Live! Trip Report 5/31 - 6/9

Kirk, a 31 year-old Disney World addict Annual Passholder and writer of this report.

Connie, a more-than-31 year-old Disney World addict Annual Passholder. She is a huge Pirates and Johnny Depp fan and also loves Star Wars, hence the timing of our trip to coincide with TWO Star Wars Weekends.

I always say that Connie runs on Energizer batteries; I run on Ray-O-Vac. I am not even attempting to keep up with her this trip because if I do, I won't have any fun.


Connie picked me up at 5:15 AM and we headed for the Greater Cincinnati airport. Check-in was easy, security was a breeze. Chick-Fil-A was a little understaffed, but my Chicken Biscuit was delicious! The boarding was quicker than normal, and we taxied quickly towards the gate. Then, the first officer on board the aircraft came over the PA and said, "Ladies and Gentleman, one of flight attendants in the rear cabin has had an accident and we need to go back to the gate to get her medical attention."


Well, it turns out she banged her head on the door to the cabinet where the TV equipment is stored and needed a band-aid. Paramedics checked her out and luckily, she was a trooper and we were able to continue our journey with only a 30 minute delay or so.

When we exited the plane, it looked like something out of a disaster movie. I've never seen an airport terminal more crowded than this. Connie and I both were hoping this was a sign that all the people were leaving Orlando just in time for us to come with no crowds to contend with at WDW.

We arrived just before 10 AM, went to baggage claim and got our bags easily enough before finding the rental car counter. There was no line, no wait, and got our "compact" car, which was a Saturn Ion - and much bigger than I had expected. I was relieved since I'd been afraid that I would be squished up in a tiny car all trip.

This is the second time I've had a car at WDW and the first time we'll actually use it the majority of the time. It should make traveling to the parks easier, especially at night when the bus stations are all jam packed.

We stopped at the Winn-Dixie by Downtown Disney for a few grocery items (12 pack of Coke, pretzel rods, bananas, peanut butter - you know, the essentials :)) and then Connie wanted to head to Downtown Disney to go to the Lego store. She wanted to see what Star Wars merchandise was out and get what she wanted before the masses were there this weekend and picked through it. There wasn't much; we left quickly. We had lunch at McDonald's and I paid $8 for what I would pay about $4 at home. Then we stopped at the Pin Station and browsed for the newest pins and Connie picked out several she wants to choose from before we leave. She blames me for getting her addicted to buying pins; I seldom buy them myself but do have a lanyard that I wear around my neck when touring the parks.

We ended our stay at DD with Once Upon a Toy and Connie saw an R2D2 robot that she fell in love it and is now considering buying. We left DD and headed to All Star Sports to check in to our rooms. I had Josephine, a nice Tawainese young lady who was very friendly and did very well with her English as long as she stayed on task. I was able to get checked in rather quickly and found out that Connie and I had side-by-side rooms in Center Court. It was exactly what I asked for, quiet and away from the main buildings. I was disappointed not to get a King Sized Bed, but that wasn't the end of the world.

I got a shower to refresh myself and planned to meet back up with Connie at 2:30 to head to the Magic Kingdom. We drove over and parked in Donald 63 before boarding the tram and entering MK just as the parade was coming around Main Street, preventing us from rushing over to Pirates as planned. So, we waited until the parade ended and then pushed through the large crowd of people heading in the other direction on our way to Adventureland. The park seemed crowded, especially in between the Crystal Palace and Pirates, but we only waited in line about 12 minutes to get on. Both sides were operating and it felt like we were at full capacity; there was no lag in getting us off the boat at the end like I've experienced at other times.

I then waited about 20 minutes in line for our Dole Floats, which I took over to Connie while she was watching the Pirate Tutorial for the first of what I'm sure will be a bazillion viewings again on this trip. Then we walked over the Haunted Mansion. Again, it felt supercrowded, but the wait was posted at 10 minutes and we probably only waited 5 before being ushered into the pre-show room.

