Monday August 12th
Departure day. The dreaded day that your vacation is over and you now have a long trip back home. Ugh. We got up and M took the kids for a swim while I packed all the suitcases and dumped everything we didn't want. All the unused disposable rain ponchos, bottled water, glow sticks, etc...I left a note that it could be donated or taken home, whatever. M came back and the kids waited while we packed the car. When we came back to the room, the kids were a bit freaked out. Apparently housekeeping had been by and didn't speak English. So some random stranger just walked into the room and started talking to them, but they didn't understand what they were saying so they hadn't realized it was a hotel employee. No English? So much for my note...
This part was tough. Back when we had eaten at Chuy's, the balloon artist had made an owl for E and a Pikachu for A.
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We had been carting them around during our travels, but now that we were headed to a plane, we couldn't take them with us, and we had warned the kids that these were just temporary and we'd have to toss them when we went home. A had forgotten about that, so he was very upset at having to leave Pikachu behind. He wished he had a Pikachu plush that he could hold and cuddle. We promised we'd look for one.
We went for lunch at Saltgrass and asked our server if he knew where we might find a stuffed pikachu. He said he had heard something about Universal aquiring rights to Pokemon, so perhaps a Universal store at the airport, or maybe the Outlet malls. So back to the outlets we went. No luck. We headed to the airport. Our flight was in the evening, but being international, we had to check in several hours in advance, meaning we'd be in the airport during dinner. We had tried to get A some chicken nuggets from McDonalds for breakfast, but the one we went to didn't serve anything but breakfast food until later in the day. He didn't like the fries at Saltgrass. So we told him we'd get him McDonalds for dinner. We knew there was a McDonalds at the airport. By the time we turned the rental car in, we were cutting it close and just wanted to check in for our flight and get through security and it wasn't dinner time yet.
We got to our terminal and gate and there was no McDonalds there. A started to cry. First he had had to say goodbye to his balloon friend, then we couldn't find a plush one anywhere, he hadn't eaten anything all day, and now there was no McDonalds. And then alarms and flashing lights started going off, and our flight was delayed because of awful weather. A was melting was just too much. We tried to look for somewhere he could just get fries. I don't remember for sure, but I think there was a burger king and we decided to get food there, but A doesn't like their fries or their chicken nuggets, and we were facing a very long flight on which he wouldn't eat. When they announced our flight was delayed even more, he completely melted down. He was crying, rocking back and forth, pounding his legs with his fists, so I gave him my neck pillow to punch instead. People were looking and I apologized and explained that he has autism and is struggling with the change in routine as well as the flashing lights and the sirens (they were working on alarms I guess). Everyone was very kind, but as a parent, it's really embarrassing when your child is having this degree of meltdown and you can't stop it. You feel like it's your job to fix it and everyone is thinking you're the worst mom ever. Unfortunately, you just can't plan for some things, and flight delays and alarm system testing are outside of mom's control.
The upside to all this was that now that our flight was even more delayed, M had time to take A back through to the main airport entrance to the one McDonalds we knew was there. So he was able to get his food and get back through security well before our flight actually boarded, which helped, although nothing was going to completely make up for this awful day and all the let downs.
I don't even remember our flight home. I don't remember if we were seated together. I don't remember the food or the movie options. I DO remember that when we landed, we looked for our baggage claim number and stood there waiting forever. Our suitcases never came out. We finally heard from someone else that a bunch of people on our flight had to go fill out forms because our luggage was sent on a different flight or something? It didn't make it to Amsterdam with us. All that time waiting at the baggage claim had been for nothing. We now had to wait in a line with all the other people with no luggage to get a form, then fill it out and wait in another line to turn it back in so our luggage would be delivered to our home. This meant all our clothes and such were lost for now and all we had was the clothes on our backs.
It was eventually delivered to us a couple of days later, but A was having a hard time after the day before, and now having something else go wrong. My in-laws had to wait for ages for us to come out of the baggage claim area because we were filling out those stupid forms...I felt so bad for them. E and I kept A occupied by playing Heads Up on one of our phones, but he was anxious and tired, and just drained. We were so glad to just get home.
Disney would be the most amazing thing ever if we could just learn to teleport/aparate so we didn't have to deal with flight checkins and security and lost luggage. I hope someone is working on that whole teleportation thing.
Other than the trip home, our trip was pretty great. It was nice getting to spend time with my family, and we enjoyed introducing my niece to Disney magic. It went by too fast, but when is that NOT the case? And now, I'll go back to living vicariously through all of you!