Kingdom Hearts: Mini-review


New Member
Originally posted by Kicker
All of you who have, and are playing the game, what would you say about the replay value of Kingdom Hearts?

It all depends on how you approach gaming. If you're there to simply say you beat the game then there wouldn't be much replay value.
But if you want every possible experience of the game, then there is plenty of replay value I think. It all depends upon your strenths, what you have forsaken, and how you wish for the pace of the game to go (the 3 questions asked at the beginning of the game by Tidus, Selphie, and Wakka).

But even more for a replay value, try these challenges in Issue 61 of OPS...
a) beat the game with everything completes - all tournaments at Olympus, all Trinites unlocked, all Dalmatians found, all Keyblades acquired - in under 25 hours.
b) play through the game on Expert mode without dying once.
c) beat Sephiroth on your first try.
and d) play the game without ever enjoying it (by far my favorite challenge).


Active Member
Am I the only person who was thoroughly unimpressed with Kingdom Hearts? I rented it a few days ago and I am so fed up with it that I haven't played it lately. Why is this game so difficult? Doesn't Square know the audience that they are attracting with this game? I don't even want to think about the hard setting. It takes so long just to get off the island, and then when you do, it's all go get this and bring it back, go get this and bring it back, OVER AND OVER AND OVER. This just isn't fun for me. In the end, I'm just sad that what seemed to be such a great idea ended up being such a disappointment.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted By Merlin0402-
Am I the only person who was thoroughly unimpressed with Kingdom Hearts? I rented it a few days ago and I am so fed up with it that I haven't played it lately. Why is this game so difficult? Doesn't Square know the audience that they are attracting with this game? I don't even want to think about the hard setting. It takes so long just to get off the island, and then when you do, it's all go get this and bring it back, go get this and bring it back, OVER AND OVER AND OVER. This just isn't fun for me. In the end, I'm just sad that what seemed to be such a great idea ended up being such a disappointment.
Yeah, it's an RPG. Most of those, especially Square's stuff, involve a lot of going out, getting something and bringing it back. It's taking the time to go out and get those items that seem really pointless that can make or break the game. You may have to do an extensive trading game that seems completely pointless, but what you get in the end can make everything a whole lot easier for you. That's the challenge. Taking the time to search for things, and remember where certain things were and what certain characters wanted. It isn't about going out there and hacking stuff up, it's about thinking. The complexity is what makes RPGs such successes.


Active Member
The thing about Kingdom Hearts is that it's an RPG/Adventure. That means that there are no orderly battles where you take turns attacking, this involves strategy, which makes it fun. This is just chaotic random battle after chaotic random battle while trying to find things in a room that you can't see very well because of the crappy camera. I have beaten all of the Final Fantasies but I can't get past Wonderland in Kingdom Hearts.
Go figure...


New Member
Yeah... the battle system isn't your typical RPG type of game... but I think that's what I like about this new battle system. Everything is in real-time... even using potions and doing a summons (I just got Simba and have yet to try him out).

Personally I like how the game is progressing with a few minor exceptions... it's that dang camera over and over again. But I've gotten used to them for the most part, with the exception of the ending part of Deep Jungle... that was a pain to try an jump about to different platforms within that confined area. And of course when battling and you get stuck into a corner the camera is facing you so you're swinging blindly trying to get out of that corner (Traverse Town... 2nd District).
My bad for getting knocked into a corner, but that Opposite Dark Armor just swings wildly... and things fly in its way.

But now I'm in Agrabah and bounding all about trying to figure out what I'm doing next. I might head out of there and partake in the Phil Cup first though... I want to beat up on things for a bit before trying to take on Jafar and his gang of minions.

I am so loving the cutscenes though... a lot is being revealed bit by bit that most people are really not discussing too much. Oh well... 12.5 hours into the game and only 3 keyholes sealed. Got a long way to go still... :)


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Original Poster
Actually, there is a lot of strategy involved in KH.

For example, trying to take out most of the bigger bosses without a plan is suicide.

Do you realize that you can manipulate the camera with the R2 & L2 buttons and can also switch to a 1st person look around mode with the Select button?

Yes the game is a challenge - but it gets easier, I promise. As for the group Square was trying to attract. I think they were full aware that Disney fans would go for the game, but they were also trying yo attact the larger gamer markets as well. I personally think they did a great job of balancing the game out to please both markets.


New Member
This game is the perfect Disney Fix. I declare it to be so. I've been playing for a week straight now, and I just keep finding new and neat stuff. THe animation is dead on, and it even follows the stories to some degree. It's re-tellings of Tarzan, Alice, etc, but it's like a new author tried to see where to go with it. It's beautiful!
I nearly cried when Pooh showed up. Maybe I'm just running on too little sleep, but when he talked about all his friends being gone, and perhaps he should go soon...*sniffle*


New Member
I beat the game with all 99 pups found, the Hades Cup beaten, and all the worlds sealed.

At the very very very end, is a secret cut scene that I think is an ad for KH2. Anyone else seen this and what do you think it is?


New Member
Well, finally beat the was really damn cool. I wish I could say more, but since I don't know anyone else that has beaten it and I don't want to ruin me, neat stuff!



New Member
been taking a bit of time off from KH... gonna be playing every once in a while in the coming weeks when the inclimate weather comes blowing through the WDW area...
But also been doing a lot of other games recently too. But KH is still one of my tops games no matter what... :)


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Original Poster
I just finished it with 100% on Expert mode.

Getting all the top level magic is a pain! Same goes for trying to get the shield and rod that the monsters in BH drop.

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