how was property, inside of there property, not theres? didnt walt buy a block of land (one chunk at a time)? I could be very mistaken but im pretty sure ALL disney land at one time was OWNED and purchased by walt (well not always purchased BY him but for him).
Second if they wanted a 5 star resort so badly, they could have made one. Disney was once notorious for doing the unimaginable, the awe inspiring. It wouldn't have shocked me if Disney rivaled that 6 or 7 star hotel in Dubai with the great minds that they supposibly have.
So just because they have a 5 star property on site doesn't make selling off land for a cheep buck alright in my book, and I dont care if they do sell it to a motel 6, or a 4 seasons, or they replica the waldorf historia, disney is DISNEY. We dont live in cali here, and maybe im spoiled, but I dont like diving around INSIDE of disney, which was once a land of it's own, and now seeing corporate america left and right. I mean for got sakes theres McDonalds all over. But to me, that isn't as big of a deal as hotels. It's what they've always done and done well and now they're outsourcing. When did the Grand Floridian become so second rate? If they could build that eons ago, what could they do now with there resources and new technology?
so excuse me for not kissing the soil your precious 4 seasons is going to lay on, disneys pop>four seasons b/c of the ambiance decour and the can take your 5 stars somewhere else. Disney WORLD, not orlando presents disney.