Lights, Motor, Action Survey about Promotion


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Original Poster
Received this survey from WDW today about Lights, Motor, Action. They wanted a kids view of promoting the new attraction. (I took it for my kid.) Thought this was some interesting information to share.


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Now we would like you to think about a new attraction at Walt Disney World<sup>®</sup> Resort called Lights! Motors! Action! Extreme Stunt Show.

Think spy movie, with car chases, cycles, jet skis, stunts, explosions and fireballs right in front of you. All taking place on a movie set resembling a European village.

Which of these ideas for the logo of this new attraction do you like better?

<script> if(index==0) { document.write("Car Chase Logo Idea:

\"Lights! Motors! Action! Extreme Stunt Show\"

Description: This logo would look like the titles from a Hollywood car chase movie.

Surf Logo Idea:


Description: LMAX stands for \"Lights! Motors! Action! Extreme Stunt Show\". This logo would look like a logo you'd see on board shorts or in a surf store.

"); } else { document.write("Surf Logo Idea:


Description: LMAX stands for \"Lights! Motors! Action! Extreme Stunt Show\". This logo would look like a logo you'd see on board shorts or in a surf store.

Car Chase Logo Idea:

\"Lights! Motors! Action! Extreme Stunt Show\"

Description: This logo would look like the titles from a Hollywood car chase movie.

"); } </script> Surf Logo Idea:


Description: LMAX stands for "Lights! Motors! Action! Extreme Stunt Show". This logo would look like a logo you'd see on board shorts or in a surf store.

Car Chase Logo Idea:

"Lights! Motors! Action! Extreme Stunt Show"

Description: This logo would look like the titles from a Hollywood car chase movie.

Page 2

Below is an idea for a commercial that you might see on TV or in the movie theater and for a web site that would be about the Lights! Motors! Action! Extreme Stunt Show. After you finish reading about the commercial and web site, we'd like to ask you a few questions about them.

Big IDEA: Fixing up cars taken to the extreme - think Lindsey Lohan walking into the American Chopper shop.

TV COMMERCIAL CONCEPT: An attractive female driver with attitude wheels into a custom automotive chop shop. At first, the mechanics turn their heads to check her out. Then, she starts ripping through a list of outrageous changes she wants made to the car. She really knows her stuff. The mechanics are like..."What are you? Some kind of stunt driver?" Turns out... she is.

WEB SITE CONCEPT: Go to a virtual garage and "trick-out" your own stunt vehicle. You then use the car you created to attempt dangerous stunts in a virtual stunt show. If you fail, keep trying. You can keep customizing your car until you've got what it takes.

<!-- Concept 1

Fixing up cars taken to the extreme - think Lindsey Lohan walking into the American Chopper shop.

TV COMMERCIAL CONCEPT: An attractive female driver with attitude wheels into a custom automotive chop shop. At first, the mechanics turn their heads to check her out. Then, she starts ripping through a list of outrageous changes she wants made to the car. She really knows her stuff. The mechanics are like&hellip;"What are you? Some kind of stunt driver?" Turns out&hellip; she is.

WEB SITE CONCEPT: Go to a virtual garage and "trick-out" your own stunt vehicle. You then use the car you created to attempt dangerous stunts in a virtual stunt show. If you fail, keep trying. You can keep customizing your car until you've got what it takes.

Concept 2

Get to know the real LMAX stunt crew and find out how daring they are - kind of like America's Funniest Home Videos, except all the kids are future stunt drivers.

TV COMMERCIAL CONCEPT: Home movies of kids doing normal things that turn into hilarious, and frighteningly dangerous stunts. For instance: a little girl's first bike ride without training wheels. While Dad watches, she wobbles down the street then pops a wheelie, jumps a curb and spins a 360. The words "Born to Shred" come on screen along with a current picture of a good looking female cyclist from the LMAX stunt crew. In the commercial you see a web address that leads you to a secret site.

WEB SITE CONCEPT: Hack into the stunt crew's underground web site to watch videos of stunts they're getting away with at Walt Disney World<sup>&reg;</sup> when the parks are empty and the security cameras are rolling. Dare the crew in their Stunt Blog to do the unthinkable at Walt Disney World<sup>&reg;</sup>. Check back every week to view the next webisode to see if they had the guts to pull it off, like ripping a jet ski down the Jungle Cruise river in the Magic Kingdom or rollerblading around the curves at Test Track.

Concept 3

Stunt drivers do outrageous things while taking their Driver's License tests.

TV COMMERCIAL CONCEPT: One of the LMAX drivers goes in to apply for a driver's license dressed in his full stunt gear. Through hidden cameras we seem him take his Testing Official on a crazy ride. Watch as he 180's into a parallel parking spot at 50 mph, rounds corners on two wheels, and performs a 3-point turn in the blink of an eye. The Testing Official screams like a little girl throughout the whole wild ride.

WEB SITE CONCEPT: Virtually test your driving skills. Earn a stunt driver's license doing insane tasks at high speeds and with complicated circumstances. For example: you try parallel parking doing 60 mph.

Concept 4


Show how close you get to action when watching LMAX live - imagine being in the middle of the movie Too Fast, Too Furious, your adrenaline will be pumping.

TV COMMERCIAL CONCEPT: At first it looks like a high-speed car chase through an old European village. A car zooms by a caf&eacute; and there sits a family in the middle of the chase. They look like they've been yanked right out of a theme park. Dumb t-shirts, balloons, cameras, sunglasses and even a hat with ears. The car chase action heats up, and every time the cars round a corner or race by the boat docks, this same family seems to be "right there" - in the middle of it all. They look out of place in every scene, but are having a great time watching all the action. The idea is&hellip; when you're watching LMAX your so close you feel like you're part of the movie.

