I checked out your write-up on your website---great job!
What session did you go to? When we left (at the 12:30 session) they just handed out red notebooks to everyone, and the DVD to just the kids----everything you showed there was given away to the volunteers who appeared on stage. I guess they realized their mistake after the first few shows...lol.
Well everyone's pretty much summed up the presentation, but I'd like to add a few more things:
First off---obligatory beginning shot:
This little contraption was amazing (as was everything we saw today---but no one has reviewed on this yet) Asa (on the right) told a volunteer (the young girl) to whisper continusly "i'm a spooky ghost" while Scott panned the white speaker across audience. We as the audience were instructed to raise our hand when we could hear the words. It was awesome, they could direct the words right at you, so it sounded like she was speaking right into your ear. They said this is poosible by shortening the wavelength of the sound so it can be more direct. Really creepy.
Here is where we were taught what kinds of chemicals go into making the colors in the fireworks
Amber (on the right) was my favorite--she seemed so natural, where some of the others seemed "rehearsed" almost. She demonstrated artifical intelligence. While she was my favorite Imagineer, the first half of her presentation was my least favorite---a little confusing.
But the second half was awesome! She brought out a stage with 9 cameras, and they pulled up 2 volunteers to demonstrate how Turtle Talk works. Really cool
Crush came by to ask Scott and some of the audience members questions
Anne demonstrating positioning devices that they put on the animals at the AK---this goes around an Elephant. She also showed how they tracked a sea turtle over several months----those suckers can really travel!
......few more to come.....