Let's fix the parks!

General Grizz

New Member
Original Poster
Here's how it works. I am going to open up this thread to suggestions on how to fix the theme parks. You can post ideas involving bringing back songs all the way to changing management style.

Be careful NOT to repeat suggestions! You may post more than one idea.

At the very end, I might make a voting system, and then finally, the winning ideas from poll or otherwise shall make it into a "Walt Disney Company Constitution Proposal."

It should be in this format:


I'll start:

1. Let's bring back Audio-Animatronics figures attractions. Although some figures are used here and there, some of the greatest AA spectaculars have been lost. Successes: Haunted Mansion and Pirates of the Caribbean remain two of the most popular Disney attractions. Epcot has lost roughly 240 animatronics since its 1982 opening with no replacements. Lucky the Dinosaur has been one attempt that shows how powerful Animatronics add to the character of the theme parks.

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
So much to think about, so little time! Is it alright that I post more than one idea in a post?

1. Mission Space and Test Track are both great rides, but they need a better theme song ( at least for M:S ) and more AAs. In test track, add more eye candy during the ride around the building and maybe make the road test ( the one where you go around the hills ) longer and add AA workmen around the ride.
On M:S add more AAs as Robotic working figures.

2. Bring back Tapestry of Nations

3. More live entertainment

4. BIG BIG BIG rehab to POTC.

General Grizz

New Member
Original Poster
Originally posted by imagineer boy
So much to think about, so little time! Is it alright that I post more than one idea in a post?

1. Mission Space and Test Track are both great rides, but they need a better theme song ( at least for M:S ) and more AAs. In test track, add more eye candy during the ride around the building and maybe make the road test ( the one where you go around the hills ) longer and add AA workmen around the ride.
On M:S add more AAs as Robotic working figures.

2. Bring back Tapestry of Nations

3. More live entertainment

4. BIG BIG BIG rehab to POTC.

Great, let's renumber yours to 2, 3, 4, 5.

I would expand 1 to: "Add more traditional ride quality to such attractions as Mission Space and Test Track" (as this involves long-term future)

I would combine 2/3: "Bring back live entertainment that brings the essence of the original Tapestry of Nations"

I would expand 4: "Enhance the original theme park attractions in quality and technology"


Well-Known Member
1.)Bring Dreamfinder back
2.) put a new hotel near Epcot based on the one that was going to be in the center of EPCOT in Walt's plans.
3.) Add a People Mover in Epcot.
4.) Put a new version of World Of Motion near Test Track.
5.)Put in some of the stuff originally planned for Mission Space(the space walk)
6.)Create a new version of Horizons in the Oydessy building.Godzilla ride in Japan Pavillion.
Magic Kingdom:
7.)New versions of Mr. Toad,the Skyway, and Flying Saucers(in the Cosmic Ray Theater in Tommorowland.)
8.) Under New Management is replaced by a new version with elements of the Original Tiki Room, and Get The Fever at Tokyo Disneyland.
9.)Great Muppet Movie Ride and Gonzo's Pandimonium Pizza Parlor.
Animal Kingdom:
10.)Put in Beastly Kingdom as an extension of Camp Minnie Mickey.


New Member
heres what i think

1. new paint jobs on rides like buzz lightyear, small world , etc

2. do somthing with the odyssey like make it a resturaunt again or somthing its startin to look real old.

3.add a resturaunt in toontown or a really good themed ride that land is really lacking

General Grizz

New Member
Original Poster
Alright, really sorry about this, but if it's not too much trouble, repost your ideas so that the FIRST idea I put on is 1, the second IDEA is 2, etc.

If not? No problem.


The NEXT suggestion should be 19. etc.

When I formulate the "Constitution," I may have to generalize some of these.

SUGGESTION: Generalize your suggestion, and use your specific ideas as examples.

So far, so good! :) :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
LOL GRIZZ.....Like my science teacher says :)zipit: ) "PEOPLE, THESE ARE SIMPLE INSTRUCTIONS"...

19)I suggest: Opening once closed stuff will greatly improve the appearence of the parks. Especially at Animal Kingdom. All those little food stands spread out all over the AK walkways that are NEVER open. Open them, sell more stuff, make more money.

