Lightning Lane at Walt Disney World


Premium Member
Okay, that makes sense. If you don’t mind, just a couple more questions.

1) When can you make your selections? Days in advance? Only on the day of? If on the day of, at what time?
2) Can you make as many selections as you want all at once, or do you have to ride a selected attraction before you can make your next selection?
3) Do Disney resort guests get any advantages with this service over non-resort guests?

Thanks so much for helping me out!
1. Genie+ is on the day from 7am for all guests for the first one.
2. It’s one at a time. Once you ride one, then you book the next one.
3. They back tracked. Onsite guests can pay for TWO Lightning Passes @7am, everyone else has to wait until they get into the parks.

Roy G. Dis

Well-Known Member
My problem with this isn't necessarily the cost, but the fact that it turns the entire day into an internal debate about how much your time is worth. This now turns every day at the park into a mental value proposition calculation. Seeing a high wait time is no longer just a question of "is it worth 90 minutes to ride Haunted Mansion." It turns into "is $10 per person worth 90 minutes of our time? Would I rather spend $10 riding Mansion or Pirates? Should I just wait in line and save the money? Was that ride I just paid $10 on worth it because a few animatronics were broken?"

It turns the ENTIRE day into an internal debate about what's worth it and what's not. Every time you see a wait time you'll now have to determine how much your time is worth and that mindset is the absolute antithesis of what a Disney vacation should be.

Eh, yes for paying to skip lines but the free part of Genie seems to help people figure out they should be doing first.

But who knows if it'll actually work as intended!


Well-Known Member
So basically its a daily fee of 15 bucks to simply broswe or access genie+ ? If this is the case, then yeah, I dont think I am going to use it

Genie+ allows you to have “fast passes” to lower tier attractions.
the list of tier 2 rides is going to be hilarious...and sad
People WILL pay this, though, just to get on magic carpets and dumbo. It’s ridiculous.


Well-Known Member
I like that I won’t have to book rides 60 days out as that was a bit ridiculous, having to guess the times around when I may have lunch or dinner, despite the ‘window’ to use it

At the same time, I want to use my phone as little as possible when In the parks, but I guess realistically as and when it’s needed isn’t too bad.


Premium Member
So let me get this straigh,t 15 bucks is a ONE TIME payment to GET Genie+, or do you gotta pay 15 bucks on a monthly basis ? Ontop of that each selection for a "fastpass" will be an additional charge ?

What are the odds of the use of this new fastpass system p[lummeting and the normal wait lines getting stupidly longer ?

Just curious really as I got confused on the pricing.
…Thanks for this 😂


Park nostalgist
Premium Member
but paying monthly, if were blocked from attractions (if no standby lines) then not paying money anymore if were told we cant get in a regular line and wait. if a guest wants to wait they should be allowed to wait without paying whatever mess they are charging per ride per day etc etc.
Standby lines are still there. This is only for the formerly-known-as-FastPass access.

Waters Back Side

Well-Known Member
Because it’s not maxpass…maxpass was E tickets…this may be ZERO of them

True and very likely you are correct. FP+ was designed to use for the headliners and not the tier 2's. I'm actually surprised 15 a day total gets guests on the non headliners. I thought it might be more.

I still could be right btw..possibly 1 headliner a day free for resort guests lol! Nothing confirmed about that. Although I doubt it at this point. Likely I'll have an advantage as a resort guest to lock in the higher demand headlines without losing out based in availability. But I'll have to pay some loot.

Using my dream world guess though, that would mean I get a headliner and pay for the tier 2's which are the rides people games the system with anyway by booking them endlessly after using their 3. Theoretically that would improve waits because of cost on the lesser rides but not much since 15 dollars per person a day is not horrible for many.


Well-Known Member
Genie+ allows you to have “fast passes” to lower tier attractions.
Yeah, Genie+ to just Browse the thing will cost 15 bucks per browse ? Or is just getting Genie+ a one time payment of 15$ ? I am not asking about the ticket reserving part, just the cost of getting the app to do the ticket reserving.


Premium Member
True and very likely you are correct. FP+ was designed to use for the headliners and not the tier 2's. I'm actually surprised 15 a day total gets guests on the non headliners. I thought it might be more.

I still could be right btw..possibly 1 headliner a day free for resort guests lol! Nothing confirmed about that. Although I doubt it at this point. Likely I'll have an advantage as a resort guest to lock in the higher demand headlines without losing out based in availability. But I'll have to pay some loot.

Using my dream world guess though, that would mean I get a headliner and pay for the tier 2's which are the rides people games the system with anyway by booking them endlessly after using their 3. Theoretically that would improve waits because of cost on the lesser rides but not much since 15 dollars per person a day is not horrible for many.
Not happening, boss.

you pay for your room and no housekeeping and the pool if they decide to have it open. Nothing more.

…my condolences
Yup.. it's basically maxpass... but we took out the good rides and will charge you more for those. The one saving grace is the limit of 2 uses for the paid option right now.. that should at least limit the impact. But I can't see these control points staying very stable for very long.
I think there are more things to get money. We are living a global crisis and this is crazy. They said that they will never charge fast past et voilà.... Now, there will be impossible to get some attractions, even though you pay a fortune for that


Well-Known Member
So, I’m confused. Is PhotoPass included for WDW or just a DL perk? If it’s included in WDW - depending on the length of the trip - that could wind up being a savings, if I’ve calculated this right.

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