Trip Report Memories of a Sept. 2017 birthday trip & Dec '17 PTR..whaaaat?

Hello fellow Disney Lovers! It has been several weeks (8 actually) since our trip to WDW and I am finally getting a chance to write this trip report. My goal was do at least part of it live - hahahahha - impossible. For those who have made it happen, I bow down to you. LOL.

So my first report on here was the PTR for this trip. I will find a way to link to it (just have to look up the directions again). But this was originally an all-girls family trip then turned into a mother-daughter trip with me and my youngest DD due to many unforeseen life changes. That's us in the profile pic. So here goes...

Day 1 – departure & arrival:

On Tuesday, my work day could not end fast enough! I had a plane heading towards Disney to catch. Luckily no issues getting home from work – you never know with LA traffic. Did a final check of the house and out the door we went to catch our Uber to LAX. Our trip to the airport was uneventful and we made it with plenty of time to spare even with rush hour traffic. We checked our luggage and off through security we went. Got through in a decent amount of time but then got held up while they checked my carry-on. My carry-on never gets a more through look so I was totally miffed. Plus, its LAX and honestly security personnel there are VERY unfriendly. Anyway, come to find out I had a 4.6 oz tube of brand new un-opened toothpaste in there. Not sure why I put it there and not in luggage – but it’s not a liquid is it? I know I have gotten through with full size toothpaste before so I tried to negotiate (LOL) to no avail of course and ended up having to toss the whole thing. Boy I hope they donate that kind of stuff to charities or shelters because that is a HUGE waste of useable products.

I was pretty annoyed for a bit but then told myself – hey, you are going to Disney and who doesn’t want to buy $10 Disney toothpaste? Seriously though we are going on vacation so it’s time to chill and not sweat the small stuff. So we grabbed some grub and chilled out in the under construction airport area. Not impressed with Delta’s current reconstruction at LAX – but again it’s vacation and we are just passing through – not living there. We were happy when it was finally time to board so that we could catch come zzzz’s since this is the red eye and tomorrow will be a long day.

We managed to get a little sleep and knowing that our first day at Disney was pretty relaxed I wasn’t too worried about. We arrived right on time at 5:40 AM in Orlando. I was thrilled not to have to wait around for our luggage at baggage claim and thus we headed straight to meet our Magical Express chariot. Now, it has been a few years since our last visit to MCO and some things have changed. We of course stopped to grab our first photo of Mickey!

Neither my daughter nor I were going to get into that picture after 5 hours overnight on a plane. :cautious:

And then I noticed the balconies looking out over us – and given how early it was in the morning – there was in fact someone in a robe on one of the upper floors. For real? They are not just facades, but actual room balconies? Am I the only one who feels this is a bit odd?

Ok, moving on…...We arrived at the podium, scanned our bands and headed right onto the (Disney Cruise Line) bus.

There were no lines, obviously! It was us and 3 other parties on the bus – two of whom I am almost certain were on our plane from LA – and we departed within 10 minutes of us boarding. The Yacht Club was the 2nd stop and even though I had done online check-in, we decided to stop by the front anyway.

They verified my room preferences and even did a quick check to see if there was anything ready at 6:15 in the morning. Since there was not we stuck with the room we were already assigned (number unknown at that time) since it met my requests and decided to check our carry-ons with bell services. Since our breakfast reservation was not for another 2 hours we decided to run to the convenience store and grab some toothpaste. We then wandered around the grounds for a bit so I could grab some lovely sunrise photos.

So quiet and serene at this time of the day......

These are not @fractal quality photos as I decided to just use my phone - but still lovely in their own right.

Given how slow transportation can be we decided to begin our trek to breakfast. We waited a while (22 minutes) for a Magic Kingdom bus and then again it took a bit to get through security once at the park. It was first thing in the morning when most people are heading to the parks so we were glad we gave ourselves extra time. It took us about 1 hour from the time we sat down at YC bus stop to the time we got through security at MK. We then hopped on the monorail and headed to. . .
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Day 1 Continued.......

The Polynesian Village Resort for our breakfast at Kona Café was our destination.

