Just Got Back... Have To Say....


New Member
KevinPage said:
I still don't understand why people LOVE "The Hulk" so much. The ride, aside from the launch is almost a carbon copy of any other B&M coaster you can find at any Six Flags park around.

Dueling Dragons, also a B&M coaster, has a far superior queue, theming, and original elements to the ride and is faaaaaaar better IMHO.

I always detest the parking situation at Universal. It's like parking in Miami and walking to Orlando to get into the park, takes an eternity even with the moving walkways :lol:
I too prefered the Dragons and I know what you mean about the parking. I'm English and used to walking, but even I thoght it was a bit of a trek.


New Member
AEfx said:
But...it makes me think, "Wow, what could Disney do with this if they dared?" Imagine if a dark ride like Spiderman was combined with the theme of, oh, Alladin? Imagine how cool.

I will always love WDW over any other, but I can't say that going to Universal isn't a big thrill either. The new attractions at WDW, while fun and interesting, just don't pack the same punch to me. The last great WDW attraction really was Splash Mountain to me - even ToT left me thinking, "That's it?" the first time I rode (I was expecting many more set pieces before the drop).
So I usually try to go to both - though obviously spending more time at WDW just because of the size and that "magic". People that refuse to go to Universal, or always look at it with a super-critical eye, are just missing the point - it's about choice and balance, not "either or". If you don't like Universal, that's fine - but if you don't give it a chance to entertain you because you feel like you are betraying Disney are really just missing out on what could be a ton of fun.


Wow excellent commentary. I couldn't agree more. I go to WDW at least 2 times a year and that being said I believe US has elements to the experience WDW does not. It is really a shame they are so limited in space over there, I believe US will always be a teaser of what could be if you don't have to be worried about changing a ride, a bridge, or a freakin trashcan because everyone and their mom is emotionally attached to it. That being said because of this limitation US will never compare to the total experience WDW offers.

corran horn

Well-Known Member
Universal has made a big push over the last few years....especially now with 'The Mummy' opening and being an amazing ride. My favorite Disney park is MGM...or rather, was, since now half the park is pretty much empty of anything to do and has been for quite some time. That's something that isn't the case at Universal.


Well-Known Member
corran horn said:
Universal has made a big push over the last few years....especially now with 'The Mummy' opening and being an amazing ride. My favorite Disney park is MGM...or rather, was, since now half the park is pretty much empty of anything to do and has been for quite some time. That's something that isn't the case at Universal.

Weid how everyone has different percpetions cause my wife and I feel Universal Studios is one of the worst amusement parks we've been to. ET & MI are OK, haven't been on Mummy, and we hate Shrek. Jaws is GREAT, but Back to the Future and Twister were some of the worst attractions I've ever been on.

Being at Universal they seem to go out of their way to remind you that you are IN REALITY. Shoving celebrities down your throats at pre shows. How many times do I need to see Pullman and Hunt blah about Twister. I don't need to see Speilberg talk about ET. I don't see Lucas on video monitors for Star Tours.

Then again, I prefer having attractions that are based on movies deal with animation as opposed to REAL people, which tend to be more trendy and do not stand the test of time IMHO


New Member
This thread does seem to be in the wrong place, doesn't it? Anyway, I guess the obvious point here is people are different and prefer different things. This is what makes the world great and interesting. US/IOA have their good points (ET & Spiderman...and I'm sure everyone else would put something different here but that is the way it is). I LOVE Disney:sohappy: and everything about it, as I said in my previous post. I'm not putting US down when I say that. I just PREFER Disney. US and DIsney are DIFFERENT; I'm sure they were meant to be that way, and I'm glad. So, if you prefer US/IOA, good! If you prefer Disney, good! