M:S Factoid

Main Street USA

Well-Known Member
I guess all of the previous posts about pulling more than 4 g's at any given time are kind of what I was talking about in my first post about the coaster.

The fighter pilots and astronauts that sustain these higher g's are not only wearing suits and other equipment to help them, they've also been physically trained. The other situations are instant moments, and that is a normality in everyday life.

To the average everyday joe, anything over 4 g's for more than a second or two can be extremely damaging to the spinal column, not to mention the body in general. Theme park attractions have general guidelines when it comes to exposing guests to g forces. Over 4 g's is considered to be extremely dangerous.


Well-Known Member
BTW, for anyone wo has ridden, the left side of the pod feels a little bit more g's than the right. Im pretty sure it was my imagination, but I felt it.

Physics :).... The outside of a centerfuge will pore more G's I belive...


Well-Known Member
Yes, centrifugal acceleration is always greater the farther out you go since it has farther to travel. Same thing with torque as well .. t =forcexdistance, thus the greater the distance, the greater the torque!



Just an FYE, most modern coasters do not exceed the 3.5 or 4 G mark..... one very notable coaster was Anton Schwartzkof's "Texas Tornado" (originally located at Six Flags Astroworld..... it was recently moved, renamed, and toned down, at Six Flags Marine World), which in its heyday would pull around 6 to 6.5 G's going into its first circular loop.


New Member
I think they should have called it mission to mars just because from what i can see in these these photos is that everything from the que area all the way down to gary sinise is right out of the movie not that i have anything against gary in fact i think he is one of the most underated actors of our time


New Member
M: S, with it's current show profile, maxes out at slightly more than 2Gs (somewhere @ 2.3Gs, iirc). It's never been run higher than that with people riding since the current show profile has been etched in stone since near the beginning of the year and has not changed since.

There is no lever or any simple kind of device to increase the speed of the centrifuge. It's all software/hardware controlled and would require quite a hefty bit of reprogramming to ramp it up higher.


Well-Known Member
I sure M:S is NOT based off that HORRIBLE movie Mission to Mars! That was the worst thing since Showgirls...


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by blackride
I sure M:S is NOT based off that HORRIBLE movie Mission to Mars! That was the worst thing since Showgirls...
Indeed, as a film student, I have had the pleasure of discussing that stinker in nearly every class I have taken. Most of my teachers consider it one of the top ten worst films of the decade. :eek: The strange thing about that film is that it was directed by one of my favorites, Brian DePalma. Go figure.


Well-Known Member
G-forces cannot alone kill you, BUT, if you are experenced to ones above 2 for long periods of times, then it can make you un-comfortable. Some people have experenced 25 gs durring car testing, and 300 durring car crashes.

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