At this point, Connie announced that she was starting to fade and I nearly had a heart attack with excitement that she wanted to head back to the hotel and call it an early night. We browsed the Main Street shops on the way out of the park and hopped the monorail and tram back to the car.

We made it back to the resort and had dinner at the very empty food court. I had the chicken strips and fries ($9.10 with a drink!!!! - I'll be splurging on the mug tomorrow, it's totally worth it for a 10 day stay) and Connie had an individual cheese pizza. We took a look at the gift shop and then called it a night at about 7:30PM. I know, we're party animals.

BUT tomorrow is the first day of Star Wars Weekend and we'll be leaving for MGM at 7:20 AM so we can get in the park early for EMH.


New Member
Thanks for the live report! Can't wait to hear about the Star Wars weekend! I have never gone and I grew up on that stuff!


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Day Two: Mgm And Star Wars Weekends #1


We met outside our rooms at 7:20 on the dot as planned and drove to the Disney-MGM Studios and parked in Row 41. It was already packed and it wasn't even 7:45! I've never seen the kind of crazy lines forming outside of a park for EMH and then I realized that half of the crowd were in some strange Star Wars lines that had formed to the right. This is very important to remember later in the report.

Connie took off to go see Jabba's Hut, this year's SWW merchandise center and I grabbed FP's for ToT for the both of us. I thought I would see if it was possible to get one for RnRC, too, knowing that it wouldn't work but thinking maybe if I was lucky there would be a glitch in the system. Alas, I could not. So, I went into the standby line for ToT, thinking that Connie would be busy for most of an hour. As I entered the library, she called and said that the store wasn't open until 9. I rode ToT in a car allllll by myself, which was the coolest thing ever. Connie met me in the gift shop and she decided to get RNRC out of the way. She is terrified of going upside down and never has in her life but I told her it was a smooth ride and she wouldn't realize she was in a loop until after it was over.

We got in the standby line and it took us about 15 minutes to get into the pre-show area. She was getting more and more anxious, worrying about her bag, her glasses, and her life. It was funny.

I asked to be seated in an odd numbered row, since my legs don't fit well otherwise (I'm 6'4"). We got to sit in the very front row, which I was convinced would send Connie over the edge.

After we got done, Connie was laughing and smiling and said she loved it and wanted a FP to do it again.

But first, she wanted to go back to Jabba's Hut, so off she went and I went to Starring Rolls and got a cinnamon roll and chocolate milk. I walked over by Mickey Avenue, walked through One Man's Dream where some sort of tour group was walking through and browsed a bit before finding a bench. When I did, that female bounty hunter from the Star Wars movies was out and silently scaring and harrassing people. She was pretty amazing, really.

Connie called and said that she would be in line for awhile, because all those people we saw out front of the park were getting to go into the small store first. We agreed to meet at 11:30 at the 50's Prime Time Cafe where we had reservations.

I went on the Great Movie Ride and it was better than average today. Then, I watched some of the Streetsmophere performers "shoot a scene" out in front of the Theater of the Stars. They were great. Then, I went in to see Four for a Dollar and Beauty and the Beast. It was great as always and sat next to a guy who I think might have been wrestling superstar and now producer/agent Jerry Lynn, but I'm not sure.

After BATB, I went to sit in front of the Cafe and wait for Connie, but she called and said that she had not yet gotten inside the building! It was 11:15 - she'd been in line since 8:30. I asked about pushing back our ADRs and the man said they would hold them for one hour after our scheduled time. I caught some of the Star Wars parade from a distance and then Connie called and said she figured it would be after 1 PM before she could get rung up.

I decided to go see Muppets 4-D and walk around on the Streets of America. I also bought my 2007 Passholder's Pin and a new lanyard to help carry around my video camera. I also grabbed a Cheeseburger at the ABC Commissary. The service was exceptionally slow today.

