Magical Express problems?


Well-Known Member
I am visiting WDW in A couple of weeks...This will be the 1st time I will be using The Magical Express from the airport. We are a little concern on how reliable it is...I remember hearing problems when they 1st started this service...have they worked out the bugs?

Also I was wondering what happens if your airline is not on ME's lists of participating airlines. Will they still check in your luggage..or should we pick it up 1st?


Well-Known Member
We used it in January to get from MCO to Caribbean Beach. No problems at all, we were checked in at the resort within 90mins of disembarking the aircraft - and that was on a flight from Gatwick!

Our bags were in our room within 3hrs of us checking in, so no complaints there either.

Going back we rang them a couple of days before and they told us what time to be on the coach. No problems there either - very good and would definitely use it again!
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Magical Express

We went last year from September 27th to October 8th.....we left on a Saturday and the lines were horrible going to the resort. We met a friend of ours down there and he said it wasn't bad when he went (he left on a Thursday) so needless to say, we are leaving on a Thursday this year (September 20th). Hopefully it will be better. :sohappy:
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Well-Known Member
I have used DME A number of times a year since it was rolled out and have yet to have any major problems with it, besides the fact that they insist on moving it within the airport every once in a while!!! Other than that, the service itself is great. Also make sure that you take a carry on bag to put in things that are more expensive to replace or are not easily replaceable and all the items you will need for the first 2-3 hours at Disney. Obviously all money or traveler's checks should be with your party and not packed but this should go for camera equipment or jewelry as well. Pack all prescription medications with you as well as eyeglasses or replacement contact lens, as these would be quite difficult to replace if lost. Also be sure to pack a change of clothing to see you over for the first few hours in Disney such as shorts, a swimsuit etc. as you bags will take a few hours to arrive in your room. Other than that, relax, lay back, you are on vacation!!! Let Disney get teh bags for you and start your vacation worry and hassle free!!! Belle
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Active Member
I am visiting WDW in A couple of weeks...This will be the 1st time I will be using The Magical Express from the airport. We are a little concern on how reliable it is...I remember hearing problems when they 1st started this service...have they worked out the bugs?

Also I was wondering what happens if your airline is not on ME's lists of participating airlines. Will they still check in your luggage..or should we pick it up 1st?

The bugs have definitely been worked out. When they started 2 years ago there were some problems but by the time we used them about 4 months into the program, we experienced none of the issues that the early riders did. We have used DME for 6 trips and everything went smoothly. Our last vacation included people arriving different days and leaving on different days and everything was perfect. Like wannabeBelle said, pack what you'll need for the first few hours in a carry-on bag. We have always done this anyway as I have a phobia about losing my luggage. We always pack a complete change of clothes (including undies), a bathing suit, any medications and something to sleep in.

Had a co-worker who went on a cruise with her husband and 3 other couples. All the luggage made the plane except hers. In every picture from the first 3 days of the trip, she was in Carnival Cruise Line clothes. The luggage caught up with her late day 3 when they docked in the Bahamas. I told her what we do and she vowed never to leave on vacation again without at least a change of clothes in her carry-on.
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Brilliant...and Canadian
In the Parks
No problems these days. And the airlines list only effects resort baggage check-in. Any aircraft landing at MCO will have DME-tagged bags picked up by DME. If you're arriving on an International flight and need to clear Customs, you'll have to retrieve your bags for Customs and then there'll be a spot to put them to go to DME.
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Well-Known Member
We went last September and had a little problem with ME. Our flight got in at midnight and we headed straight to the ME counter then to the resort. While I knew ahead of time that the bags could take up to 3 hours to get to our rooms, I wasn't prepared to wait until 7AM when they finally arrived.

When we were leaving there was a huge mix up in the busses and we didn't get on the bus we were assigned to but had to wait another half hour until another one came. Even then it wasn't a ME but but it was a plain coach bus and there was mass confusion loading it from the driver. After we loaded the bus it took another 25 minutes before we left for some reason.
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Stormy Horizons

New Member
Last year was the first time I really had a problem with the Magical Express.
Somehow or another, my luggage took from 12:00 Noon (when the plane landed) until 11:00 pm to get to my hotel. But being the laid back and calm person I am, I decided not to wait for it and instead went to the parks.
Good thing it did come the next day though. So I could wear a fresh change of clothes on my 2nd day.
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Well-Known Member
I've used Magical Express several times, and I've never had a problem. To be honest, I almost wouln't consider doing it any other way. I'd even pay a nominal fee for the service if it came to that. Just make sure you pack a carry-on with some stuff you'll need in the parks. If problems arise, usually it is the fault of the airline, not Disney, and better they take care of the problem than you waiting around in the airport doing it!
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We used it last year for the first time and had no problems. Our bags were in our room about 3 hours after we arrived at the resort.. The only thing that put us back a little was that our bus driver there was a crazy driver.. Feared for our lives for a little on the way there.. :lol:
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I had no problems with ME when I used it last year. As many other folks have suggested, pack a change of clothes & medications in your carry on. Pack some snacks too… just in case you get a little hungry waiting for the M E bus. You might want to bring along a pack of tissues if you’re the type that tends to be overcome with emotion arriving at Disney World. Just wait until the bus driver starts the DVD & you see Mickey & the gang. Oh yeah, you’ll get emotional. Have a wonderful time
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I will still stand by my stance that Magical Express is great from the airport to WDW, but is still very flawed on your return. Every time I have tried Magical Express going back to the airport from WDW, I have had nothing but problems. Loaded buses, missing buses, etc., and I'm a firm believer in the three strikes and your out theory. Each time I ended up in a cab, so from now on it is Magical Express from the airport to WDW, and a cab ride from WDW back to the airport.

