Last minute must-do's


New Member
Hey everybody!:wave: We are leaving in 12 days, and I was wondering if any of you have any last minute planning tips for my final days leading up to our trip. We are almost completely packed, but I want to make sure that I have all of my ducks in a row before we leave.

Thanks for any tips you can give me!!

real mad hatter

Well-Known Member

Yeh,don't forget the kids,joking,we turn off the gas,lock the front door,weigh our suitcases,check our passports and visa papers,dollars in wallet with visa card,ref numbers with our ADRS,and kiss the real world goodbye for two weeks!:wave:
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Well-Known Member
I guess my advice is pretty generalized, but my absolute must do is making lists. I keep one notebook that has all my lists, so none can get lost. I'm a list maker in general, but I'm like a crazylady list maker before a trip, because I don't want to forget anything. Some lists you may want to consider:

Packing list
Itinerary for myself
List of week before To-do's
List of night before To-Do's
List that has all my hotel/flight/travel arrangements to leave with whomever might be watching my house, or dog sitting so they can reach me ASAP if needed.
List of all phone numbers I might need while away (Disney info, Resort, Dining, Taxi, Airport, etc)
List of things I need to take on the flight with me (separate packing)
List of last minute things I need to pick up (snacks, gum, batteries, meds, etc)

You get the idea. Hope you have a fabulous trip! Enjoy! :wave:
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Active Member
I always like to print everything out, the reservation confirmations, ADRs everything, it just makes me feel better

you can review all the stuff on the plane, make sure you have stuff to read on the plane, you could also roughly think about which parks you'd want to go to on each day so you're not wasting time like where too next.

oh and you should maybe see if you had a radio that you could just leave on so it sounds like someones home.

also your lights on timers!

Don't forget to have fun [::wave:
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Well-Known Member
-If your alarm clock automatically alarms EVERY a.m., don't forget to turn it off before leaving.
-Water the plants
-Wind any clocks that aren't electric or "self-winding".
-Mail/paper (either stop or have neighbor retrieve)
-Leave ALL phone #s (including resort tel#) with family or friends who may need to reach you.
-Check all documents you need for trip (resort conf#, DME vouchers, ADRs, loaded Disney Rewards Card)

[thanks for this thread since we leave in 39 days!
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Well-Known Member
-Bring a little bag of pocket change if you plan on doing any of the pressed penny machines scattered around WDW. Mini m&m containers hold quarters nicely.

-Set your DVR to tape your favorite shows. I hate when I get back from vacation and forgot to record our shows!

-Tell a trusted neighbor that you will be away, so that they can watch for anything strange going on at your house.

-Pack a filtered water bottle if you have time. I like to fill my up at fountains to save on buying bottles of water all day.

-Throw a few magnets in your bag. I like to hang up a times guide & a resort map on our room fridge.
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Turn the heat/ac off and if you can set it to turn on the day you get home.
Make sure all windows are closed and locked.
I also make tons of lists-my packing list, my fiance's packing list, things to do before we leave that day, hotels we are staying at etc.
I also have a special list of things we need the night before we leave and that morning like toothbrushes and toothpaste, contacts, glasses etc.

Have fun on your trip!
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Active Member
Music/Movies --- for the ride/flight

Camera Cables --- to open up space on your camera (bring your CPU)

Drink Mix --- those individual serving flavor packets (get water for free in-park)

Poptarts/Breakfast --- always nice to have for when you get on the bus quickly

Charger Cables --- CPU/Phone/MP3/Camera, etc.
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Well-Known Member
I'm a list maker as well - other than the previous mentioned list I also list:

  • EMH for all the parks
  • Shopping - list of people to buy souvenirs for and specific things I want to get for myself
  • Photos - certain photos I don't want to miss out on (for example my 1st timer friend has ToT on their bucket list so I have to get a photo of just her in front of the ride)
  • Dining - all of my table service res info as well as which Quick Service will work for my group (have some picky eaters)
  • Hidden gems - this is particularly for my upcoming trip because I'm showing some 1st timers around the park and there are certain things I want to remember to show them

It all just fits in a small notebook - usually a mini 5-subject one - and I use a section for each theme park and a section for the remainder (DTD, TL, Resorts etc) the extra pages are used to jot down what we did each day and funny things we saw, said or overheard. You'd be surprised how years later one little phrase can get your whole family cracking up again - my family sings the "If I had Wings Song" to me all the time because one night in my sleep I started singing it and scratching my butt :lookaroun

Other reminders are to not post on social networking sites that your house will be empty. If you have a security system that works your lights set it to randomize when lights will turn on and off.