Connie finally called at 1 PM and said that she was finally out of there. She even bought some things she didn't want to justify standing in that line and will sell them on Ebay. She said that there were people trying to cut in line and fist fights breaking out and everything back on Mickey Avenue. It was a madhouse and there is no excuse for the lack of signage out front of the park explaining what was going on. Connie said people were screaming at cast members, cussing them out, and demanding explanations. My guess is that tomorrow things will be handled differently. We will not be there to find out.

Connie was hungry so we went to 50's Prime Time Cafe and got on the standby list. We were seated next to a gay couple who were very funny and ordered a glowing Tinkerbell drink as an ironic commentary on the weekend, I guess. They were fun.

At this point, I decided to head back to the room for a break. Connie was going to leisurely take in some of the shows and things and we agreed to meet back up at 7:30 and grab seats for Fantasmic's 9 PM showing.

I took the bus back to the resort and was very impressed with the automated spiel and LED screen. It was standing room only and I am grateful we have the rental car for our evening returns trips if nothing else.

More to come . . .


Well-Known Member
Sweet. Awesome report! I can't wait to read the rest of it. Have fun on your vacation!

I'd drive up tomorrow for SWW myself (just for the day) but it's storming here and I'm guessing it will be storming tomorrow. I'll probably try and get up there for a day next week (never have been to a Star Wars Weekend).

Again ... have fun!


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And since I'm sure most everyone that was there was for Star Wars ... how were lines for the attractions? Seems like it wasn't that bad of a wait ...


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Well, the few things I rode/saw had little to no wait. RNR was the longest, but most everything else was a walk on at least up until the time I left for my nap. :)


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I took a nice afternoon nap and Connie called and said she was going to ride ToT and come back to the resort because it was raining and she had heard they had cancelled Fantasmic. I walked down and bought my souvenir mug from the food court, and went back to the room. Connie called and I met her downstairs and we were off to the Magic Kingdom for EMH.

She said that she waited 40 minutes in the Single Rider line for RNRC but had to experience it again - and this time with her eyes open. She also managed to get a picture with Darth Vader, who according to the attendant with him said he did not have to sign autographs in the rain BUT because there were so many children in line, he continued to come out and sign in spite of the wet soggy weather.

We arrived at the Magic Kingdom and were able to park directly across from the sidewalk entrance to the TTC. A monorail ride later and we were back in the park. We managed to beat Spectromagic by mere moments and Connie was starving so she raced to Casey's Hot Dog Stand and got some mini corndog bites. I had a hotdog and it was very good - but messy due to my affection for large amounts of ketchup.

We rode Pirates again with no waiting and walked over to Fantasyland and saw Phillarmagic, which played to half full audience. We walked onto Snow White and waited 5 minutes for the Teacups. Wishes started while we were on the Teacups, so we kept going figuring we wanted the full effect of the show and would catch it some other night.

We rode TTA and then saw the Monsters Inc Laugh Floor. It was cute, but not something I'd go out of my way to see. We rode Buzz Lightyear and my gun was broke. I scored about 1500 points and usually I kill Connie so she agreed to let me blame the gun.

We walked back to the monorail in the rain and then found our car up front. I forgot to mention that earlier we saw Scottie Pippen of the Chicago Bulls walking with a VIP tour guide into the Great Movie Ride. Connie said parking so close made her feel like Scottie Pippen. We drove back to the resort and agreed to meet again the next morning at 7:20 AM for Animal Kingdom EMH and a light day of touring in preparation of Sunday at Universal Studios.


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Day Three: Animal Kingdom Am Emh!


We again met at 7:20 AM and headed out of the parking lot to the Animal Kingdom. I was experiencing some dew-detection problems with my camcorder, but was able to get things working and we were off.

We waited outside the turnstiles for less than 20 minutes before we were admitted through the turnstiles. We were not that far back in the line, but we walked up and missed all but the last minute of the opening ceremony with Mickey at the Tree and Goofy, Minnie, and Pluto on the safari jeep.