This was our first time seeing the renovated lobby. I love the chandelier here in the center. While I do miss the lovely waterfall, the space feels so much more open and airy and bright now. I saw a lot of people just lounging and enjoying drinks or snacks.

We made it to our ADR just barely on time and waited an additional 10 minutes before they sat us. My phone was doing crazy things at that point and thus – no food photos. I ordered the mimosa flight (don't judge me I'm on vacation ;)) & Tonga Toast; while my daughter ordered the egg platter. We substituted fruit for the meats in entrees and everything was delicious. We were literally stuffed and knew we needed to walk off some of that food so after breakfast we wondered the shops a bit at Poly as well as GF before heading back to our hotel. Once back at the Yacht Club we walked over to the Ship Shape Salon & Spa and checked in for our 12:00 massages followed by pedicures at 1:30 to help get us in the “vacation state of mind.”

Spa Review:
Ship Shape is a lovely day spa with an inviting waiting room. They have some water and snacks available along with fresh fruit. The bathroom has a shower and toiletries as well as lockers for your belongings. We did not wait long before our therapists came to gather us for our massages. I was disappointed that we did not receive robes or slippers – especially since we were there for 2 spa treatments each but we survived. The massage itself was average as was my daughters. The thing to know about me is that (while not my regular job) I am a licensed massage therapist. So I am probably a harsher critic than the average customer. My therapist was a little short with me at times and at one point I felt like she was reprimanding me, lol. I took it all in stride but for the price they charge, even though it’s Disney, I expected more. I get frustrated when a therapist has a “routine” they run through regardless of your personal needs. We had specifically purchased the custom massage, which was extra, but I did not feel that my massage was custom. My daughter felt the same way about hers. On a scale of 1-10, we would rate our massages as 6/10. Following our massages we freshened up a bit and then headed to the other end of the salon for our pedicures. Our nail technicians were lovely. They were friendly, chatty, and made us laugh several times. It felt like they were really taking their time with us and that they enjoy their jobs. The foot bath was HOT – which I love because it stay shot until the end. The scrubs and lotions were pleasant smelling and they did a nice job softening our feet without hurting us. The leg & foot massage component were so-so and no better or worse than I get anywhere else. My technician even commented that her skills would not be on par with the massage therapist, LOL. Honestly – it was about the same. Overall we were pleased with the pedicures and would give an 8/10.

Just as we were finishing up with our pedicures we got the room ready text so off we went to see our room.

2 Queen beds; Full tub

I was pleased to have gotten a gazebo view as we were able to see a sliver of water as well. On several mornings and evenings there was a family of bunnies below us in the garden area.


After unpacking and getting settles we decided on a short nap. The original plan was a nap by the pool but we opted for the comfy beds. Around dinner time we walked over to Epcot and wandered around looking for dinner. This was our first time visiting during food & wine and we were excited to start trying the food and drink items on our list of must try’s. I am not a big drinker, but there were several adult beverages I was looking forward to trying.

I did not take notes during our trip as I thought my memory was a steal trap. :facepalm: Hahahahaha...jokes on me. So, I am basing it on the order of my pictures. A few of them did not turn out or were accidentally deleted so there are a few holes. Of course that matches my memory so we're good. :p

Our first food stop was at …. actually I have no idea, LOL. I am pretty sure my daughter was in the mood for trying the Kalua Pork Slider from Hawaii. I was certain I took a picture but can't seem to find it anywhere. If I recall correctly we liked it - nice combination of sweet and spicy.

Then it was on to Canada for the "Le Cellier" Filet Mignon which was tender and very tasty!


We wandered around the Canada for a while and really took in all the little nooks and crannies. But since we hadn't eaten since breakfast those two snacks were not going to hold us over for long. We continued to meander around the various areas and landed at Islands of the Caribbean. Here we tried the Mojo Pork with black beans and a frozen mojito. Both were good (not amazing) but still hit the spot.


This area was quite lovely in my opinion and I took a few more scenic shots while we ate.

The entryway/walkway....

and another angle....

