Latest Justin Video Originals
ok heres what i got uploaded
first off, wdwmagic posted a reflections of earth video a long time ago, i decided that it could use a remixing of the audio for it to sound better. in no way am i taking credit for this video, all i did was redeit the audio, let me know what you think or if its a problem ill remove the video.
Reflections of earth REMIX
Secondly i got the test track preshow and video, i think it came out great, let me know.
Test Track Pre-Show
Test Track
ok heres what i got uploaded
first off, wdwmagic posted a reflections of earth video a long time ago, i decided that it could use a remixing of the audio for it to sound better. in no way am i taking credit for this video, all i did was redeit the audio, let me know what you think or if its a problem ill remove the video.
Reflections of earth REMIX
Secondly i got the test track preshow and video, i think it came out great, let me know.
Test Track Pre-Show
Test Track