We followed the jeep back to Africa and walked on to Kilamanjaro Safaris. There were several animals out, including a hippo out of the water walking around. We then headed over to Everest (another walk on) and I've decided that I won't be riding this anymore without Dramamine. It really makes me dizzy and nauseous and I was drenched with sweat when it was over. I don't know if its the part where you go backwards or what it is about this ride that gets me, but I don't think the after effects for me outweigh the enjoyment I get from that initial ascent and seeing the Yeti.

We walked over and walked into Its Tough To Be a Bug and sat about 6 rows back in the center of the theater. It was extremely intense and loud and I loved it. There were empty rows in the theater; the park was so empty.

We then headed back to Festival of the Lion King, which we waited in line for for about 5 minutes before the doors opened. Another empty performance and I was disappointed that the fire dancer did not perform. Also, the Tumble Monkeys had a few missteps. The vocals were great, however, and I just love the feel this show has.

We then walked over to Dinosaur and walked on there, as well. We were both starving and could not find anything open! Finally, I found a churro stand before we got in line for Finding Nemo. This show is simply amazing; its not something I would want to do more than once a trip because of the time investment that you make in waiting outside the theater (we lined up at 10:40 for the 11:30 show), but the performers are unbelievable, especially Marlin, Dory, and Nemo.

Connie wanted to try to ride KS again, so we grabbed FastPasses for 1:00 (it was now 12:20) and had lunch at Tusker House. I got a Fried Chicken Sandwich (plain) and fries. Connie had the same, though she got hers with the lettuce, tomoato, and ranch dressing. We finished eating and it was time for our KS FP. Our driver was much more natural and casual than I've experienced but its definitely worth getting on early in order to see more animals.

We managed to be inside everytime it showered today; it was very windy on the walk back to the parking lot. I was ready for a nap and actually slept from 2ish until about 5 PM. I love being on vacation. Connie went to Downtown Disney and shopped. We are most likely calling it an early night in order to be geared up for what I expect to be a very long, tiring day at Universal tomorrow. I haven't been there since I was a kid and have never seen IoA. Will check in again in a few days ($9.95 a day for high speed internet isn't in my budget for the entire trip!).


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Day Four: Universal Studios Islands Of Adventure And Mgm!

We met at our now standard time of 7:20 AM to head to Universal Studios. We arrived without incident and headed across CityWalk towards IoA. We were there plenty early, as the park wasn't opening until 9 AM. I think we lined up at 7:55 or so. BUT I was the first person through the turnstiles when they opened early at 8:40 and we headed over to Spiderman. We walked on and thought it was a tremendous ride. We headed to Dr. Doom's Freefall, but the seatbelt would not connect with the overhead safety harness and Connie didn't want to ride alone so we left. I had been warned that it was a little tough on supersized folks, so I wasn't too surprised. Disney would never design something so small, though.

We decided to do Spiderman again while we were still nearby and it was even better the second time. Then, we made the biggest mistake of our lives by heading over to Toon Lagoon and walking on to Dudley Dooright's log flume. We were superdrenched when we got off, but it was still fun. I said we should go do Jurassic Park while we were still wet, since Connie didn't want to do anymore water rides. She agreed and we didn't get half as wet on Jurassic Park as the other. The scenery was beautiful, too, and I like the storytelling of the attraction a lot.

We then walked into The Lost Continent and I got we both got Churros before we got in line for Poseidon's Adventure. I LOVE THIS ATTRACTION. It's the kind of creative storytelling that Disney is lacking these days. I have to say that while I love Disney for its amazing Disney-ness, the live performers at Universal are largely much more into their roles. Taylor, our tour guide, was tremendous as was our Jaws boat driver later in the day. Contrasted with the Great Movie Ride and Kilamanjaro Safari drivers, and Universal wins that competition.

After The Lost Continent, we went into Seuss Landing and I've decided I now hate Dr. Seuss. We got in line for the new Trolley Train Ride and were in that line for about 30 minutes before finally boarding the train for a 45 second loop above the land. The sights were pretty, but what a waste of time. We had lunch in the Circus restaraunt underneat the trolley, and that took forever, too. We were going to do Cat in the Hat, but the line was too long so we walked back up to Sinbad's stunt show and got in line.