And finally a view of spaceship earth....

As we wandered around world showcase we made a stop at the Almond Orchard booth. While we did not make a food purchase today, I loved this view....

We did a lot more wandering around the countries and in and out of the various shops in the area. We finally finished the night with illuminations and then headed back to our hotel thus ending day 1 of our vacation. By this point we were pretty exhausted and I think we fell asleep as soon as our heads hit the pillows.


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Day 2 First stop Magic Kingdom then more Food & Wine!

Good Morning from the Yacht Club!

Ok, so those beds are amazing and I slept great! We had no issues with the AC overnight and our room remained at our desired temperature. Mind you we don’t like it freezing so we kept it at about 72, I think. I also brought my mini fan to help with white noise which worked out beautifully. Today we were off to Magic Kingdom with a FP for Peter Pan. It was a fairly short wait for the bus this morning but I really felt bad for folks staying at the Beach Club. While my daughter and I loved the look of the BC, we decided that would not be on our hotel choice given how crowded the bus stop was every time we stopped there and the fact that usually the bus was already half full from YC. Once at MK it was fairly quick to get through security and we LOVE the AP lines to get into the parks. That’s a huge perk that we do not have at Disneyland.

Gotta love the Fall decorations. Though I do have to admit that I like DL fall decorations a bit better. It's probably because of the scale difference between the 2 parks but DL seems to have more jack-o-lanterns down main street and overall area coverage. Ok, enough of that! Our goal is to make our first FP and so we headed straight to PP. Of course you can't walk down main street on your first day at MK and not take a picture of this......

While I really love the DL Fall decorations, the castle here is pretty amazing! We made it to PP which I can hardly ever ride at DL because of the line. And my DD couldn't recall the last time she rode this ride and wanted to do it again she liked it so much, lol. But alas our tummy's are growling so it was off to Sleepy Hollow where we just had to try the Fruit & Nutella Waffle – yum, yum, yum!

Doesn't this look delicious?

I thought we would share one but that was a hard no from her - so we each got one. I feel like this sandwich is as big as her face!

We shared our table with the cutest couple enjoying their anniversary at Disney. As is typical there were several little ducks waddling around looking for scraps. Unfortunately, there were also too many people tossing them hunks of their breakfasts. And of the course the one small child trying to step on the duck. Hello...does this child belong to someone?????

After we stuffed ourselves with hazelnut covered yumminess, we headed towards liberty square to meet up with my cousin and her DH. They managed to snag same day FP that aligned with our remaining 2. We met up at HM

By the time they joined us the FP line was now a medium pass, lol but it gave us time to catch up as we haven't seen each other in about 10 years. After HM we wandered back towards adventureland stopping in shops along the way. Our tag-a-longs are AP holders and only live about 2 hours away so they are all about wandering around, eating, and people watching. They were in need of a snack so we stopped at a bench and did a little people watching.

And who should cross our path........but mini Cinderella herself.....

She looked adorable but it was H.O.T. and she was decked out with gloves and all. I am hoping her carriage came with AC. we continued to wander ever so slowly and ran into this......

I had heard about this new show so we were happy to run across it. It was the signing of the Declaration of Independence. It was pretty entertaining. Hopefully on a future visit we can catch the Paul Revere story. So after the show we hopped on over to catch our next FP which was for Pirates. Not to continue to compare but I do enjoy our DL version of this ride a bit better.

Following our visit with the pirates we headed back toward the front of the park and decided to hop on the train for a full circle ride around the park. But of course we had to snap a few more pictures first.

Hmmm, it's getting a bit cloudy.....

At the last minute we decided to get off in Fantasyland where we checked out Big Top Souvenirs. We walked the back path to Tomorrowland where he hopped on the PM, got some ice cream, and snagged a FP for Buzz. Our experience on this ride was humiliating, lol. I think I racked up about 3500 points. :mad: The guns are stuck to the ride vehicle and being so used to the DL version where you can literally turn around backgrounds in your seat to shoot something (without spinning the whole car) I was at a complete loss. My competitive side was very disappointed, but my I'm on vacation side found it hysterical! After buzz we had to sop into some another shop and while perusing the Star Wars merchandise I was accosted by none other than iCan. He first said hello and asked me if I was enjoying myself. Why yes, of course I said. He then asked if I had bought him something. I offered him a gift (stuffed toy from the pile next to me) which he graciously accepted stating that he loved it. He then indicated he had a gift for me, spun around once, and offered me the toy I had just given him. LOL. This was our first time seeing him and we found the exchange quite entertaining.

