I have 2 Instances... One still hurts to this day...
2008, My wife, Myself and our 15month old daughter ( first trip for her) enjoyed some fantastic "KODAK" moments during our trip that I captured on our state of the art 10 MP digital camera ( seems so loooong ago
) like an EMPTY...Yes EMPTY main street (early breakfast ressies at Crystal Palace) a Picture on Main street with castle in Background with NOONE else in the photo, her laying on tracks of street with empty background, Character interactions , priceless "magical" moments, not to mention her 1st Birthday party pictures were on the SD card inside the camera........that ended up coming out of my front shirt pocket and briefly hung in mid air for me to see before it disappeared into the dark empty depths of Space Mountain as we hit the second drop sequence. I could actually hear it banging off the tracks below as it tumbled... I am a dead man......is all I could think about as I came off the ride and had to tell the wife I lost the camera that she told me not to take on the ride..
I went to city hall and filled out form and came back every day for 2 days..Hoping..praying.... NOTHING!!!!!
I left info with Lost and Found and still thin everyday I will get a package in the mail .... I was hoping the big refurb of SPace Mountain in 09? 2011?? It would be found at the bottome as the ride was cleaned up.... Nothing..... At least give me the SD card inside with all the pictures at least...... I still have nightmares every now and then .. I wake up in a cold sweat as I feel the camera floating out of my pocket and hanging in space for a brief moment before it disappears into the darkness FOREVER!!!!
2nd instance, 2015 MY wife , Oldest Daughter , Youngest Daughter and myself were in the Frozen sing along theatre when it was way in the back by streets of America. WE just finished watching the show and had made our way all the way to SUnset Z( by Starring Rolls and Fountain area when my wife realized she lost her wallet out of her purse ( her bag fell over during show, she picked it up not knowing wallet fell under seat) I sprinted all the way back to theatre ( Im a Fat guy, Sprinting is new to me) I ran the whole way back just as the final rows were being loaded for next show after ours. Without hesitation I was on my knees without notifying anyone and crawled up and down the rows of the ones I was in . NOTHING!!! I couldnt believe it. I was freaking out now. I then headed out after notifying a cast member of what had happened. I met the family back at the front of the park, we then decided to walk all the way back to to the Frozen theatre to see if anyone had located it. As the show that was currently going on a nice cast member told us that the wallett had been located and they brought it to us immediately. WHEW!!!
Apparently as soon as we exited someone found it and handed it to a cast member as they were leaving our show... That CM then went on break and was not there when I "sprinted " back to locate it.
The wife no longer gives me crap about the lost camera......