Land of Legends Monorail


Original Poster
Here I just made a quick sketch of a little of my ideas for the monorail if we hae decided that will be the park's transportation method. Tell me what you think of it and what changes i should make. (sorry if the picture's hard to see, I'm trying to get my scanner to pick up the lighter stuff)


Well-Known Member
Use the attachment feature at the bottom of the screen when youre browse and select the pic from your computer. You have to have it in either jpeg or gif formats to upload. If you want email it to me at and I'll post it for ya


Original Poster
Ok, I think it's going to work this time. Well, what do you guys think? Should it maybe be a little more retro or something? Maybe a little less like the current Disney monorails?


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Well-Known Member
looks nice goofster. It is a bit on the futuristic side though. I would like to see somethin more along the lines of turn of the century((20th century that is)or a little later) train cars with a futuristic flare.


Well-Known Member
I like all the little antena type things on the tops and sides.......the overall style of the train would need a change though.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by WDW-Imagineer
Nothing against you Goofster, but Monorail Black already has a monorail project in the works... so I say we let him work on the monorails. We also have been talking and I think Monorail Black and I are going to be doing the transportation system, although you are welcome to join us... just PM me.

MB's monorail:

Got news for ya WDW-I. WB has to throw that design out the door for this park. We have decided on a retro look for the monorail.......something you would expect from a jules vern novel. No one has any specific assignment here either. We're all just kind of mashing our ideas together at this point. Make sure you read all of the main entrance thread it mentions all of the stuff we've been discussing. You really need to read all of it to catch youre not being repetative :p Seriously though read ALL of it!


Well-Known Member
i would also like to say that NO one design is final!! I'm not sure where you got the idea that was our chosen monorail design.


Original Poster
Originally posted by DisJosh
looks nice goofster. It is a bit on the futuristic side though. I would like to see somethin more along the lines of turn of the century((20th century that is)or a little later) train cars with a futuristic flare.

Ok, I think I understand what you mean.

I must say, this place is not being that conducive to designing...let me say a few things...I went to college and did this for 5 years...not to mention, every semester, we designed a project. a group, before we all start fighting, let me add a tad of experience...First, my senior project was an area that was 8 square miles.....that is almost a fifth of I have no problem with what you want to use in monorails an what not...I am working on them regardless for my own portfolio and pleasure...I have them on if you use them or not, I will not get hurt feelings...Now here is what makes me all are sticking your hands in the pot, so dont plan on getting anything done...AT ALL!!! You are fighting on the park's center, and the entrance, monorails and theme....ALL IN ONE???? You need to first make a remember, all parks have a theme, but there are divisions...MK has lands...Epcot-future world and world showcase...MGM has section of Sunset Blvd, Backlot etc, you should get the point. Next, if you want a real opinion, look at Walt's drawings and Epcot, look at the Imagineer book, you need diagrams of space layout and park flow...see where traffic will move..this is more important than a monorail theme and the mountians of the park...You really need clear organization and a clear set of goals....also.....u need to give people responsibilities and allow for their work to be acceoted...I like everybodies things I have seen..I am not going to trash are here for a purpose....similiar interests...but I am sorry, I am telling you nothing will ever get if you want to make serious progress, I can help, but as it is now...this is not goign to work. I love doing sketches and seing how things will map out...but we need to know where we are working..the land we are working on and how many people we should plan for...there is so much more than we are looking at.....I have a 500 page book that we should reference about how much floor space we should alot for restaurants, rides and such. I dont know, WDW Imgineer, I think like you and I work well with have a very realistic train of thought.......I would like to see this materialize...but shutting out ideas and saying no and yes to ideas, based on one opinion is ridiculous....if you do not agree with me, I apologize and will stay out of the project...just tell me...but I would love to help you get some directive...not to mention, I have already worked in a design firm office, so I know how team get stuff done. Enough said.


Well-Known Member
Ok... before this goes any further into a huge problem... let me sort of back track and restate my original comments.

I was simply stating that MB had already been working on a monorail design and I wasn't sure if he knew that. I'm sorry if my comments seemed negative or seemed to say "no". I was just saying that he has put some time into a design and didn't want to see it put in the corner.

DisJosh: I don't exactly see where you are coming from.... Regarding your assignments, I think it is very important that we all work on something and not just throw 50 random, different ideas at each other. We need to have organization and have each person working on something that they want to do. MB and I are interested in the transportation aspect of the park and we seem to work well together. I think we will be a productive team and create a lot of good things together. Disney2b and I seem to be on the same level with my Atlantis idea. You see how we are all working together for certain common goals. I think we need to establish a list of who will be working on what and then present ideas to everybody. We can't all work on the same part of the park and expect to have a sucessful outcome.