After that we knew it was time for a break. We made our way towards the front of the park, but first, we decided to stop for some magic shots.....
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Enjoying the read so far! Looking forward to more of this one and hearing the details for your December trip:)

Thanks for tagging along. I know I need to get this one in the books ASAP as it's only 18 days until our next trip....YIKES!


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Day 2 - Continued ....

Since we have the photopass/memory maker as part of our AP and I am usually the one taking photos thus never in them, we tried to do as many of these as we were willing to wait in line for.

This next one I am pretty sure we took first thing in the morning on our way to our first FP - tinkerbell and all...

Ok, so given how long the bus ride took us this morning and the fact that my DD's tummy was a little off, we opted for monorail to Epcot and then walking back through the International gateway to our hotel. As a result, we managed one more pic together.....

We knew it was unlikely we would be entering Epcot from the front of the park for the remainder of this trip so this was actually a good time to do so. We also managed to catch this fun photo of Mickey grilling....

After our quick walk through Epcot, we headed back to the hotel for a short rest. DD ended up napping and I wandered around the hotel grounds and pool area.

I really do love the views from the Y&BC.....

After our rest we met back up with our family for some food & wine fun. While I did not get photos of all the things we tried, I managed to photograph some of the of our 1st stops was in France where we tried the Beef Bourguignon & La Passion Martini Slush.

The drink was delicious!!! 10/10. The BB was good but not the best I've ever had. 7/10. Next up was Hops & Barley near the America Adventure where we tried the New England Lobster Roll....

This was sooooo good. The lobster was flavorful, and the roll was lightly toasted with a hint of garlic. Delicious!!! 10/10 - in fact I ended up stopping in there again towards the end of our trip. ***edit: The 2nd tasting of this dish was probably only an 8/10 ****

Some additional things the group tried (sans photos) included the Calamari from Italy (average); Black Pepper shrimp & Kung Fu Punch from China (both good); Loaded Mac & Cheese from Active Eats (average); Ravioli from Earth Eats (very good); and Piggy Wings from Flavors from Fire (very good). ***Edit: some additional drinks I forgot about since I now had a partner in crime (it's coming back in bits & pieces, lol) included: Moroccan Sangria from Morocco (meh); Frozen Strawberry-Lemon Sunset w/Vodka from Joffrey's (yum); Grand Marnier Slush from France (yum); Moscato from Italy (average); and I know there was something else that I didn't like so much. *** All in all it was a successful night and we had some fun eating & drinking around world showcase. Bonus was that I got to do it with family that I haven't seen in forever! And a few night shots from around the world.....


One more....

We hung around for most of illuminations again but watched from a different vantage point this time, then after making plans to meet up in the morning, we parted ways. We were looking forward to a quick dip in the hot tub and then another night in our comfy beds.....
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Following along

YC is one of my favs based on location and not as rambunctious as the BC

I am glad that you took the time to tour around my home pavilion and enjoyed the filet

And I get the comparison process with DLR
Buzz is much easier on the left coast

Keep the updates coming!!!



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Following along

YC is one of my favs based on location and not as rambunctious as the BC

I am glad that you took the time to tour around my home pavilion and enjoyed the filet

And I get the comparison process with DLR
Buzz is much easier on the left coast

Keep the updates coming!!!


Thanks for following along Max! We absolutely loved the YC - it was our first time and we would definitely stay in that area again. We realized we had never really fully explored the countries as the kids were little in the past and not overly interested. This time it was one of our main focuses and now Epcot is my DD favorite park. And of course she wants to see the real version of many of the countries - including your beloved Canada! ;)


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Day 3 - Animal Kingdom here we come!