20)I suggest: Get Mickey and the gang out in the parks more often. They tried to see how popular they still were when they did Philharmagic, and that has been a tremendous sucess. I hardly see Mickey and Minnie out anymore, but Stitch and Kenai are everywhere. Maybe have Mickey narrarate the train ride over to Conservation Station, and add tv's or something.

21)I suggest: Do NOT add Beastly Kingdom for now. Add "Quest for the Unicorn" but nothing more. If they keep adding attractions every 5 months, Everest, Unicorn, Beastly Kingdom, it lowers the value of the park. I also, if they do go forward with this plan, wish they could find a different spot for it. If they put it connecting to Camp Minnie Mickey, the park outline becomes sloppy and unorganized. I don't think there is even anymore room to add BK in the form they were planning before. The area they had it set out on is now the bus loop...I think.

22)I suggest: They def. find a way to stop the always constant gridlock by Peter pan and Small World, and now in between Philharmagic and the Carousel. The main problem in this is the strollers. Use the Skyway station as a stroller area.


New Member
I totally agree something needs to be done with the parks. Here are my ideas:

22)MK: ToonTown and Tomorrowland Speedway combined together to put in a new exciting land with E-ride or a big ride in the area itself. The Fantasyland Skyway should be turned into a Mr. Toad Ride with vehicles outside and inside. Tomorrowland needs to be severley repainted (ex:track along TTA) and they should bring Disneymania to the Galaxy Palace Theatre. As far as entertainment goes, more updated floats from new movies in Spectromagic, and either bring back Magical Moments Parade or the use the theme song from MMP with the SADCT Parade. Something needs to go in 20KLUTS like either a little mermaid thing or Atlantis.

23)Epcot: All the old pavillions should be turned into thrill ride adventures that still have to do with their original design(ex: Like Test Track still has to do with cars)Epcot definetly needs a parade(I wish they could bring ImagiNATIONS from Paris over to Epcot but someone said the floats were too big)Illuminations needs a new show. ROE is getting old. I think a stage show around the fountain with Mickey and Pals would be cool and work the fountain into it somehow.

24)MGM: Oh, where do I start. Build a bigger park! Needs to be more thrill rides. Star Tours needs to be updated to the new movies and 3D. Muppet Vision 3D needs something new especially with the new stuff from Philarmagic. Fantasmic needs a better exit line and the Pochahontas part need to be replaced.

25) I really don't have too many things to say about Animal Kingdom. I rarely go there and when I do, it's just to ride Dinosaur and Primeval Whirl. I'm guessing with the addition of EE it will get better.

Those are my suggestions.


Well-Known Member
(the poster above me used #22 twice, so I'll resume from where it SHOULD be)

27) Analyze lesser-popular rides and convene on why they are not as popular. Discuss what could be done to change the attraction, or if a new one is needed all together. Facilitate as much guest input as possible on this.

28) Restoration of PoTC and the Haunted Mansion. Updated sound, repainting, a few new scenes where there is space (i.e. spider web room in HM), and perhaps a few new animatronics.

29) Repairing and reopening of The Odessey as something - ANYTHING!

30) Revamp of El Rio del Tiempo in Mexico.

31) Extension and possibly revamp of Norway ride.

32) Addition of a new country in the World Showcase where the little food pit stop is currently located next to China.

33) Implementation of at least C-ticket level attactions at all of the World Showcase pavillions.

34) A new themed restaurant such as "The Haunted Mansion Restaurant" or one similar to Blue Bayou in Disneyland at the Pirates of the Caribbean.

35) Immense extension of the Living Seas to provide a long, informative dark ride much like Horizons was.

36) New Epcot (weather?) pavillion featuring a multitude of attractions.

37) Star Tours makeover and revamp in honor of the release of the final film. Have it include aspects from all six films.

38) Indiana Jones Adventure in MGM.

More to come... I'm brainstorming...

