Well-Known Member
Poncho1973 said:Step off the soapbox. I said my friend's brother did "weird" things. There's a big difference between that calling a kid with a disability weird. Have you been around autistic kids? Some of them DO WEIRD THINGS. Have you seen "Rainman"? Some adults with autism also DO WEIRD THINGS. Please send me some of your holy water... you know... so I can receive your blessings.
Just a personal note to Lokheed... I'm glad your son is getting advancement from "the magic". Thank you for clarifying when I made a statement that some found rude. I respect that you take care of your child... autistic or not... and I hope you realize that I have NO perspective on child-rearing. It just seemed odd that a child would ride something that often. Even after you explained that he was autistic... it didn't seem healthy to constantly ride a ride like that. I was wrong. Your reply was informative and completely changed my opinion on the topic. I understand the benefits and advantages to your "self-therapy". By providing the additional info about learning how to pay for items, the other skills he's learning AND how you reward him with this 1,000 ride challenge... you really made me see the reality of the situation was not how I was envisioning it.
Who said I was on a soapbox? I was not placing myself above you, I was simply pointing out that my initial take on your post was that it was rude and hateful, but I am sorry if I misinterpereted it. I never claimed to be perfect, I was simply telling you you might want to think about how you word your posts so as to not offend people in the future. I am glad Lokheed understood where you were coming from and did not take offense to your post. I on the other hand, apparently misread your intentions. My apologies.