Little PhD trip to WDW report


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Hi all, finally got a start on that trip report, it is a bit long so I will dial it back some. Thanks to those who asked about it before.

Feb 28 to March 7. BCV (Mr. PhD. Mrs. PhD and Little PhD. age 23 months)

Weather was a bit iffy the 1st part of the week (off an on rain, but still warm) and the sun came out nicely for the 2nd half of the week

Feb 28, left Detroit Metro at 7:30 am and landed at Orlando a little before 11:00. We got our luggage no problem and our driver from Your Ride (Dave), was there to meet us.
We got on the road and found the car seat they provided wasn’t buckled in! Fixed that in a hurry. Our driver took us to Albertsons and got 50$ worth of groceries. I think this stop saved us at least 200$ if not more. Fast check in at Beach Club Villas (and yes we did get a “Welcome home” from our CM.) Our Pool view 4th floor studio room was great and we took off to explore and Lunch. Great lunch at Beaches and Cream of Cheeseburgers and Milkshakes. Little PhD. was cranky until that chocolate shake came and then boy did she cheer up. Showed Little PhD the pool and then back to room because it started to rain. Little PhD really wanted to go swimming and put her suit on over the clothes, but feel asleep on the bed as we watched “Zippa de do da tip for today!” She had a slight fever, (99.5) but we headed out to Epcot after giving her Tylenol. When we got to Epcot we found we forget our I.D. in order to buy our Annual Passes. Our cast member talked to us quite a while, then let us get one with out the I.D. Tapestry of Nations was canceled due to the weather. That night little PhD. woke up with a fever of 102.8. After a long night and some children Motrin she seemed fine in the morning and no fever. After a not helpful call to our Pediatrician (she must of got a virus on the plane, have a nice trip!) we headed out to MK for the morning.

More to follow


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Fantasy land was busy, but the rest of the park wasn’t as bad. After getting a fast pass for Pooh we headed out to try some other rides. After showing little PhD. Cinderella’s carousel and asking if she wanted to ride that, she said “No, Dumbo.” She hadn’t seen Dumbo yet, but it was her 1st ride when she was 9 months old. We showed her Dumbo and she was happy to stand in line and play with the chains while waiting for it (20 min or so.) We got a number of rides in Fantasy land in before she got to tried and cranky. We had to walk off Peter Pan with out riding after standing in line because her “mood” changed. Back to the hotel for nap, lunch in the room and swimming at SAB. I highly recommend BCV for anyone with young children. That pool is great for them and even has a small play ground too. After dinner again at Beaches and Cream (tried something new this time) We headed back out to MK for the fire works and parade. Little PhD was very quite and not her talkative self, but seemed to enjoy the Parade. She loved her stroller (Combi Travel Savvy DX, for only 100$) and just wanted to stay in that so we traded off on a few rides before watching the fire works from the bridge near Splash Mountain. (A good place to watch them by the way.) My husband’s parents drove up from Naples to spend a few days with us and were in our room waiting for us when we got back.
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The next day we changed rooms early (Mrs. PhD was up anyway since little PhD had a cranky night.) We got a great 1 bedroom right across the loop from our old room and it was ready right away. This little switch saved us a bit since DVC points are double on the weekends. We headed out to AK since in-laws have never seen. When we got there (the busiest I have ever seem AK) and we stopped to see Pooh, Piglet and Eeyore. Little Ph.D. walked right out to pooh and gave him a big hug (pictures to follow). She wasn’t too sure about the others and would only wave to them. The new primeval whirl is not much to talk about and Mrs. PhD spent a lot of time in the baby care station while the wee one napped. Lunch at Tusker house and Safari ride in the light rain. (by the way, having walkie-talkies is great!) No fever for Little Ph.D. but she still isn’t her normal cheerful self. In fact she was down right cranky during dinner in Canada at Epcot that evening. (We had to take turns walking her to get through dinner.) She did however like the Mexico and Norway rides. That evening we had a mostly sleepless night and the fever returned, 102.9. The next morning I knew it was time for the annual trip to Centra Care.
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We called Centra Care at 8:30, I should off called at 8:00 and got the same driver as last years visits. (Larry who is now a grandpa, nice to catch up!) The place was busy with only one Doc on duty. Dr. Bradley who is the director off all Centra Care. (Our diver also told us his wife does the local weather reports and is expecting there 4th child). We only waited an hour or so (it was much less crowded last year when we went on a Sunday.) Turns out little Ph.D. has an double ear infection and something called “5th disease”, a rash caused by a virus. Thank God for Zithromax. We were to meet the in-laws in the room at noon, after they do Epcot in the am. Well after nap and lunch we waited most of the afternoon for them. They were having too much fun. When they got back at 4:30 they offered to watch little PhD while we went out to MGM. A nice dinner at Brown Derby and ride on RR and TT and we both felt much better.

