

New Member
Original Poster
Hey guys I'm a new member and just wanted to ask a couple of questions. First off I have never been to Disneyland and was wondering what Matterhorn was like? Could anyone describe the ride and the track layout and what effects and happenings occur on the ride? Also could anyone show me pictures or even a movie of the ride so I can better look at it. Thanks for all your help and I look forward to hearing your responses.


New Member
Well, the Matterhorn has been down for almost a year now, it should be open Feburay 14 (not positive on the date). It has a yeti in there in 3 different places, and there's a splash at the end.


Well-Known Member
Matterhorn Bobsleds is one of Walt's original creations, which opened in 1959. It consists of two tracks, and you travel along each in bobsleds set up like Disney World's Space Mountain cars. During this ride, you race through ice caves as you escape the Abominable Snowman ("Harold"), with several encounters with him. During the recently completed rehab, a new show scene was added to one of the tracks, including Harold's home (cave). Should be nice! This was, incidentally, the first coaster to have steel, tubular rails, which would lead to the steel coasters you see in amusement parks around the world now. You can find a video of both tracks, as well as many other Disneyland Resort attractions, here:

Also find an extensive array of pictures in the "gallery" section of This site has the largest collection of Disneyland Resort pictures I have ever seen.


Well-Known Member
Birnbaum's does, in fact, list this attraction as a Fastpass attraction in its 2003 edition, leading me to believe this will happen. However, I do not think it happened with the current rehab--but it will most likely happen by summer. The only problem would be how to still allow people to chose which coaster to ride--they would basically need two Stand-by lines in addition to two Fastpass queues, so that Fastpass and Stand-by folks could pick which track to experience--or they could do the wdw Space Mountain thing--tell people where to go, but I think people would rather pick themselves, since the intensity of these two tracks are different.


New Member
Hmmm. My rememberance for the line set-up is that you don't make the left or right track decision until the final few serpentines. Depends on if they worked on this set-up during the rehab. A mild alteration would keep the "Stand-by" people lined up along the Sub lagoon side of the mountain (which is where they used to be of late) with the Fast Pass return entrance on the Fantasyland side between Mad Tea Party and Alice in Wonderland (which is what it used to be for the 2nd track before they made it one line with the late decision-making location).

Logic dictates that Fast Passers would basically by-pass the huge line and get to the spot where one gets the option of choosing right or left tracks. From there the CM can fill in the available space on either side with Stand-bys.

Even if one track/side proves to be more popular than the other--and I've been on the Matterhorn probably two dozen times and couldn't tell you which is the better ride (although I tend to go left)--CMs seem to have few qualms about letting Stand-by people suffer, especially if they adamently choose to remain in the longest available line. At least that's been my experience with how they do Space Mountain at WDW and Autopia at DL.

Either way, despite dual tracks, Matterhorn is totally doable for Fast Pass. And the fact that it's listed in 2003 Birnbaum is a good sign.

Do you really think they'll wait until Summer before letting Fast Pass rip on this one? My guess is that they'll start Fast Pass for Matterhorn on weekends in March as a prep for Spring/Easter break when crowds will be larger. Why risk it not working or having glitches?

And here's another point of logic. Splash Mountain goes down for rehab once Matterhorn reopens. Then add in the fact that Pooh Bear Ride isn't open yet and all attractions on Rivers of America are down, and you have a lot of guests in need of lines to stand in and rides to ride. They might just need Matterhorn on Fast Pass ASAP in order to keep guest's tempers from flaring up.


Well-Known Member
The problem is that it usually takes a couple months to add fastpass to an attraction--if it was not added over this last rehab, it could be a while before it is.

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