Meet your spouse in WDW?


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Not trying to be nosy, just curious as to who has met their spouse on a trip to WDW? Do you know of anyone else who has?

I went to WDW with a friend of mine for 3 years in a row in the hopes of meeting my Prince Charming at WDW. Then we could have shared our WDW love with eachother, awe!! How cool would that have been? Well, I didn't meet him there but I did meet him. Does anyone know someone who has met their Prince or Princess at WDW??:king:

Green Lantern

New Member
I didn't meet my wife at Disney World but I did meet her while we were both working in a Disney Store. We dated for 5 years, vacationing at Disney World, and that is where I proposed to her, at the wishing well by Cinderella's Castle. A year later we were married and honeymooned there. Every year we go to the well on our vacation, and now we bring our children there to see the well. When they are older (they are only 2 and 4 months right now) we will bore them to tears with the story of how I proposed to their mother their and why we go there every visit for a picture.


Well-Known Member
I met my fiancee here on!!!!:wave::sohappy::sohappy:

She and I met here through pm's, three months later we met in Florida for our College program, spent the spring/summer together at wdw, and almost two years later were engaged!!!!



Well-Known Member
I didn't meet my wife at Disney World but I did meet her while we were both working in a Disney Store.
Hey, same here! The funny thing is that I've always been a Disney fan (mainly a WDW fan), but my wife just got the job at the store because it was hiring. She's quite the WDW fan now, though--not a full fledged WDW geek like me, mind you, but one per family is probably enough...


New Member
I met my Prince Charming at Disney World.

We met at 8-Trax on Pleasure Island during Gay Days 2003. Our first "date" was Pleasure Island the next night. First thing that happened that night was him buying me a Kungaloosh at the Adventurers Club.

He lived in L.A. and I lived in Dallas. Within a year, we were living in Orlando.

Now we've got a home, a puppy, and are regulars at the Adventurers Club.

Oh, and thanks to last year's change in Disney policy, we're having a Disney Fairy Tale Commitment Ceremony at WDW in September of this year. (Or as we like to call it "Our Big Fat Gay Disney Wedding").



Active Member
I wished that my husband and i could have done that at cast a way key..

but it is really expensive

my roomate that was in disney is getting married on the disney cruise...

lucky and so


Active Member
It's really not that bad. Vow Renewals start at 1500, and weddings are 3000 and 4000. (onboard vs castaway).
I wished that my husband and i could have done that at cast a way key..

but it is really expensive

my roomate that was in disney is getting married on the disney cruise...

lucky and so


Well-Known Member
I've lived here for over a year now and so far Prince Charming is still in hiding. When that cold day in hades comes, the wedding will be at the wedding pavilion.


Well-Known Member
Not married yet, but I met my boyfriend at Celebration 25. Two Epcot geeks meeting at Epcot during a celebration of Epcot. How perfect is that?:kiss:


I'm gonna meet my "Cinderella" at ESPN the Weekend. She may not know me yet, but her name is Erin Andrews! Any male sports fan knows who I'm talking about.


New Member
I met my wife on the WDW College Program in October of 2000. We both ended the internship in January of 01 and I moved to Illinois in June 01. We were married on May 31 2003 and now have 2 children. We have yet to bring them down to WDW, but soon.....I hope.

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