Little PhD trip to WDW report


Well-Known Member
Hi all, finally got a start on that trip report, it is a bit long so I will dial it back some. Thanks to those who asked about it before.

Feb 28 to March 7. BCV (Mr. PhD. Mrs. PhD and Little PhD. age 23 months)

Weather was a bit iffy the 1st part of the week (off an on rain, but still warm) and the sun came out nicely for the 2nd half of the week

Feb 28, left Detroit Metro at 7:30 am and landed at Orlando a little before 11:00. We got our luggage no problem and our driver from Your Ride (Dave), was there to meet us.
We got on the road and found the car seat they provided wasn’t buckled in! Fixed that in a hurry. Our driver took us to Albertsons and got 50$ worth of groceries. I think this stop saved us at least 200$ if not more. Fast check in at Beach Club Villas (and yes we did get a “Welcome home” from our CM.) Our Pool view 4th floor studio room was great and we took off to explore and Lunch. Great lunch at Beaches and Cream of Cheeseburgers and Milkshakes. Little PhD. was cranky until that chocolate shake came and then boy did she cheer up. Showed Little PhD the pool and then back to room because it started to rain. Little PhD really wanted to go swimming and put her suit on over the clothes, but feel asleep on the bed as we watched “Zippa de do da tip for today!” She had a slight fever, (99.5) but we headed out to Epcot after giving her Tylenol. When we got to Epcot we found we forget our I.D. in order to buy our Annual Passes. Our cast member talked to us quite a while, then let us get one with out the I.D. Tapestry of Nations was canceled due to the weather. That night little PhD. woke up with a fever of 102.8. After a long night and some children Motrin she seemed fine in the morning and no fever. After a not helpful call to our Pediatrician (she must of got a virus on the plane, have a nice trip!) we headed out to MK for the morning.

More to follow


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Lets try this again!


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Here's a picture of the whole family at our fav place to eat, Beaches and Cream. The women who took the picture for us has ben a waitress there for our last 4 visits, how funny is that?


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Thanks, we think she is a cutey too. Here's another one that is too cute not to share. She was having a really good time, it was our last day too. Any guesses where it was taken?


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Well-Known Member
awwwwwwwww....she so cute...

You got me stumped on the photo....
I'm guessing either near beaches and cream
or the play ground or pool area at SAB

But I was never really good at the disney trivia...:(
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Good guesses but nope, give you a hint it is in MK (and I didn't spend much time there until little PhD came into our lives!)
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Hi, neighbor!! (we're in Redford, mi) What a sweet little one you have!! My 1st trip with my oldest was bad... she was 2 1/2, caught a tummy virus, which of course spread through us all before the end... I hate to even look at the pics now, with her little sunken eyes and pale skin!! Still smiling bravely, though. Glad it was okay for you guys... thank goodness for antibiotics! That's a good idea to bring a prescription w/you... would save on waiting for it. (Oh, and the avatar is my youngest... loving her magic kingdom-rented stroller!! One of my favorite pictures ever!!)
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Hi, MouseMadness, I noticed you were from Detroit, and was going to say hi, but you beat me too it!!!!! Too bad about the stomach flu when you were there, I hear that goes around alot. With an ear infection at least you can treat it (and don't need to stay in the room for fear of spreading it or worse not being near a bathroom!)

Now that we have annual passes we keep dreaming about an unplanned trip sometime maybe Aug for our 10 year anniversy, but can't imgaine going to WDW with out the little one now that we have her. (I think she would be old enough to know were we were going with out her by then and be heart broken!)

Enjoy the weather today!!!! Spring is coming (it is 60 degrees and sunny today!0
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New Member
Little PhD report

I'm sure you had a great trip. I have 3 boys, ages 15, 13, and 8. We have had wonderful trips everytime. When people ask how old a child should be before taking them to WDW I always tell them that some of my best pics and memories are of my kids faces when they experience it all that 1st time. I really don't care what they remember of that 1st trip (although, we are amazed each time of what a 2yr. old remembers from their 1st trip), the experience of seeing them is unbelivable. I don't think there is any such thing as "too young for WDW":)
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Well, PhD, if my family is any indication, you won't get to take any vacations alone anymore!! (My 19 year old cousin's favorite trip... she refuses to let her parents go alone!) Disney... either ya got it or ya don't... I can't imagine going anywhere else for vacation anymore. I think the trick with taking little kids is, just like you did, being flexible. Not trying to push them because you're thinking of all the $$ you've spent on park tickets!! I saw so many crying children my 1st trip... not so bad last one, though. I have 4 girls, and we're kind of at a point where we're going to have to start splitting up.. so the little ones are not over worked, and the older ones are not bored. Can't wait 'til next February, we're going with my in-laws (mom-in-law is a fellow member here) She always has her laptop with her, so we'll write our report as the vacation goes along!! (Oh, and is your daughter at Donald's boat in that picture?)
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Originally posted by MouseMadness
(Oh, and is your daughter at Donald's boat in that picture?) [/B]

Oh so close. It was in the play ground right across from it. She had the best time there, (it was during the 3:00 parade and we were avoiding the crowds.) What I think she enjoyed the most was the other little kids there.

Yes, I am afaid my days at WDW carefree and only thinking of ourselves is over. My sister in law keeps offering to take her for a week so we can go just the 2 of us, but we have never even left her overnight before so I am not sure. (I think I would miss her too much, especially when at a place like WDW.) I think we might take a shorter car trip around here for 3 nights instead. But is it sooo temping with the AP, after all it is our favorite place, or we could just take her with us, but we already have a family trip planed for Jan 2004.

Thanks, wow my hats off to you with 3 boys, your life must be fun! :animwink:

My mom had 3 boys, about those ages then she had a girl. Lucky me that she did! Just imagine having a baby girl added to your family at this time!
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Little PhD

Actually, this next trip we will be going with my sister AND her 3 boys, and my mom--SO, we will need PS for 5 adults and boys ages 15, 13, 8, 5, 3 and the youngest little boy who will turn 1 on our trip-Thanksgiving Day! We love reading trip reports, and any new suggestions would be appreciated--we go every 2 years, usually around the same time--We have dressed the boys in coordinating outfits in the past, for cute pics and crowd control--but the 15 year old might vote himself out of that scene this time around--susan:wave:
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