General Grizz

New Member
Original Poster
Good ideas everyone, but I think we'd be better off giving simple ideas. I.E. several of these can be placed into "Add more to attractions at EPCOT: song, heart, quality, ride diversity. Examples: . . . " Good so far, but this is for a general "Constitution" on rebuilding the parks with no great emphasis on a certain attraction, for example. When it's all compiled, I'll try to organize each idea listed.

39. The Walt Disney Cast Process should become more strict, but more permanent; Cast should be given higher pay, more benefits, and in turn, they will peform better. Traditions should be extended back to two days, eight hours each day.


Well-Known Member
40. Spend more for quality product.
Easy examples would be a lot of the stuff that Disney has done on the cheap recently, including but not limited to DCA, Chester and Hesters, and hiring practices...
Walt Disney enjoyed making money, but it was always a means to an end, not an end unto itself...


New Member
I second number 39 I believe this is very important! 41. Put money into the upkeep of maintenance and keep things fixed and painted like they used to be! making sure all the rides and attractions that people love are always in quality shape! 42.keeping the world clean , this is part of the magic! (Refers back to 39 paying workers and treating them like there worth the magic they produce)! 43.Quality not quantity! Lets perfect what we have, before we spend more on other things and letting everthing else go.


Disney's Favorite Scumbag™
Premium Member
i'd fix them mathematically...

these are the MINIMUM standards
1- have a MINIMUM of 7 attractions per 1 themed area, 2 of which must be E-tickets, 2 D's, 1 C, 1 B, 1A. If size doesn't permit, then another area must have an extra to compensate for the area that lacks.

2- 1 parade per park, and 1 night spectacular per park. The night spectacular can be another parade (But not the same one as the day parade, save for special occasion parades like the Xmas parade) or a fireworks show. Parks like DAK which close early in the day, must have one then in the morning... and not the cheesy awakening. I want the guests to leave it refreshed and awakened... not running for coffee.

3- area/attraction specific themed merchandise. None of this "put the same merchandise in every store" nonsense. The only exceptions to the rules are, A- mickey mouse ears, B- autograph books, C- pens, D- film, E- batteries. Nothing more. If you want generic WDW stuff, go to the big stores in the front of the parks.

4- management. Promote into management on merit and cast recommendations, and hire outsiders into management. No more of this "who you know" garbage which is sadly the way corporate america works.

5- prices. During off-peak seasons, park prices would be lowered to entice locals to come in, as well as encourage people to vacation during non-traditional times. a 25% decrease in ticket prices across the board would be in order. However.. these tickets would not work during peak seasons. The guest could choose to pay the difference in price to use them during peak season.

6- corporate partnerships. find more with companies as dedicated to their lines of business as Disney is. 'nough said. And improve the strained relationship with Pixar.

7- cast. improve morale with a series of moves, such as A- living wages, B- bonuses, C- work WITH the union and not against it. Also, improve the quality of the cast

8- executives. cut middle management, and a fixed cap for the total amount of bonuses and salaries that ALL executives (incl. CEO) can receive annually.

9- encourage the Disney family to participate in their legacy by giving them reason to.

10- dedicate more energy into the core businesses, and put less stress on becoming an evil mutinational corporation

11- ABC. Make them self-sufficient, self-operating subsidiary of the company.

12- Miramax. Ditto.

i'll post more later.


Premium Member
I'm guessing mkt posted #44-55......

56. Let's bring back the quality of original attraction songs. A long time ago, we had New Horizons, Tomorrow's Child, If You Had Wings, etc. Now, we have the Tiki Rap in The Enchanted Tiki Room: Under New Management. We need original songs with heart.

57. Let's give Epcot what it use to have. In the beginning, Epcot had World of Motion, Horizons, the Universe of Energy, Journey Into Imagination. Now we've got Test Track, Mission: SPACE, Journey Into Imagination with Figment, and Ellen's Energy Adventure. C'mon people. Epcot use to be a place where you could learn something and have fun at the same time. It's becoming a place of thrills with little or no educational value or heart. Attractions like Horizons and World of Motion need to be in place at Epcot.