Today we had breakfast reservations at Captain’s Grille which was temporarily relocated to Ariel’s Grotto during construction, with a somewhat smaller menu. Our waiter was attentive and the décor is cute. I ordered the mickey waffles and my daughter ordered the dark chocolate waffles. Both were very good.


After breakfast we headed to Animal Kingdom where we were once again meeting up with my cousin and her DH. We took our time at the entrance to the oasis area in search of animals. I was so busy searching for animals I almost missed DiVine!

Do you see her?

How about now?

We moved into the Discovery Island area as we started our trek towards Africa and our first FP of the day for Kilimanjaro Safari. But first the obligatory tree of life photo....

We got lucky with quite a few animals out and about on the ride. I do not have any pictures because I had arranged a live video of the ride for my sister’s day care kids. She was unable to make the trip as she opened her childcare business this Fall and so with the help of technology she and her students rode along with us from upstate New York.

After KS we headed to Gorilla Falls…..

Ok, so no it's not a gorilla....which we did see plenty of but with my phone the pics are pretty poor. I did get this one though....

At that moment I, too, could have used a nap in the shade. It was pretty hot today so we cooled off with some ice cream and water and then meandered over to Asia so that ½ of our group could do Everest. Along the way we observed these guys monkeying around…

We actually watched them for quite a while as their antics were amusing. And observing the problem solving skills of the younger ones had me fascinated for quite some time as I compared their skills to those of the human children I work with.

By this time is was mid-afternoon and my cousin needed to head out towards home as her DH had a night course that evening. But, we switched them out for my dad who drove up from Pompano Beach to hang with us. Here we are…...can you guess where this shot was taken?

With him in tow we headed towards finding a late lunch. Originally we had reservations for Yak & Yeti which I hear is great. However, given my dad is a picky eater and I knew he would not want to spend $20 on a hamburger, lol, we chose to eat at Rainforest. We were seated pretty quickly in spite of no ADR but our server was slower than molasses in the wintertime. We saw the server from the table next to us more often than our own. Thank goodness she was willing to help us out here and there. The food was as expected and everyone seemed to enjoy their meals – even my dad.

After lunch we began our trek to.......?? If you guessed Pandora (above) then you win!!! Ok, so this place is pretty cool I have to I admit. I was kind of mesmerized by the floating rocks. But then my mind drifted to upkeep and the actual day to day management of this area. Not a job I would want…and what did they make them out of? I think I read somewhere after our trip there are 22 floating rocks…..hmm, I may need to try counting during my next trip. After I was done contemplating all the challenges I thought this land created for Disney cast members we headed to grab our boat down the Navi River. Luckily our shaman was working well. I know folks have mentioned the lack of story but I have to be honest I am not sure I would have noticed a story had there been one. The bio-luminescence is just plain cool!!!! I grabbed no ride pictures because I was too busy swiveling my head all around to make sure I was seeing it all. But, I did grab some shots of the land itself....

Oops, ran out of room for pics - moving on to Part 2.....


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Day 3 - Continued......

More Pandora shots.....

They look so much better on my phone....:cry: Oh well, a few more....

Last one...

After Pandora we headed deep into the African jungle so we could see The Lion King! And to escape the rain….while in Pandora the clouds became pretty ominous so it was a perfect time for an indoor show. We loved the Lion King even my dad, who not really into musicals, thought it was a lot of fun.

After the show we worked our way slowly towards the exit. We had a FP for RoL; however, my DD was having some tummy issues again because of the heat and so we decided to head back to the hotel for a rest. I was bummed about not seeing the night time show; however, it was still early in our trip so I thought we'd be able to see it another night.....guess what? We didn't!

After she was feeling better and the temp cooled off a bit we decided to walk over to Epcot. Seriously I LOVE the location of YC for F&W experiences. We were starting to get a little hungry by this point and decided on trying out another food item and ensuring we had room for dessert. Again, I forgot to take the appropriate pictures of everything but did manage to snap a pic of the Lump Crab Cake from Coastal Eats (average)....