WEB SITE CONCEPT: Not only are you a part of the movie - you decide how the movie gets made! You're the stunt director. Edit your own stunt sequence. When you're ready for primetime, submit you're movie to the gallery where it will be voted on by other kids. See who is the best stunt director of the week, the month, of all time!

Concept 5


Emergency! Drivers needed! See what happens when LMAX stunt drivers are put behind the wheel of Disney transportation like monorails, buses and water taxis.

TV COMMERCIAL CONCEPT: What if one day all of the Disney Tram Drivers called in sick, and the only people available to replace them were LMAX stunt drivers? And what if these new tram/stunt drivers decided to take these large trams filled with tourists and perform stunts, such as 360 burnouts, power slides and ramp jumping. Watch as the tourists get rocked, rolled and more than a little green.

WEB SITE CONCEPT: Because all of the stunt drivers from the LMAX stunt show were busy "filling-in" as tram and monorail drivers, we recruited you to do their stunts. It would be your responsibility to virtually roll cars, land jumps and drive through fire in the LMAX show online.

Concept 6


Think Grand Turismo (the PS2 game) takes over your neighborhood. The video game becomes real!

TV COMMERCIAL CONCEPT: Imagine the next great car chase video game - a world where cars race through your neighborhood, motorcycles burn rubber down your sidewalk, and jet skis catch air. Suddenly, the video game becomes the real world - it's right in front of you. The hero car is being chased and reaches a do-or-die moment with three options: 1) take a road covered by a herd of sheep&hellip; splat! 2) drive off a cliff&hellip; crash! or 3) take a rickety bridge&hellip; splash!. A web address flashes up that invites you find out how the story ends online.

WEB SITE CONCEPT: You arrive in this cool virtual world right where the TV spot left off and it's now your choice&hellip; the sheep, the cliff or the bridge? You're driving the car that is being chased. Make your choice. Make it fast. Find out if it's the right one.

Page 3

Now, here is another idea for a commercial that you might see on TV or in the movie theater and an idea for a web site that would be about the Lights! Motors! Action! Extreme Stunt Show.


Show how close you get to action when watching LMAX live - imagine being in the middle of the movie Too Fast, Too Furious, your adrenaline will be pumping.

TV COMMERCIAL CONCEPT: At first it looks like a high-speed car chase through an old European village. A car zooms by a café and there sits a family in the middle of the chase. They look like they've been yanked right out of a theme park. Dumb t-shirts, balloons, cameras, sunglasses and even a hat with ears. The car chase action heats up, and every time the cars round a corner or race by the boat docks, this same family seems to be "right there" - in the middle of it all. They look out of place in every scene, but are having a great time watching all the action. The idea is... when you're watching LMAX your so close you feel like you're part of the movie.

WEB SITE CONCEPT: Not only are you a part of the movie - you decide how the movie gets made! You're the stunt director. Edit your own stunt sequence. When you're ready for primetime, submit your movie to the gallery where it will be voted on by other kids. See who is the best stunt director of the week, the month, of all time!

It then asked some information about how much I use the internet, my connection, location and if I had been to WDW.


Well-Known Member
So should we start calling it LMAX???? I like the survey ideas atleast they are looking into new ways to bring it to us. The surf logo thing I think is a bit lame but it is hard to market this show to America I guess.



New Member
"think Lindsey Lohan walking into the American Chopper shop."

Seeing as there are shots of Herbie hot-rodded out for the new movie AND that Herbie will also be in the stunt show, I would guess Disney is going to cross-promote these two like mad.


Well-Known Member
I like the idea of the TV spot with the family "in the action."
Both web ideas are cool...but the second one seems to fit the attraction more.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Jerm said:
So should we start calling it LMAX???? I like the survey ideas atleast they are looking into new ways to bring it to us. The surf logo thing I think is a bit lame but it is hard to market this show to America I guess.


Same thoughts here... what does surfing have to do with a European cafe set?


Well-Known Member
I got the survey too. They said they wanted kids between 8-14, so I pretended to be 14 and took it of course!

I don't like the surf logo idea at all either, but I really like the commercial with the family thrown into it. I can totally picture that. I don't like the nickname "LMAX" either.


Well-Known Member
BeachClubVillas said:
I got the survey too. They said they wanted kids between 8-14, so I pretended to be 14 and took it of course!

I don't like the surf logo idea at all either, but I really like the commercial with the family thrown into it. I can totally picture that. I don't like the nickname "LMAX" either.
Scan? Possibly? Please?


New Member
I got the survey also. I let my 8 yr old answer the questions. Our survey commercials were different than the ones listed above.

One was about a commercial where you get to a certain point and have to pick one of three choices. Then you go to the website to see how it turns out.

The other was of a stunt driver going to the DMV to take his drivers liscense test in full stunt gear. He then takes the tester on a wild test ride. You then can go to the website a take the test yourself like playing a video game.

I thought it was interesting that they wanted a kid's opinion. I personally don't have a problem with it. I think it's a good idea as long as they remember to keep the parks interesting for the entire family and not just gear stuff to kids under 14. :lol:

:wave: ACE


Another twist

The survey will also branch and propose that all the tram and bus drivers at WDW are sick and the LMAX, (is this in stone now?), drivers are used to run transportation high speed style.

My grandson took it and he though the surf idea stunk as well.

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