I will post more later, but I will try to keep it short. All in all a good trip, but much harder with a 2 year old then 9 month old. Little PhD did have a good time and really loves looking at the pictures and video now.
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I am glad you had fun regardless of Little PhD. When I was 2, I got sick at WDW, too. I went to a clinic, but I had a bronchial infection, really bad, too. I was on antibiotics the whole trip, but I guess I came around sometime near day 4 or so. That was 20 years ago, though. Can't wait to hear the rest...!
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There seem to be many sick kids down there, Centra Care was very pouplar. She was a bit more cranky then normal and not as active as she usally is. She is more excited talking about it and looking at the pictures now then she was most of the time there!
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The Mom

Premium Member
Sorry to hear about Little PhD's illness. :( I've had a toddler get sick on vacation, and it's no fun. It sounds like you made the best of the situation, however.

I loved the Kiddie area at SAB; my son had lots of fun digging for "clams" even though he's well beyond the toddler stage. ;)
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Well-Known Member
Wow! Maybe it's just the way you are writing the report, but I have to say - my hat's off to any parent who braves WDW with a toddler! Nice trip report, not too long at all. Eagerly awaiting the sequels.:)
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I don't know if we are brave or just crazy 2apprentice, she normally was a much eaiser child to be with. We were both like "what did you do with my easy fun child?" Even though we were all so tried and sick of being held captive by her moods, she really is much eaiser then most children her age. (there was many moments of seeing other peoples kids and thinking "gald that isn't my child!")

Mom, next time I am not leaving with out the antibiotics with me just in case!!!! I was actully gald she had something that we could treat with medicaiton and she wasn't just being cranky!
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Brave or crazy. Seems to be a fine line when dealing with our children, doesn't it?:lol:

I just ponder what I would be going through if I was 800 miles from home at my favorite vacation place, with a toddler with 102.9 fever. On the outside, I'd be "Well, I guess the best thing to do is find a doctor and get some meds going", being said in a calm, decisive voice.

But on the inside, I'd be "102.9!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh, my gosh! Oh, my gosh! Oh, my gosh! Oh, my gosh!" I could go on, but you get the idea.
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What was the crowd level like at SpectroMagic? Last April I was there and the crowds were unbearable. So much so that I'm avoiding MK on Spectro night during my last week of March visit.

Any thoughts you have on what the crowds are like now are appreciated!

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no2apprentice, I was a bit like that. Good to know Centra Care is there when there is the need.

donaldfan, when we got to Spectromagic it was right as the parade was hitting main street and we had no choice but to stop and watch it. It was about 3 to 4 people deep and DD could see well while on Dad's sholders. I however had a problems since I am a short adult :lol:

heres one of the pictuers I promsied. Little PhD 1st incounter with Pooh.