The show was better than average, due to the explosions and special effects, but I've seen better acting elsewhere. Finally, we decided it was time to venture into Universal Studios Florida as the crowds were beginning to catch up with us in IoA and we hoped we'd be as lucky as we were in the AM at IoA at USF.

We were not.

We could tell how crowded it was when we first walked through the gates. We tried to do Mummy, but they were being picky about my small pack, which I've never had to take off anywhere else, and all the lockers were full. I began to get a bit testy. We then headed over towards Jaws and waited in line for 40 minutes. At this point, Connie said maybe we should come back later in the week and try to hit everything in the AM since we have passes good for the next seven days. I sighed with relief and after Jaws, we headed out of the crowded park.

We went back to our rooms for an hour or so before heading to MGM so Connie could see the Star Wars Hoopla closing ceremony again. We were there plenty early so we watched the last Indy show of the night and had dinner at the Backlot Express. Then, we got to see the last Jedi Training Academy, which was cute for the kids and their parents. And then, almost immediately, it was time for Star Wars Hoopla. It was funny, but I could have done without the masses pushing me up against the stage in order to get a better look of Chewbacca doing the hustle.

We met up with our friend, Denise, from work and met her family before we walked over to Fantasmic. The show was at 9. We walked into the theater at 10 til 8 and had some trouble finding a seat we liked. By 8:30, the theater was standing room only and packed to the gills.

After Fantasmic, I suggested a ride on ToT to avoid walking out of the park with 10,000 of our closest friends. We did ToT and then browsed a couple shops before catching the tram back to Film 27 to find our car. I was so exhausted at this point and my pedometer said we'd walked about 7 miles. I sure felt like it.

Tomorrow, I get to sleep in while Connie does the Dolphins in Depth tour and then its lunch at LeCellier at 1:30!


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DAY FIVE: LeCellier and Wishes!

I got to sleep in while Connie did the Dolphins in Depth tour at EPCOT. She really enjoyed it and got a great picture of her holding a dolphin. I met her at 1:00 PM at LeCellier for lunch. We both got the Cheddar Cheese soup and Connie got the chicken sandwich, while I got the steakburger. Mine was better today than I ever remember it being.

We walked around the World Showcase Lagoon and rode the boat ride in Mexico before heading back to the hotel. I took a nice long three hour nap and Connie left to go to the Magic Kingdom. I rode the bus over and met her in time for SpectroMagic and Wishes. I called her when I arrived and she was back in Toontown looking for fruit. It was super crowded and Connie was even tired of all the people and she usually does well with big crowds. We watched Philharmagic again and then walked towards Liberty Square and over to the castle hub. We found a seat on the trolley tracks on the ground and I went off to Casey's for a hotdog and a Coke. These are tremendous hot dogs.

We were packed into our spot like sardines with strollers surrounding us and people everywhere. Luckily (?) everyone in front of us stayed seated so we could see the parade from our seated position. My left leg fell asleep, however, and I was getting concerned that it might not ever reawake after so long. When the parade was over, we moved a little closer for Wishes and stood in position. It was a beautiful as always.

We decided to head the other direction than the masses and I got another pineapple float - with no waiting! We walked over to check out Big Thunder Mountain, but it had a 25 minute wait, so we walked back to Pirates and walked on. I swear I'm going to get in a fist fight before this trip is over if people continue to take flash pictures in dark rides. My patience is about gone.

We left the park and while I love the idea that you have to travel into the Magic Kingdom via the monorail or ferry in the mornings, at night I'm not as enthralled. It took us almost an hour to get from the park to our car due to mass exodus from the park.

Tomorrow: Universal Studios Florida and EPCOT EMH!


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DAY SIX: Universal Studios Florida & EPCOT EMH!

We met at 7:10 AM and drove to McDonald's nearby the resort. I was pleasantly surprised to see that the prices were no higher than the McD's at home. We drove to Universal Studios and parked the car in almost the same spot we were in on Sunday (Jaws 212).

