Exactly my original point. I am not suggesting for a second that the concept of the attraction change one bit, but if there's a way to improve the audio quality, or perhaps make the stretching room look just a bit more realistic then I am all for that. I'd like to hear the original recordings remastered and presented in higher sonic fidelity. Today's technology -- especially the advances made in the imagineering deptartment -- should be put to creative use and not kept out of the attraction just because we feel nostalgic about the way the Haunted Mansion has performed for 30 years. Let the imagineers do what they're great at and make the necessary improvements.
On my visit last week and last year, I found that people were still being herded into the stretching room when the host's narration started, and with all the people shuffling about, the audio was nearly drowned out. It just took away from the experience. And while we can blame staff coordination and logistics as being at fault, the bottom line was that the voice you hear doesn't even sound like it's coming from the walls of the mansion or the great beyond, but rather from a 30 year old speaker stuffed behind a wall. Sound quality has progressed light years since 1971...let's hear it.
Also, instead of waiting outside the mansion, they should allow a smaller group to wait inside the mansion next to the fireplace -- the detail in that room is amazing and people should have the chance to see it rather than go from the 102 heat outside straight into the stretching room. And there's tons of hidden Mickey's in the picture frame that hangs above the fireplace.