Monorail Black: I agree with your comments and I am sorry if I seemed to be making yes/no decisions. This is not my intent and I hope the rest of the team doesn't see me as a close-minded individual. I look forward to working with you on the transportation section.

Ok... I hope this ends this misunderstanding we are having. :)

WDW Imagineer, I agree with you and am not bothered by anything you said...actually you supported my ideas...sii, from what I observe...we are getting those hamsters in a hweel...we need to divide up wrk, and trust one atohers decisions..of course we can have them fix it...but we will not get stuff done this way.....
Thanks MB for the insight, I had no idea of your experience. Also I feel like yes we are all fighting for lead design going into this thing. When I first posted my design of the mountain, it got shot down by Chad. That made me feel bad of course, who dosnt feel like crap when you ideas are shut down. But I made it better, but now I feel liek anything I do is going to be for Chad, like no one likes my ideas. But I do understand the team part of this, and that we all need to work together and its a must. In a couple of minutes I am going to post a revised picture of the entrance and mountain range, please be honest and tell me what you think, if you got comments or suggestiosn tell me, but as far as I know its everything you guys have been describing to me. I have been making parks in RCT for a long time, mostly Disney ones, doing complete copies of them in RCT. They look good, just check out the Games forum (pics dont work, will post them on request). If someone wants to work on something lets let them do it, they obviously have a passion for it and could probably come up with some good stuff. Just my opinion, not directed to anyone.


Well-Known Member
Nothing you said bothered me wdw-I. I think this all works out better w/o seperate teams.......when we do that we'll end up with things that in no way fit together as far as theming. It wont look right together.

WB draw whatever you like. I mentioned to you in the other thread that we would like a retro looking train design for the monorail. I was only notifying wdwi that what theme we have decided on for the monorail.

WB, I just thought that you would be happy to design a MR in the theming that a majority of us have agreed on.


New Member
Woah, woah woah! Wait a minute here, I can't believe I didn't read this sooner! When Did I shoot down an idea? I may have said I disagreed with it, and that I didn't like the idea personally, but I never said we couldn't do it. In case you haven't noticed, we do vote on here, and currently that's why there is nothing on the website under "Project 1", nothing has been decided yet, and nothing is set in stone.

Now I know you've been through college, and have alot of knowledge in this area, and thats great, but what I got out of the posts that I just read was,"I'm sorry, you can't post your ideas, we have transportation covered" We have NOT divided into teams yet, and we WILL not until we have our general theme down and our general ideas ready. I am not taking any control over anyone's creativity or forcing this project in any direction, but I will decide how we will work on this, and I think I deserve that right as founder of the society. I know this sounds really mean, but I was just a little upset when I was reading that. Right now, yes, not much is getting done. As I said in another post, we are at a brainstorming level, trying to get everyone on the same page. Some people thought we were making a kiddie-fun-park, others thought we were making an Islands of adventure, more adult park. We are finding our middle ground and will eventually split up, and you 2 have demonstrated your extensive knowledge of theme aprk management and will be a great asset when that time comes.

I am sorry if it seemed like I shot your idea down, I definetly didn't mean to make you feel bad about it, I just had my own Idea that i liked better, but in the end, the whole group will decide whats best.

Sorry for the length...



New Member
<<Nothing against you Goofster, but Monorail Black already has a monorail project in the works... so I say we let him work on the monorails. We also have been talking and I think Monorail Black and I are going to be doing the transportation system, although you are welcome to join us... just PM me. >>

No, noone said EXACTLY that, but from reading the above quote, thats the genral feeling of it.

I didn't want this to escalate into an arguement, which it seems, by my fault, it has, but all i have to say is this:

All ideas are welcome, no one has a specific job or task.

First, nothing was directed at you. However, you need to go back a read carefully some of the posts...there are ideas shot down....look and you will find. I am telling you, we are getting nowhere...I am sorry I am blunt, but we are not....look at what is being done....we are trying to make pretty little ideas, I admit have too, but there needs to be divisions, or nothing will get done...honest.....and if you want, I could even chat with you to tell you what will is just too foward and blunt to post are the founder....we need direction....sorry for brutal honesty, but i dont believe in BS.....

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