Kingdom Hearts: Mini-review


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Okay- first of all I've had the game since last weekend so this is being written while I'm pretty far into the game. Also, this will be pretty vauge since I don't want to spoil the big surprises in store for players.

From a Disney fan standpoint, it should be very interesting to see how the fans react. This is definitly not your typical Disney story.
For the lack of a better comparison, the story is very similar to 'The Neverending Story'.

There are so many dark undertones to the story and the impications surrounding it that purists will be turned off. Most of the adventures in the different lands are retellings of the original stories and certain liberties are taken. But before people begin crying that Square runied Disney properties remember that EVERYTHING was approved by Disney before they happened. Despite how weighted down things can get, the story keeps that certain Disney charm that makes them work.

The voice work is incredible. The original vocies are true to the original while the 'fill-ins' do a very good job.

As an added bonus to gamers who played FFVII, theres an interesting backstory that helps fill in the whole Aeris/Cloud situation.

My only issues are that camera can get very out of hand at times and that for a Square RPG the game is surprisingly short (30-50 hours depending on how much you do). To offset this, there is an expert mode that extends the gameplay considerably. There are also a bunch of little things you can do during the game to lengthen enjoyment (minigames, finding 99 dalmations,...)

If you have any specific questions, feel free to ask.


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Since I won't have this game until tomorrow, I am curious about the whole Cloud/Aerith scenario...
I'm hearing word that Cloud had made the deal with Hades for a chance at Sephiroth... and maybe I'm way off base here.

Another thing that was brough up over on my sites boards was the return of Tidus since he kind of got it at the end of FFX... I tried to concieve this whole storyline that this version of Tidus is as a child and takes place before some of the FF games, but I'm not quite sure how that will fly with the original poster there... :)

Oh well... just skimming through the strategy guide has been an eye opener without really giving away the plotline too much. And I do love the final Disney character boss... I was really shocked since I thought it was going to be someone else altogether.
So far just by all the reading I've done on this game and this book, I am hoping for very big things to come about for KH. Even with all the nay-sayers out there, I think they'll cave in once they've even had the chance to sit with the game fora bit...


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Since I won't have this game until tomorrow, I am curious about the whole Cloud/Aerith scenario...
I'm hearing word that Cloud had made the deal with Hades for a chance at Sephiroth... and maybe I'm way off base here

Hmmm, you're kinda close but not exactly. I could totally blow things for you, but I'm not that mean. But remember that Cloud got his chance at Sephiroth already at the end of FF VII (think...think...think...)

Another thing that was brough up over on my sites boards was the return of Tidus since he kind of got it at the end of FFX... I tried to concieve this whole storyline that this version of Tidus is as a child and takes place before some of the FF games, but I'm not quite sure how that will fly with the original poster there...

The three 'kid' characters really have NOTHING to do with the story - they are just around in the begining to help train you. There really isn't a timeline in place as fro when these things are happening - but the game subtely hints at how everything works out timeline wise - but again, I'm not going to blow it for anyone (will spill everything over PMs though).

Oh well... just skimming through the strategy guide has been an eye opener without really giving away the plotline too much. And I do love the final Disney character boss... I was really shocked since I thought it was going to be someone else altogether.

YES! This is the coolest boss in the game - even topping Sephiroth!!! There's even a hidden boss later in the game that gives a nod to Mechanicles from the old Aladdin cartoon - but then again, I've given away too much haven't I :)


New Member
sorry about that kicker... I've seen just enough to wish I wasn't at work right now and was already at home sitting in from of the tele with this game. And yes, I am picking up my copy today no matter what. I have people who are coming over just to see this game being played... still can't figure out why they can't buy their own copy. I guess they just would rather borrow my games (oops... there went GTA3...)

and I know the hidden boss you are talking about. When there was discussion that Sephiroth was in this game everyone started freaking out... and later on people started finding screenshots of 3 new bosses (at least) that weren't in the Japanese version. I just feel sorry for the folks overseas who are going to buy Final Mix after they had already plopped down all that Yen for the release in March... :(


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Just beat the game - chirst is the last boss a pain!

