Latest Justin Mvideo Originals


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Latest Justin Video Originals

ok heres what i got uploaded

first off, wdwmagic posted a reflections of earth video a long time ago, i decided that it could use a remixing of the audio for it to sound better. in no way am i taking credit for this video, all i did was redeit the audio, let me know what you think or if its a problem ill remove the video.

Reflections of earth REMIX

Secondly i got the test track preshow and video, i think it came out great, let me know.

Test Track Pre-Show

Test Track



Original Poster
let me just say the tot video is here still, but im gonna make you all wait for that one. i want to get some of the lesser and samller rides first.

though my next big upload will prolly be Time Keeper, Haunted mansion, pirtates, alien encounter and, journey into the imagination in no particular order.

after that release, i think people mover, buzz lightyear (maybe), star tours, tot w/ preshow, rocken rollercoaster pre-show



Original Poster
well all my original videos are in dv format which is an uncompressed avi, videos rnage from 700 megs to 3 gigs.

i wanted to put them in a format most people can view without too much loss of quality. Real media i find annoying and the sound isnt that good, and i hate the fast foward abilitys in divx. so wma is my only real choice. i did allot of testing and found on my slow computer WMA codec 8 for video at 750k was the best and smoothest motion, and WMA codec 9 96-128bit for the best audio. if anyone has any better suggestions let me know, otherwise ill keep posting them this way.

i finished Journey into your imagination, so that and time keeper will be up in a week

by the way what did you all think of the re-encoding of the audio in reflections of earth?



it's only downloading at 32.4 kbps. This may seem amazing, but not to me as I have cable internet. Is there a problem with the server?

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