If you booked through a travel agent include their number on your list of emergency numbers to take.

I also go onto the the Walt Disney World website and confirm that they show all of the details and that everything is correct - including all of your dinner reservations.

Take photos of your luggage before you leave and keep them until you get home that way if it gets lost you have a reference. This also helps prove that the luggage was not damaged in anyway before you left.

Now for some extra tips once you're there - Every day once the kids are dressed for the parks take a good full length photo of them - you'd be surprised how many parents are so upset when a child is lost (I lost children, only lost parents) that they can't remember what their child was wearing that day.

I also take a photos of my photopass card with my number on it in case I lose it - that way they can still find my photos

Now relax because you have planned well and you will have a fantastic trip!!! :wave::sohappy:
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Well-Known Member
I am in agreement with the water heater - no use in wasting energy if no one is there to use it

I also set the thermostat to heat and 60° in the cooler months and turn the AC to 76° in the warmer months - no frozen pipes in winter and a relatively temperate house in summer that doesn't take a day to cool down completely

I also turn off the water - don't want a leaking appliance (washer, ice maker, water heater, toilet) to leak for a week or longer. Plus, it keeps the dishonest neighbors from using my spigot for their sprinkler (no lie, the renters next door did that along with rummaged through my yard shed).

I turn off the circuit breakers to the outside outlets - again, don't mow your lawn or run your refrigerator with an extension cord on my juice!

Stop the mail - set the timers - leave a fluorescent light on in the kitchen over the sink - with closed blinds, it always looks like someone is in the kitchen (while the other lights go on and off randomly throughout the house). Leave at least 1 car in the driveway to make it look like someone might be there.

Don't order anything that might get delivered while you are gone, including checking your subscription items (Amazon, paper products, water delivery, etc).

Notify your Credit Card companies that you will be going away and when.

Mow the lawn before you leave (it will need it by the time you come back unless it gets cold again).

Have change on hand for the tolls if you are renting a car...or better yet, get a SunPass :)

Check all bags to ensure that there is nothing in them deemed "dangerous" by TSA

Thats about all I have for now...
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Well-Known Member
I always try to pack 2 days before we leave, (we normally leave around 4am and I need a day to close up things) I always clean out the fridge, do any laundry, arrange for neighbor to pick up mail, let my local Police Dept know we will be away (even with an alarm system), take out all trash, clean coffee pot, and make the beds. Last thing I want to do when I get home from vacation, is clean or come home to a smelly house. We unpack, pick up the dogs and PASS out! LOL
Regarding social networking, I always bring our lap top or Ipad on vacation, and chat away as if Im home, it's not til a week after our vacation has ended, do I post pics or tell anyone I've been on vacation :)
Enjoy your vacation :wave:
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im the same way on social networking. never know who is looking. I always pack multioutlet extension cord. You know the ones with 6 or eight plug ins? that way I can plug it in near the nightstand or the table and have a recharging station if you will. game systems, phones, laptops etc. they all have a home. Its easy to make sure you have them all when you leave too. when you unplug a charger put it with the device and pack it. I always take a small tupaware container to for any loose coin i aquire during the trip. also one for pins to protect them on the way home.

mow the yard before you leave so it doesnt look overgrown while your gone.
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Well-Known Member
I always clean out the fridge, do any laundry, arrange for neighbor to pick up mail, . . . take out all trash, clean coffee pot, and make the beds. Last thing I want to do when I get home from vacation, is clean or come home to a smelly house.

EXACTLY ! ! Returning from Disney is already depressing enough. It's great to have all these things done before you leave.
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Well-Known Member
Hangers! There are never enough...I like to hang almost everything and use the drawers for snacks, camera/computer/camcorder things. Travel safe and enjoy:wave:
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