I hate replying to mysel, but I'm nearly done and ready to pull the trigger. Here's what I found and why I'm going with the model I picked.
I was looking at Dell, since they're on coffee lake like Razer but for several hundred less then Razer I was moving to get that, however it seems Dell has throttling issues. In fact their Kaby Lake model was throttling, and then they threw in a 6 core CPU and its even more of an issue
Razer uses a vaper champer which is superior to heat pipes, and the Razer has less issues with throttling.
Macs are off the list because they've yet to upgrade to coffee lake, and in the past they skipped chipsets, i.e., stayed on Haswell for 2 years so while I don't think they'll skip coffee lake it is possible. Plus I don't want to wait until September of October. They also have a defective keyboard design that has generated three class action suits. I'm not sold we'll any redesign that addresses that issue anytime soon.
Dell as mentioned has some throttling issues, and tbh, I'm not really jazzed up about the design (such as the camera is on the bottom, ie., nose cam). I'm going to be using this quite often and if I don't like the look and feel, then why spend all that money. Next to Apple their customer support is great.
Razer. I love the design, it does look very Mac like in the fits and finish. Unlike the Mac its very upgradeable, ram and storage is easily swapped out. Like the Mac its priced very high
. Customer support has a large question mark, history shows it be questionable at best, poor at worst. Recently they seemed to be spending time to make it better and things have improved but I am taking a chance
Here's a couple of YT reviews. I really like Dave2D and MobileTech Review. Both Dave and Lisa provide very good reviews of products. MobileTech's is very indepth as its 20 minutes.
No product is perfect, but I feel the Razer checks off many of my wants and must haves. I'll now have to wait for the model I want to be in stock (FHD, GTX 1060, 144Hz model)