Love Disney?


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I'm sorry if this should be on a different board, but with all the controversies always swirling around about this and that, and so forth and so on, I'm reminded of the old stock market investor saying, "Don't love something that can't love you."

My question is that since I hope Disney makes the right moves to ensure the continued success of its themeparks (especially WDW), and I'm encouraged with the potential success of its new attractions M:S and Mickey's PhilharMagic and many others (Expedition: Everest, maybe some new slides at TL), am I blinded to the possiblility that The Disney Co., as a profit-based entity created and maintained to serve its shareholders, could be so shortsighted as to neglect its customers in favor of the quarterly bottom line (for instance, maybe reduced park hours, workforce reductions, Project: Gemini)?

Do you have any comments with respect to Adam's Smith's "invisible hand?" I'd be interested if anyone cares to express optimism (or pessimism) for the continued health of "our"* World.

*Did you see or read "Seabiscuit?" In the movie the jockey says to the owner at a critical juncture, "This horse is as much mine as yours." In other words, and I'm sorry to be so long in getting to the point, my real question is: do you love Disney unconditionally or do you use Disney for your own selfish pursuit of happiness (just as they use you)? :lookaroun


New Member
I'm speechless........:brick:
But to anwser your grand finale....I'm thinking I love Disney for own selfish pursuit of happiness although, I'm not sure how they exactly they use me. It's a business. By using me do you mean taking my money? Because we do get something in return.


Active Member
In other words, and I'm sorry to be so long in getting to the point, my real question is: do you love Disney unconditionally or do you use Disney for your own selfish pursuit of happiness (just as they use you)?

I would say I use disney for my own selfish pursuit of happiness... But I don't think I can say it like that becuase like wiskband said... Disney is a bussiness... and we are not demanded to go to Disney, it's our decistion to go, and to PAY or buy for a "service" "Experience" or something like a (stock). You have to keep in mind that Disney Looks for cashflows before anything else... Becuase thats how a bussiness stays in the bussines.

I look at it as a "Fair" trade... I pay a certain amount of money to be entertain for a certain amount of Time. As for stocks, It's kind of a gamble...

But I personally can't say Disney Uses me...


New Member
Of course I use Disney for my own selfish pursuit of happiness. I wouldnt go unless it was fun and happy. I believe in alot of the things Walt said about his theme parks. They should be fun, exciting, and educational. That there should be a place where families could have fun together. But if the parks didnt serve that need or live up to those ideals than I wouldnt go. I dont believe that Disney is something that warrants "unconditional" love. Its not a family member or pet. I love going to WDW, but if there product isnt up to par, then I'm not going to pay my hard earned money to see it.


Account Suspended
Well Billy,

I think it's all in how you look at why you go to Disney in the first place. For those of us who grew up in Fla, it was THE place to go for vacation. But from those experiences, grew my love for the PLACE. It's a magical place where you can escape the boredom and monotony of every day life. Where you can leave your cares behind for a few hours or days.

It doesn't necessarily mean that we're USING Disney, but enjoying the true spirit of the MAN and the PLACE. I really love Disney, and only want to see it flourish. I may not agree with everything they do as a company, but understand that it is all done with good intentions. (like 1500 a nite rooms - really don't understand those kinds of rates.)

As long as the comany and the parks continue to flourish I will be happy. It is truly the greatest place on earth to vacation. For example, took my daughter there for her first visit in January. The smiles and moments, and pictures are memories that I will cherish forever. It was my best trip to Disney in my life. And I will never forget it. And I am so grateful that there is a place like Disney World to take your children to. And to be a child yourself.


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Original Poster
Thanks, everyone for your thoughtful replies.

Yes, I did mean that businesses, Disney included, use us in the sense of trading what they have that we want for what we have that they want, namely, money.

Sometimes I think I lose some objectivity (based on my wonderful past experiences), and may at times be blinded to Disney's faults. Disney is not really a loved family member or a loyal friend, but it sure would be a big disappointment if at some time in the future I'd have to re-think whether I want to go there again. Thanks everybody!


Active Member
i will always love Disney but obviously i go to Disney for my own enjoyment. I believe Disney was setup by Walt in a both selfish and non-selfish way, non-selfish as he wanted to give something to everyone, selfish as he wanted to make a name for himself. Whichever Disney is, the only way it could be as big as it is was for it to run like a business. Also in a way, trips to Disney can be seen as non-selfish, since you always add to someone else's experience in some way, just by starting to talk to them in a boring queue! Use that if your trying to find a non-selfish reason to go, though i don't think needing an excuse to go to Disney will ever be a problem for everyone here!


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If I am not mistaken' Walt Disney's Mission Statement is "To make people happy."

I believe he has far exceeded his mission. :sohappy:


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Love Disney

I'm with you Tercon:

Walt has far exceeded the goal of bringing happiness to the masses. And with each trip, my memory bank of happiness is increased. The smiles on the faces of my family members, especially that of my daughters' are irreplaceable.

This is without question, the greatest place on earth to vacation. And I can't wait for the day that we are able not only to return for another visit, but to move there permanently.

I'll never take another trip without my camera, which we took over 200 photos with in January, again!!! And hopefully that next trip will be very soon. (Jan. 2004)

Brian and Rachel


New Member
Originally posted by billybaruch1
In other words, and I'm sorry to be so long in getting to the point, my real question is: do you love Disney unconditionally or do you use Disney for your own selfish pursuit of happiness (just as they use you)? :lookaroun

I'm not sure I understand what you mean by 'use me'.. I pay them a good amount of money, and in return, I have a great time that I couldn't experience anywhere else. I think both parties are happy, Disney has made a profit and I have memories to cheirsh forever!!! :)

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