everything looks the same anymore.


Well-Known Member
While I'm whining let me say that the mens section at World of Disney is absolutely pathetic, but then again, the men's section at MOST clothing stores is pathetic.

I was pleasantly surprised at the selection in World of Disney at DTD back in September. They had a great selection of ties plus theywere on sale. I bought four. There was also a really good selection of the golf and short sleeve shirts. I bought four as well. They could improve on the quality and variety of long sleeve shirts. I'm really getting tired of seeing denim and white.

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