Well-Known Member
Gonna have to take that up with BrightBox. This gets us to the bigger question of "How Many Devices does the Average family need to charge.....?" I know your family will have four devices. This is a giant step in the right direction and goes way beyond the "Here's an outlet on the wall for you to charge your device" as seen near Rapunzel's Restroom Station. (aka Kingdom Krossing)
I'm guessing at the end there still going to need 500-1000, minimum.
There will never be enough supply of boxes to meet the demand. Since it's free, boorish guests will just leave their phones in the box for hours on end....
(Sort of like going into the laundry room, only to find wet clothes in the washers and dry clothes abandoned in the dryers; both waiting for the return of their lazy, rude and uncaring owners ).