We also tried the Cauliflower Risotto from The Almond Orchard which was very good (no pic). I forget what my dad tried. Then we moved on to desserts! Our first stop was the Chocolate Studio where we tried both the Liquid Nitro Chocolate-Almond truffle (it looks hideous but tasted wonderful) & the Dark Chocolate Raspberry Torte.


And before we left for the night we also tried this (see below) which was amazing!!!! I think it was the Warm Chocolate Pudding w/Irish Creme Liquor from Ireland. I remember being surprised it presented more like a lava cake. But it was very good.

We had plans at some point to try the Tipsy Laird from Scotland - only because my last name is Laird. We never did - but there is always next year!!!

I think this ended our 3rd day as we were tired, hot, and very full. While I did not report on our step count earlier in the trip I recall my dad stating his legs hurt. It was probably because we had walked about 13,000 steps which equated to more than 5 miles.....o_O


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Day 4 - Hollywood Studios & a dessert party

Today we got a late start, taking our time to get motivated and spending a little bit of the morning by the pool. Honestly, storm-a-long bay is pretty amazing. Around noon we headed to HS for our first FP at TSM. There were 3 of us so I competed against no one! My daughter and I love this ride in DCA but the queue at HS is really cool. This was my dad's first time on this ride and he really liked it as well.

Having never been, we had a lunch ADR at none other than.....

Sci-Fi Dine-In Theater! The reviews appear to be mixed on this place but we enjoyed ourselves and the food. It was too dark to take photos - or maybe I was too hungry to remember to do so - so sorry no photos. My dad ordered the classic burger, which he said was good. My daughter and I ordered the BBQ burger and the fried pickles and split them. We love the fried pickles at Carnation Cafe in DL. Unfortunately they were only so-so today at Sci-Fi, but I did enjoy the burger.

The grown-ups sat in the front - the "kid" in the back! :joyfull:

After lunch we hit up Beauty & the Beast live on stage. Cute show. Great costumes (as always) and Gaston was hysterical!


On our way to the next show we ran into this.....


We actually ran into them twice as we were looking for something for one of my nephews and somehow landed in their scary path. Finally we made it to our next destination.

I haven't seen this show in forever. It's still the exact same stunts and jokes but I still laughed and had a good time. Years ago when my kids were little I was picked to participate and they thought it was the best thing ever!

Not too long after this it started to rain so to avoid being soaked we wandered around Walt Disney Presents.
Hey, this looks familiar......

Excited for this next year...

Keep reading for Galactic Spectacular Dessert Party pics......


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Day 4 - Continued...

It was still raining after spending time meandering through the models so we wandered around Stars Wars Launch Bay since that is where we were to check in for the dessert party. Eventually it was time to check in. We got our party lanyards and headed in to find a table. We were early and found a corner table just outside of the entrance. Some tables were inside the roped off area with a few outside of it.

There were various finger foods - these were various types of "sabers"

I have no idea what happened to the rest of my photos from this event but there was flat bread with 2 different dips, and I think some veggies as well. Obviously the bulk was desserts and they all had a star wars theme. Here was my first dessert plate and my alcoholic beverage.

Most of the desserts were standard, with a few really good things. There were good non-alcoholic drink choices, but no beer at this particular dessert party. This was fine with me but I had promised my dad there would be beer, lol. So this was the first dessert party we had ever attended. I wouldn't do this particular one again but I'm not against them in general.

We were eventually escorted out of the launch bay and taken to our viewing area. The storm troopers were keeping us in line and got a little pushy so I made sure to set them straight. That didn't go over so well so I tried to keep a low profile after that. :cautious: I did not need trouble from the Empire! :eek:

I was not overly impressed with our view of the fireworks show (trees in the way) but at least we were near the front and I did not need to fight the crowds to find a space to stand. There was room to move around even.

Getting back to our hotel afterwards was insane. The park closed after that show and it was a mad dash for transportation. I chose to walk back while my dad & daughter took the boat. Guess who won the race.......

It was me!

Tomorrow is our Brunch at The Top - Can't wait!
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