Starting EXPERT mode this weekend.



New Member
damn... I'm 6 hours into the game and barely through Wonderland. I think I'm going to be playing this game long into my trip to WDW in 36 days... and then PK is also coming out while I'm there which will add even more fun to my trip ;)


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How long did it take you to beat the game LSU?

57 hours.

I could have extended it a little more, but I didn't find every little thing (like Donald and Goofy's Super Weapons). I also forgot to get three Trinities and never found the lost arts from the mushrooms.

Starting again tonight :)


New Member
I didn't realize what the mushrooms were all about until after I had run into them and tried to attack them. Oops... my bad apparently.
I just hope that I haven't screwed up the possibility of seeing them around the same area as before.

But yeah, the critics were expecting it to be a 40+ hour game... not too bad considering original previews were placing it at about 30 hours. and yes, I am shooting for every possible item and whatnot... including the Ultima keyblade (if I don't mess up with the mushrooms again)...


Well-Known Member
Wow... I just checked out a strategy guide.... I might buy a PS2 just for this game.

Hey, LSU, is that final boss as involved as it seems?.......


New Member
I'm trying to figure out exactly who LSU is thinking is the final boss...there are so many bosses at the very end it gets so dang confusing... hmmm...


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I just hope that I haven't screwed up the possibility of seeing them around the same area as before.

No - you haven't - they keep coming back.

Hey, LSU, is that final boss as involved as it seems?.......

Yeah - pretty much. It's typical Square stuff.

I'm trying to figure out exactly who LSU is thinking is the final boss...

Check your PM - that'll answer it.


New Member
Originally posted by StarscreamLSU

<I>There are so many dark undertones to the story and the impications surrounding it that purists will be turned off. Most of the adventures in the different lands are retellings of the original stories and certain liberties are taken. </I>

This is the coolest part, in my opinion. It's like Sora, Donald, and Goofy are suddenly dropped into these various movies, and the stories shoot off in new and fascinating ways. I like the darkness. That is what's been missing from a lot of Disney's work lately, the willingness to let pain and horror and fear be shown on the big screen. Snow White had it, Bambi had it, and Pinnochio had it. Peter Pan never had it, nor did Hercules or Pocahontas. *dumb movie, dumb dumb dumb!* Kids aren't as impressionable as some people seem to think they are. But that's a rant for another time.

<I>The voice work is incredible. The original voices are true to the original while the 'fill-ins' do a very good job. </I>

Agreed! The voice actors do a great job. I love David Boreanz as Leon, and though I've only heard it in promo videos, Captain Hook is absolutely dead on. There's not enough voice work, in my opinion, though. Still, I'm waiting to fight Chernebog!

<I>My only issues are that camera can get very out of hand at times </I>

Yeah, especially with all the jumping puzzles, it gets very annoying. But so far, the graphics are gorgeous, it's still light hearted enough to be interesting, and I just love running around smacking people with a big honkin' key.



New Member
with about 11 hours of actual playing time into the game (I started a 2nd game and am working on that one only right now) I am finding a few different things I'm not overly thrilled with but am surviving with...
1) Donald & Goofy getting in Sora's way when mushroom/platform hopping... if I weren't so dependant on these two for fighting off Heartless, I'd just try to cut them out for while in some of these areas that have all this jumping around (obviously Wonderland's Lotus Forest is the big issue here).

2) Cerberus... I have now tried to battle this thing 3 times and keep getting wholloped every time. But hey... that's the game right? I'd like to seal this keyhole before moving on to Deep Jungle, but I think I may need to go after Clayton and his over-sized iguana before trying to take on Cerberus one last time. Either that or run around in Traverse Town and Wonderland some more to build up my team with more experience.