This is just my opinion.
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Well-Known Member
Although we had some problems, I would still highly recommend ME. The wait at the airport and on the shuttle before departing was comporable to waiting and getting situated with a rental car (and much quicker then waiting for a Mears shuttle). The trip from MCO to WDW was enjoyable and relaxing. We waited about 6 hours for our bags, but I assume that is because we had to switch resorts due to our original resort (WL) being overbooked. We packed some necessities in our carry-on so it wasn't a huge inconvienence. On the way back to the airport we had to wait for several shuttles to cycle by, because the others were full. I was a bit confused when waiting to catch our shuttle back but we arrived at the airport in plenty of time, so all in all, the journey using ME was fine!
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We waited for a liitle while to get a bus back to the airport. not really a problem. And let's face it, we could have waited only a few mintutes and been grumpy. Afterall, how much fun could a ride to the airport at the end of a vacation at WDW be?
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Well-Known Member
You are so right on that!!!! Also keep in mind that this is a FREE Service and while gratuities for exceptional service are allowed no one should feel obligated to give a tip if they do not choose to. I have been on the ME Bus and the drivers have made announcements to the effect that they are not employees of Disney and that they arent paid by Disney etc. kind of fishing for a tip. I was NOT pleased!!!! I did report it but I have noticed that this happens more so on the way back to the airport where most folks probably are more concerned with catching their flight than reporting a bad DME experience. Belle
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Well-Known Member
Original Poster
all excellent advise...We are arriving in Orlando on a sunday night and we hoping to see wishes then spend a few hours in the MK as it is the EMH that ngiht, but my wife is a little concern about waiting for our luggage. Hopefully this will convince her that everything should be fine...our luggage won't get there any sooner just waiting in our room.
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Active Member
all excellent advise...We are arriving in Orlando on a sunday night and we hoping to see wishes then spend a few hours in the MK as it is the EMH that ngiht, but my wife is a little concern about waiting for our luggage. Hopefully this will convince her that everything should be fine...our luggage won't get there any sooner just waiting in our room.
They specifically set up the luggage delivery so that you DON'T have to sit and wait in your room for it. It magically appears inside your room whether you are in there or not!

DME is great. Most people's fears of DME come from thread titles like this one. People just breeze by a thread without reading it but see a question about DME problems. Over the course of time, a lot of people with no DME experience or knowledge just assume there are problems because of people's fears that there might be problems. They figure when there's smoke, there's fire.

From personal experience I also disagree with the commonly-written idea that there were a lot of flaws at the beginning. I used DME on its 4th day of operation. We went from exiting the plane to being dropped off at our resort in 63 minutes. Our bags arrived a few hours later -- I can't say exactly when because we took our kids to our resort's pool to enjoy the start of our vacation, and when we returned to our room our bags were in there.

It's always a good idea to pack for your first 24 hours' needs in a carry-on, just in case the AIRLINE delays your luggage. I do this no matter where I fly; to me, this advice in itself has nothing to do with DME luggage delivery.

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New Member
We used it last August without a problem. Our return flight was very early morning so we had to check our bags at the airport instead of the resort but that was no biggie. I carry my essentials and cameras with me in a backpack and like to head right for the parks when I get in. My GF carry's a purse that is a backpack also and since there is a limit on carry ons I would have one member of your party take a small rolling suit case with your changes of cloths in it and everyone else carry backpacks. That way when you get to the resort if your room isnt ready you can change and check the suitcase at the bell hop and head to the parks. You can also lighten your load from the backpacks if need be. Remember you have security at all the parks and things go much faster if you dont have to much to inspect. The day we flew out was the day they arrested all the terrorists in Britian and there were a bunch of extra restrictions on what you could take on a plane. We had to put sunblock in our check baggage and since I burn easy I had no choice but to hit the gift shop and pay way too much for sun block, but its better than a miserable trip due to sun burn.
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Well-Known Member
You are so right on that!!!! Also keep in mind that this is a FREE Service and while gratuities for exceptional service are allowed no one should feel obligated to give a tip if they do not choose to. I have been on the ME Bus and the drivers have made announcements to the effect that they are not employees of Disney and that they arent paid by Disney etc. kind of fishing for a tip. I was NOT pleased!!!! I did report it but I have noticed that this happens more so on the way back to the airport where most folks probably are more concerned with catching their flight than reporting a bad DME experience. Belle

Our DEM driver actually made the statement that if we were appreciative of the fact that he delivered us to our resort safely, he deserved to be tipped. Made me wonder what would happen if he wrecked the bus - does he have to return the tip money!!??:veryconfu
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Active Member

We use southwest. we live on LI and its much easier to go to macarthur then the nyc airports.

Southwest is not on the Me list.

That means that you can do magical express going to disney but you really cant do it leaving. Meaning your on your own when doing your boarding pass and check in.

Disney is ncie enough to let you use their comps though to do your boarding pass and everything though (well they were to us)
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