58. Let's stop all of these seasonal operations. Wonders of Life and The Timekeeper are now seasonal. Superstar Limo over at DCA is just closed, not even on seasonal status. Why keep something closed? If you keep it closed, you might as well just take it down. What's the use of having opened just during the busy times? Open it or close it for good and replace it. Simple as that.

59. Let's use the Muppets! Alright, so we just paid millions of dollars to buy them. We can't just not use them. Movies and television programs aren't enough. WDI has a bunch of old designs sitting on a shelf somewhere in Burbank for Muppet-themed attractions. USE THEM. People like the Muppets, and they'd love Muppet attractions. Muppet*Vision 3D is popular, yet still aging. Add a couple updates. The Great Muppet Movie Ride sounds like it would be one of the best Disney park attractions, so go ahead and build it. The Great Gonzo's Pandemonium Pizza Parlor would be a fantastic achievement for WDI in the themed restaurant area, so go ahead with it too, as well as a few smaller Muppet-themed attractions in the Disney MGM Studios, and you've got yourself a new land. Muppet Studios, MuppetVille, whatever you want to call it. That money used to buy them can't be wasted.

That's all I have for now...


Well-Known Member
Pull out a few standards from the old Hymn Book:

60. Discovery Bay
61. Great Western Expedition
62. Discovery Mountain
63. Geyser Mountain
64. Maroon Studios
65 Little Mermain Dark Ride
66. Beauty and the Beast Dark Ride
67 Mt. Fuji
68 Bald Mountain


New Member
In general, I've found that this sort of unorganized, collective reform can lead to problems. Either the suggestions are contradictory (example: Imagineer Boy wants Tapestry of Nations, mkt doesn't) or they simply aren't feasible (example: bring back all the old attractions, pay all cast members $15/hour, and repaint every square inch of WDW nightly).

We can establish a set of criteria which ensures changes will be financially viable and consistent with Disney standards ('WWWD'). I'll start with a reasonable proposal: We should rename 'Walt Disney World' to 'Calamar World' and immediately construct dozens of Calamar-themed attractions, providing free access to all Walt Disney World resort to the family and friends of Calamar.


New Member
Originally posted by mkt
i'd fix them mathematically...

these are the MINIMUM standards
1- have a MINIMUM of 7 attractions per 1 themed area, 2 of which must be E-tickets, 2 D's, 1 C, 1 B, 1A. If size doesn't permit, then another area must have an extra to compensate for the area that lacks.

2- 1 parade per park, and 1 night spectacular per park. The night spectacular can be another parade (But not the same one as the day parade, save for special occasion parades like the Xmas parade) or a fireworks show. Parks like DAK which close early in the day, must have one then in the morning... and not the cheesy awakening. I want the guests to leave it refreshed and awakened... not running for coffee.

3- area/attraction specific themed merchandise. None of this "put the same merchandise in every store" nonsense. The only exceptions to the rules are, A- mickey mouse ears, B- autograph books, C- pens, D- film, E- batteries. Nothing more. If you want generic WDW stuff, go to the big stores in the front of the parks.

4- management. Promote into management on merit and cast recommendations, and hire outsiders into management. No more of this "who you know" garbage which is sadly the way corporate america works.

5- prices. During off-peak seasons, park prices would be lowered to entice locals to come in, as well as encourage people to vacation during non-traditional times. a 25% decrease in ticket prices across the board would be in order. However.. these tickets would not work during peak seasons. The guest could choose to pay the difference in price to use them during peak season.

6- corporate partnerships. find more with companies as dedicated to their lines of business as Disney is. 'nough said. And improve the strained relationship with Pixar.

7- cast. improve morale with a series of moves, such as A- living wages, B- bonuses, C- work WITH the union and not against it. Also, improve the quality of the cast

8- executives. cut middle management, and a fixed cap for the total amount of bonuses and salaries that ALL executives (incl. CEO) can receive annually.

9- encourage the Disney family to participate in their legacy by giving them reason to.

10- dedicate more energy into the core businesses, and put less stress on becoming an evil mutinational corporation

11- ABC. Make them self-sufficient, self-operating subsidiary of the company.

12- Miramax. Ditto.

i'll post more later.

All the above!!

:sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy:

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