3) the camera... the camera... the camera. I don't know how many times it's gone into some weird area that I can't even see what is going on anymore. Again I must bring up Lotus Forest with all these different things around the corner and whatnot.

BUT, on the flipside of the coin... the Gummi ship isn't as annoying as it originally felt like it would be. Yes it's cheesy, but it's a nice break from trying to hack the Heartless to pieces.
The bosses I have fought so far (with Cerberus being the exception) have been challenging enough but not so challenging as to become frustrated about. I almost had Cloud, but he pulled some jump/spin/attack thing that just leveled me faster than I could use a potion.
I am looking forward to the many other worlds to come... and the wonders that will unfold as I progress through the game. :)

BTW: OPS did a great write-up on KH... and the video/commercial they have on the disc was marvelous...


Well-Known Member
Alrighty, thought I'd chime my 2 cents on Kingdom Hearts in.

First off all, about of month ago, I was debating on whether buying an X-Box or a Playstation 2. I chose the PS2 based on Kingdom Hearts alone. I had enough faith in both Square and Disney to put out a game to capture both my imagination and productivity. And I must say, I'm definently glad I did.

If you are a video game fanatic, then you will appreciate what Square has put out on the market. If you are here writing on this discussion board, then you love Disney, peroid. Then if both the requirements are true, then Kingdom Hearts is going to be a top ten video game for you. I played it for two days and beat it and it's easily, and I mean EASILY top 3 of all time for me.

If you get past the bad features (GUMMI SHIP) then you'll appreciate it. The camera isn't really that bad, if you get used to it. Reminds me somewhat of MegaMan Legends/Tron Bonne. Just get used to it and you'll be fine, and actually like the true to life angles you get.

I'm not going to comment on the fun of going through all the Disney Movie worlds, it's been done so many times. Square did a great job making everything come to life. I'm impressed by the backstory of the game. Sora and Ansem are a great hero/foe team. In any story, light vs. darkness will work out, and Kindgom Hearts does a great job spinning this story.

I'm not going to spoil anything, but good lord, I can't get the ending out of my head. I heard there is a different ending if you complete all the secrets (Dalmations/Olympus Cups/All Trinities..). I haven't been confirmed on this, but if the ending is better than before, all I can say is WOW! I can't fathom it getting any better.

And for anybody who has beaten the game, they do set up the sequel rather well, don't they :lol:


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2) Cerberus... I have now tried to battle this thing 3 times and keep getting wholloped every time. But hey... that's the game right? I'd like to seal this keyhole before moving on to Deep Jungle, but I think I may need to go after Clayton and his over-sized iguana before trying to take on Cerberus one last time. Either that or run around in Traverse Town and Wonderland some more to build up my team with more experience.

Yeah, he was a pain. What I did was unload on him with Fire magic and wait for him to slam both of his legs on the ground. Then I ran to the side of him while Goofy/Donald were distracting him and ran/jumped up onto his back. They I targeted the middle head a went to work. Make sure you have 'Combo Plus' activated and as much anti-fire/dark stuff you can get your hands on.


I feel stupid as I can't even get by the easy challenge in the coliseum. I can only seem to get to 1 barrel left, but never destroy it. Anyone want to give me any advice. I have the strategy guide and have tried targeting, but still no luck. Thanks!!



Well-Known Member
Wow... I just realized something that hasn't been touched about this game, and it is something is, I feel, important to the success of the game.

All of you who have, and are playing the game, what would you say about the replay value of Kingdom Hearts?


New Member
Originally posted by dizneykev
I feel stupid as I can't even get by the easy challenge in the coliseum. I can only seem to get to 1 barrel left, but never destroy it. Anyone want to give me any advice. I have the strategy guide and have tried targeting, but still no luck. Thanks!!


Just be sure to lock onto the barrels... if they are brouped together they will all be destroyed at the same time, otherwise you might have a barrel or two drop off the platform.
And just wait until the next round of barrels... it took my a couple of tries to finally figure out how to approach those. :)

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