Oh, friends, it has been so, so very long. And so much has happened in the past year! Namely, a year of clinical rotations mostly around Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and Ohio, venturing as far west as Kansas. It was an experience I'd rather not repeat, and fortunately do not have to, as I graduated at the end of December, passed my board exam, moved back to Florida, and will begin a new job shortly. Phew! I just got back from the UK on Saturday, after spending Christmas with my family over there, and had to drive past WDW TWICE on my way to and from MCO. It hurt me. It hurt me so badly that after driving past it on Saturday I started talking to my mom about how I could just go.... I could just... go.
Here's where I could just go... The following morning, jet lag had me up rather early so I was like... shall I check to see if there are any hotels available? What's the harm? What is the harm. So I looked for Wednesday and Pop was available for 162 that night. I hate making decisions and that number wasn't really speaking to me, so I held off. My grandparents came over yesterday to see my new apartment now that I finally have furniture (that is a story and a half...) and while there, my grandma (the one I often go to Disney with) and my mom started being little evil devils on my shoulder whispering to me that I should just DO IT. So I looked at the hotel availability for Tuesday... and lo, All Star Sports for $93 a night. That's more like it. So, I jumped. And by jumped, I also bought my annual pass. Thus, the title of this thread (which I figure I'll just keep ongoing for the year a la @Tuvalu as long as I, of course, am not cramping your style). My credit card is taking a beating.
So, this Tuesday through Thursday I'll be at WDW, and I'm kind of just winging it. I have reservations for MK tomorrow, Epcot on Wednesday, and who knows on Thursday because I haven't decided if I'm going to go to a park or head home for any administrative stuff outstanding for my job since my remaining funemployment free time is rapidly dwindling. Don't expect great pictures for now because 1) I did not settle on the Photopass upcharge and 2) I dropped my phone this year directly on the camera and shattered the glass over the lens, thus the weird flares in the photo above. But she still works, so that will be dealt with in the future if any of the new iPhones this year tickle my fancy... a different opportunity to be financially irresponsible in 2025! Yay! So, join me on what is sure to be a year of me just riding Haunted Mansion and Peoplemover and calling it a day since I have no interest in figuring out the latest FP replacement
Oh, friends, it has been so, so very long. And so much has happened in the past year! Namely, a year of clinical rotations mostly around Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and Ohio, venturing as far west as Kansas. It was an experience I'd rather not repeat, and fortunately do not have to, as I graduated at the end of December, passed my board exam, moved back to Florida, and will begin a new job shortly. Phew! I just got back from the UK on Saturday, after spending Christmas with my family over there, and had to drive past WDW TWICE on my way to and from MCO. It hurt me. It hurt me so badly that after driving past it on Saturday I started talking to my mom about how I could just go.... I could just... go.
Here's where I could just go... The following morning, jet lag had me up rather early so I was like... shall I check to see if there are any hotels available? What's the harm? What is the harm. So I looked for Wednesday and Pop was available for 162 that night. I hate making decisions and that number wasn't really speaking to me, so I held off. My grandparents came over yesterday to see my new apartment now that I finally have furniture (that is a story and a half...) and while there, my grandma (the one I often go to Disney with) and my mom started being little evil devils on my shoulder whispering to me that I should just DO IT. So I looked at the hotel availability for Tuesday... and lo, All Star Sports for $93 a night. That's more like it. So, I jumped. And by jumped, I also bought my annual pass. Thus, the title of this thread (which I figure I'll just keep ongoing for the year a la @Tuvalu as long as I, of course, am not cramping your style). My credit card is taking a beating.
So, this Tuesday through Thursday I'll be at WDW, and I'm kind of just winging it. I have reservations for MK tomorrow, Epcot on Wednesday, and who knows on Thursday because I haven't decided if I'm going to go to a park or head home for any administrative stuff outstanding for my job since my remaining funemployment free time is rapidly dwindling. Don't expect great pictures for now because 1) I did not settle on the Photopass upcharge and 2) I dropped my phone this year directly on the camera and shattered the glass over the lens, thus the weird flares in the photo above. But she still works, so that will be dealt with in the future if any of the new iPhones this year tickle my fancy... a different opportunity to be financially irresponsible in 2025! Yay! So, join me on what is sure to be a year of me just riding Haunted Mansion and Peoplemover and calling it a day since I have no interest in figuring out the latest FP replacement