We lined up at the turnstiles and again waited for them to open. I was the first person through the gates again and as we headed for Revenge of the Mummy we were told that the rest of the park didn't open until 9 and we should see either Shrek or Jimmy Neutron until then. Shrek it was, and we walked into the pre-show area with the most obnoxious, thinks-she's-funny-and-is-not host I've encountered in all my times of theme park touring. She would not shut up, kept making unfunny jokes for about 5 minutes straight, and I wanted to walk over and punch her square in the face.

Shrek was OK, but they used the water effect too often. We then headed for Revenge of the Mummy and walked through the enormous que line stopping behind a group of people who thought that was the end of the line until someone else came up behind us and told us to keep moving. It was funny because no one knew where we were supposed to go. We LOVED this ride. We sat in the back and Connie thought it was great, though she was very worried about her glasses flying off. We immediately walked back on again and had to wait a little longer this time but we got to sit in the front row. I think the back was better - we were able to experience the effects better.

We then headed over to Men In Black and while we were in line, it broke down. Right behind us in line was a couple that were somewhat intelligence-challenged and they were bragging to the host that they "got Galaxy Defender last time and the rest of the car had nothing!" His girlfriend was even more obnoxious talking about how she saved the whole boat from the shark at Jaws.

It took about 5 minutes and the ride came back up. They were only using one side, which I really didn't understand since part of the ride relies on the competition between the two sides shooting at each other. Our car got Galaxy Defender, thanks to superdork in the front seat. I liked this ride much better than Buzz Lightyear and look forward to doing it again someday.

We then walked over to ET and guess who we shared our bicycle gondola with? Yep, Superdork and Mrs. Superdork. Connie insisted that they were now our new best friends to annoy me. We headed over to Terminator 2:3D and waited about a half hour for the show to begin. It is really well done, but I think they rely too heavily on the film portion of the attraction - that part goes on too long without enough special effects in the theater.

We then walked over and got in line for Twister. It took awhile to get in, but it was pretty neat to see. Then, we went over and got in line for Beetlejuice's Graveyard Revue. This was cute, and I'm glad we saw it, but the highlight for me was watching this older Indian couple flee from the theater once they realized what it was.

We felt like we'd seen enough at the park and it was getting more and more crowded so we headed over to the Hard Rock Cafe for lunch. My boss had given me a gift certificate as a thanks for taking her on call hours and so lunch was on her. The potato skins we got were tremendous. Connie had a pulled pork sandwich and I got a huge "Famous" burger. We were stuffed when we left.

I took another one of my now regular lengthy naps and met Connie at EPCOT at about 7:45. We walked to Mexico and found a seat behind the counter service restaraunt for Illuminations. I grabbed the children's meal from the resataraunt, but it was plenty for me (Chicken quesadilla) and settled in for the show.

I had not seen Illumniations since I was a teenager. It was a great show; I just always feel like having to stake out a spot for over an hour to get a good view is unnecessary. But it was good to finally see it again.

We walked back to Future World, I got a wristband for EMH, and we rode Test Track in the single riders line. It worked out that Connie and I were in the same vehicle and I was in the front of the car where I need to be for my legs. It was fun, but took about 20 minutes to get on even in the Single Riders line.

We walked across the park and I wanted a Coke. The cart I stopped at couldn't process room charges and I walked away thirsty. That's when I got my own unofficial magical moment when one of the two guys working the cart chased me down and gave me the Coke anyway. I didn't catch his name, but I will be writing Guest Services and thanking him for his kindness.

We walked on to The Seas with Nemo and Friends and then walked over to check out the line for Soarin. Seventy minutes was too much; we rode Living with the Land for the first time in the dark and it was very nice. We were both tired and now we called it a night. Tomorrow I'm sleeping in and Connie might be doing AK EMH in the AM. We're meeting at 4:00 to head to the Boardwalk to eat dinner at the ESPN club and then MGM EMH!

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