  • annapooh.jpg
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Here a bit more:

The next day my in-laws left and we headed out to MGM. Each day after the antibiotics things got better (mood and weather.) Little PhD enjoyed rides more and seeing characters We got in a few character dinners and got to ride most everything we wanted to. Had a great time in SAB, spent 4 hours there one night, the weather was perfect and little PhD had a ball playing with other kids. We had good dinner at the “Big River Brewery” on boardwalk. We had never eaten there before. It is not Disney owned and good food and prices. Little PhD was still shy of most characters but many spent a good deal of time with her getting her to warm up to them. Our last night we ate at Epcot Garden Grill. Right when we got there I turned around to see Pluto coming and Little PhD fell off the seat under the table. She was crying when Mickey came, but recovered well. She was a bit shy and Chip spent a good 10 min at our table playing and flirting with her to get her to warm up. We never got a good picture with Mickey, we missed them making the final round when she needed a diaper change. We did celebrate her 2nd birthday a few weeks early with a cake there, it was nice and she made us take the rest of it home, but we had to throw it out the next day because we were leaving. She loved the Living Seas and liked the sidewalk that lights up near innovations. (that of course resulted in her falling.)
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Since we bought DVC from home we never had a tour and did not get our “free meal” so we contacted our guide and she left the meal tickets for us on the last day. Well we kind of had to eat and run got dinner at Beaches and Cream right before we were to meet Your Ride to head back to the airport. Well being in a hurry we got a Banana split to go. This thing was 1/3 the size of the kitchen sink. I got an offer to help me eat it from every person I saw when I was carrying it to the front of the resort. Between the 3 of us we only ate 1/3 of it.

All in all Little PhD enjoyed any ride that was a boat ride and TTA the most. (anything in Fantasy land was also a hit.) Play spaces and pools were also great fun, especially if other young children were around and having fun too. She really enjoyed the “little Mermaid show” and “Play House Disney.” Her favorite spot was the Ariel statue at BCV, everyday as we passed it she had to say goodbye to it. She also liked the parades and warmed up to the fireworks if we were far enough away. Oh yes, I forget one night we found we could even see the fireworks from MK from our 4th floor balcony at BCV!!!!!

We never got to Downtown Disney this trip, was too busy with the parks. Shopping is hard with a 2 year old also. (We saved a bit not buying as much this year!) While we packed a lot in and had a great time it seems that there still was a bunch of stuff we just never got around to. Looking forward to going again in January and getting to it.
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Very little spoils our trip, we try to stay in a good mood and postive whenever possible. I was really worried about her and we took things very slow to let her adjust and rest. It was so great to see her happy again and enjoying things. Now that we are home, she is back to her normal self and talks up a storm about the things she remembers from the trip. I got her a hat down there that she would have nothing to do with, but she wears it all over the house now.
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Well-Known Member
Nice report and great picture. Sorry to hear about your little one's illness. My kids always seem to get sick at WDW. I usually travel with RX to be filled...just in case. Our md is very understanding. She has 5 kids of her own and they always get sick on Vacation, too!
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Thanks for the trip report PhD. Sounds like your little PhD had a great time despite her illness. We are looking forward to our 2nd trip "home" in 2 weeks. I'll tell Ariel your little PhD says hi!:wave:
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Have a great time Minniefan. I really loved BCV, I wish it was our home resort. (I mean having a bed shame with morning glories with little hidden mickeys in them is just my style!) What a lovely resort.

Heres's a few more thoughts on the trip.

We never got to Downtown Disney this trip, was too busy with the parks. Shopping is hard with a 2 year old also. (We saved a bit not buying as much this year!) While we packed a lot in and had a great time it seems that there still was a bunch of stuff we just never got around to. Looking forward to going again in January and getting to it.

Best tips to parents of 2 year olds (or younger) Combi Stroller was great, it had cup holders and we bought a side basket from “one step ahead” that worked really well. The stroller also folded down very well for the bus rides. We borrowed a rain cover for the stroller last minute and it really saved the 1st half of the week when it was off and on rain. I won’t take a trip with out one from now on. Dum dum suckers also helped when we were stuck waiting or if little PhD wasn’t in a good mood.

All in all I found myself becoming one of those parents who will do anything to keep the kid happy, because it keeps everyone else happy. In some ways it is nice to be back home were it is easier to ignore temper tantrums. (or am I just kidding myself, after all the big 02 brithday is less then 2 weeks away now!)
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Here is a picture of Chip gettig Little PhD to warm up some. He was really good with her, she was much more comftable at the end of the meal (of course it was our last night!)

Opps, it lost the picture when I previewed it. I hate that.
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