Hi all,
Apologies for what is a somewhat redundant post. I've read a ton of other posts on the topic and just haven't found the answer I'm looking for, so am hoping to prompt something that will be more clear for me.
So Soarin' is one of my favorite rides and I have no trouble at all from a motion sickness perspective. I do all the coasters just fine (except for Primevil Whirl - yuck!). But Star Tours and Mission Space make me sick as a dog. Even Dinosaur, which I used to love, gets me now (primarily due to the herky-jerkiness).
I've heard many people describe FoP as "Soarin' and Star Tours had a baby", but given one of these rides makes me sick as can be and the other is fine, I'm having a hard time gauging how I'll react to FoP. For example, one thing that gets me on Star Tours and Mission Space is that even when I close my eyes, the motion of the whole ride vehicle is still enough to keep the churning of my stomach alive. Some have said that a lot more of the movement in FoP is perceived, and you're on a moving seat as opposed to an entire moving ride vehicle, so I'm wondering if this would make a difference?
Any additional thoughts and guidance, especially given the queue, would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance all!
Bonus question: Anyone had any luck with Scopolomine for motion sickness at the parks? I've heard good things and my doc said they'd give it to me. I've found Meclizine to be meh - works somewhat, but still get somewhat groggy. Dramamine is obviously a no-go unless I want to sleepwalk through the parks. And Zofran doesn't seem to do it for me once the sickness sets in. Any guidance in this area is also much appreciated!
Apologies for what is a somewhat redundant post. I've read a ton of other posts on the topic and just haven't found the answer I'm looking for, so am hoping to prompt something that will be more clear for me.
So Soarin' is one of my favorite rides and I have no trouble at all from a motion sickness perspective. I do all the coasters just fine (except for Primevil Whirl - yuck!). But Star Tours and Mission Space make me sick as a dog. Even Dinosaur, which I used to love, gets me now (primarily due to the herky-jerkiness).
I've heard many people describe FoP as "Soarin' and Star Tours had a baby", but given one of these rides makes me sick as can be and the other is fine, I'm having a hard time gauging how I'll react to FoP. For example, one thing that gets me on Star Tours and Mission Space is that even when I close my eyes, the motion of the whole ride vehicle is still enough to keep the churning of my stomach alive. Some have said that a lot more of the movement in FoP is perceived, and you're on a moving seat as opposed to an entire moving ride vehicle, so I'm wondering if this would make a difference?
Any additional thoughts and guidance, especially given the queue, would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance all!
Bonus question: Anyone had any luck with Scopolomine for motion sickness at the parks? I've heard good things and my doc said they'd give it to me. I've found Meclizine to be meh - works somewhat, but still get somewhat groggy. Dramamine is obviously a no-go unless I want to sleepwalk through the parks. And Zofran doesn't seem to do it for me once the sickness sets in. Any guidance in this area is also much appreciated!