It’s free when staying at the original three deluxe resorts. I think they have 7 total resorts now?
I only used it once, we stayed one night at Portofino and got free express pass for two days in the parks; check in day and check out day. It was great!
The best thing was, there is no app, no return time, you just get in the express pass line at random. This was many years ago, not sure how well it works now with Universal being so much more popular.
And obviously yes, if a family had to pay for the express pass, it would be very expensive.
On the other hand, visitors to WDW are more accepting to high price, sudden price hikes etc. and we just accept it, pay the price and continue to show up anyway.
I do like the pay one price, no app, just hop in line express pass. They should offer a Disney express pass if you stay at the deluxe resorts. The deluxe resorts would be always fully booked.
Folks will say it won’t work, there are too many rooms in the deluxe category, well what we have now does not work for anyone, deluxe, moderate or value.