Exactly, it's not the biggest shop in the world as it is. Imagine having every Premiership team shirt displayed, there wouldn't be much room for anything else! I'm from Manchester and a season ticket holder for over 25 years, contrary to the myth there's lots of us about. I'll never forget about 16 years ago I was in Epcot and wearing a Utd white (away) shirt. Anyway this family from Denmark approached me and asked if they could be photographed with me as they were big Manchester United fans? I explained I didn't play for the club and they said they realised that but wanted a photo with me anyway. To make things even more bizarre some family that didn't speak English had been watching and must have thought I was somebody famous (even though I wasn't and they had no idea who I was) as I'd posed for photographs with the first group. They used a form of sign language to request photos with me too! After I'd satisfied my fans I continued walking around thinking what a truly bizarre situation I'd been involved in
Anyhow, for those interested this is a good site showing all the United (and other teams) shirts through the clubs history