Kilimanjaro Safari changes starting this week??


I have no real problem with the change here, though it's a shame the conservation message might get a little bit dilluted.

The big thing I learned while reading that article was about what was changed BEFORE the park's opening. I've gotta say that coming across a bloody, de-tusked Big Red would have been very upsetting to many people of all ages. I can only imagine the stunned, uncomfortable silence that would have fallen each time the truck reached that show scene. I would also wonder if the re-ride rate would have been much lower than it is now...if only to avaid seeing that...


Well-Known Member
I heard at the end of the ride, The Avengers show up, get into a fight with the poachers and up destroying all of Harambe.

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
I am trying to be understanding about children who found this frightening in it's last iteration, but I can't. As a young child, I found the mounted trophy heads at CBJ scary. My mother just told me to stop being silly, no feeding my drama and no marching down to Guest Relations with righteous indignation.

Seriously, some parents are out of control. I remember reading a post on the Disney Parks Blog last year about SotMK and someone was complaining there were too many villians and their precious snowflake would be frightened.

I liked the bumpy ride and the chase. This is one of my top 5 favorite rides.

Anyway, I will check it out and see what I think of it then.


Well-Known Member
I am trying to be understanding about children who found this frightening in it's last iteration, but I can't. As a young child, I found the mounted trophy heads at CBJ scary. My mother just told me to stop being silly, no feeding my drama and no marching down to Guest Relations with righteous indignation.

Seriously, some parents are out of control. I remember reading a post on the Disney Parks Blog last year about SotMK and someone was complaining there were too many villians and their precious snowflake would be frightened.

I liked the bumpy ride and the chase. This is one of my top 5 favorite rides.

Anyway, I will check it out and see what I think of it then.


Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
I have no real problem with the change here, though it's a shame the conservation message might get a little bit dilluted.

The big thing I learned while reading that article was about what was changed BEFORE the park's opening. I've gotta say that coming across a bloody, de-tusked Big Red would have been very upsetting to many people of all ages. I can only imagine the stunned, uncomfortable silence that would have fallen each time the truck reached that show scene. I would also wonder if the re-ride rate would have been much lower than it is now...if only to avaid seeing that...
I wonder when this was removed? I got to do a resort guest preview of AK the first week of April in 1998 and while the warden said that Big Red was shot, there was no carcass or anything I would consider remotely disturbing.


Well-Known Member
I wonder when this was removed? I got to do a resort guest preview of AK the first week of April in 1998 and while the warden said that Big Red was shot, there was no carcass or anything I would consider remotely disturbing.
It was removed as soon as Eisner saw it.

I think it's time on the safari was measured in days.

I know some press got to see it, but I don't think it was much beyond that.

Back in '99 Big Red was laying on the side of the road next to the training path for the trucks. It didn't look that bad.


Active Member
Wow. That Big Red plot is mind blowing. I certainly would've found that disturbing and rather dark even for my taste. Glad to see the ride slowed down a bit though. I'm also not really too keen about Disney giving visitors a one sided view about conservation. But I guess I'll find out if its dilluted or not when I go back to AK in person in 2014.


Well-Known Member
I'm a little sad to see it all go, because the storyline elements were pretty neat in their heyday, when you had the prop airplane and little red in the truck and the jeep chase and the live actor game warden guy with the sporterized AKM...

It all added a level of authenticity and high adventure beyond what you get at Busch Gardens or a zoo.


Tip Top Club

Well-Known Member
For God's Sake, the freakin' music is still there! I think this has come up in all three of the current safari threads. I don't know why it's so darn important to everyone, but the music is still there, so let's stop mourning something that's not gone!

Captain Neo

Well-Known Member
The new version should end with captain America taking over the jeep and informing everyone we would be now chasing kang the conquerer who is planting some time manipulation device somewhere in haramba. It would instantly become the most popular ride at Walt Disney world with wait times exceeding five hours.


Active Member
I'm sure it was hard to think of a theme for this ride in the first place. The poacher theme was a "cute" idea, but was very cheesy. I won't miss it if it goes away.

Perhaps a theme that we are traveling to Africa to take samples, photos, and/or to observe the wildlife and then report back to base, with possible natural disaster scene occurring, would have been more suited.

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