Just wondering if you've ever been surprised with a trip...


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Ever since my Disney obsession started i dreamed of my sweet 16 at the most magical place on earth. But i never thought we could afford...infact i really scared that we might not be able to go that summer...my mom is a teacher and my dad retired b/c of health reasons and my sister and i go to a private school. Anyway, w/ all of this dreaming it slowly got mentioned of a SMALL SMALL SMALL SMALL SMALL SMALL SMALL like 1 in a million chance of us going (b/c of $$ obviously) well dad said he would check things out and tell me when he came to pick me up from school if we (my dad and i only) could be able to go....since my birthday is May 21 i would miss very little school.. so during this time i was gettting SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO excited and at the same time trying not to get my hopes up. he told me to get into the front seat (i usually drive) he put some wdw things from AAA in my lap and so i said crying "so this means we are going to wdw?" he said yes...i just bawled and bawled and bawled and bawled...i was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

he (he couldnt get the castle and he was SOO disaapointed) on the sunday before my birthday.... (i had 2 cookie cakes- one for home one for florida) the last thing (of about 3 things) was a card w/ chef mickeys on the outside...on my very sweet 16 i would be there to start my day

Btw one cake said "happy birthday anna" the other, we took black icing and created a tri-circle...we cut the cakes in half and brought half of each w/ us
I think I kind of like knowing I am going better. It's the anticipation thats part of the fun. Knowing you have such and such time untill you leave. That's always the best, but not knowing and being surprised, I haven't gotten a chance to experience that yet.

Lee L

My now wife and I had been dating about 4 years and had been to WDW 3 or 4 times in that time, in fact I had never been to any Disney park until she took me to WDW the first time when I was 24. I had decided I wanted to ask her to marry me but I did not know how to propose to her. After deciding not to do it on Christmas since it is really it's own celebration I realized that Valentines day was on a Sat in the coming year.

In late December/early Jan I booked a trip to WDW, staying at Carribean Beach (the first place we stayed together, over the Valentines day weekend. At the time she was teaching at a university near us and did not have a class on Fridays, I cancelled a nail appointment she had and made sure our whereabouts were known while keeping it a secret from her. On Thursday after work I told her we were going to Disney for Valentines and asked if she wanted to leave now or the next morning, of course we left right then. We stayed in a hotel in Jacksonville and drove the rest of the way in the morning.

We did the park hopper thing all day Friday and Saturday and went to the room to change about 3:00 and returned to MGM for dinner. She has since told me that by this point she was somewhat suspicious of what was going on the whole weekend. She may well have been but she did have a hard time understanding why I was so intent on making it to MK for the start of the fireworks after we ate at one of our favorite restaurants, The Brown Derby Saturday night. We had seen the fireworks several times but she did not realize I had a diamond ring hidden in my jacket pocket right then. (That was a little nerve wracking, carrying that thing through MGM and the busses for 5 hours, thank god for zipper pockets on windbreakers :) ) In fact, I only remember parts of dinner that night.

As it turns out, we got there in plenty of time and got a spot on the bridge to Liberty Square, pretty much all by ourselves. Right as Tinkerbell started down, I tried to get her attention but she was mad since she was watching Tink. Soon enough, she realized what I was doing and of course she said yes and we watched the rest of fireworks (well, we did kiss a little too ;) ) . It was a magical night and trip overall.

15 months later we got married there at the Wedding Chapel and have been back 4 times since.

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