I've tried searching and have read through the various topics but am still a little unsure about the memory maker package and how it works with multiple groups.
We have a faimly holiday to WDW booked for next year, all of my family is going but in two seperate groups. My group is arriving 4 days after mys sisters group. I have already created the My Magic account for everyone in my group and connected it to my sisters group and I will be booking fast passes for my group her for hers.
I want to purchase the memory maker package in advance and want control of the account as I'm paying for it but if my sister is connected and starts getting photos before I arrive will her photos still be on the memory maker package so she doesn't need to purchase it as well?
Also from reading the info about it here do the ride photos only work for the main account holder (me) even if the ride photos are automatic with the magic bands for my sister?
We have a faimly holiday to WDW booked for next year, all of my family is going but in two seperate groups. My group is arriving 4 days after mys sisters group. I have already created the My Magic account for everyone in my group and connected it to my sisters group and I will be booking fast passes for my group her for hers.
I want to purchase the memory maker package in advance and want control of the account as I'm paying for it but if my sister is connected and starts getting photos before I arrive will her photos still be on the memory maker package so she doesn't need to purchase it as well?
Also from reading the info about it here do the ride photos only work for the main account holder (me) even if the ride photos are automatic with the magic bands for my sister?