This area represents the fantastic realms depicted in the Lord of the Rings films. This is the largest land in the park and depicts many locations from the films.
This would be the first area at the far left of the land.
1. An Unexpected Journey - This would be another interactive where everybody gets an Eye of Sauron and goes throughout Hobbiton interacting with elements such as fireplaces and chimneys to try and find the master ring. In the end you would find it "floating" above Bilbo Baggins house. There would be tunnels between every hill and house. From one of these tunnels is a banked walkway up to...
1. Gandalf's Pleasantries of Yore - A gift shop with very well themed merchandise such as elf ears.
This would represent the little town of Bree (I tried to make this a little competitor to Hogsmeade at IOA).
1. The Inn of the Prancing Pony - This would be a great little place to eat and would resemble the Prancing Pony of the movie. I find it ironic that the inn's owner's name is Butterbur. I decided to make a signature drink (to rival Butterbeer) called Butterbur's Piping/Cold Ale that can be served hot or cold. Here are the ingredients I used:
54 fl oz ginger ale
4 traditional caramel candies
4 tablespoons milk
1 blended Anjou pear
6 sprinkles of cinnamon + sugar
2 sprinkles of ground nutmeg
I cooked it on the stove and drank it hot, then put it in the fridge, drank it cold and it was delicious. It can be topped with whipped cream.
1. Tour a House of Bree
2. Many shops will be in the town with themed merchandise. Two of the shops will be Butterbur's Souveniers and Butterbur's Department Store.
This tower and fortress will be the showbuilding for a major ride.
1. The Lord of the Rings - This would be a dark ride using a system similar to Pteronadon Flyers but without the wings, just the swing seat mechanism. This ride would take you through the most epic and important scenes from the trilogy, with the most epic being the final battle. This would be an instant classic and E-ticket, the best since Living with the [Avatar] Land.

2. Isengard - Tour the great tour in this walkthrough attraction.
This area will symbolize the elves enchanting home.
1. Rivendell Tavern - This would be a restaurant serving the food of the elves and would be housed in the cliff side buildings of Rivendell.
1. The Master Ring - another themed shop where you can buy a ring of power, specifically the Master Ring.
This area will symbolize the white tower from the movies.
1. The Story of the Rings - Contrary to the map, this will be an LPS dark ride through the premise of LotR including but not limited to; elements from The Hobbit movie, Sauron forging the master ring, and the finding of the ring by the Gollum.
This area will represent Mount Doom and Sauron's Dark Tower.
1. Sauron's Power - This would be a roller coaster through the lava pits and streams of Mount Doom. In one scene, the Eye of Sauron stares down as the master ring is forged.
2. The Dark Tower - A simulator ride that flies you over every region of Middle-earth ending with a flight straight into the eye of Sauron.
Above the dark tower, the Eye of Sauron will be projected onto an orb.
This would be an area just to walk through. It would depict the home of the Ents as some of the trees in the forest will come alive and, using autonomatromics, they will talk in a conversation to you about the rings and Middle-earth and perhaps make jokes about the rest of the park.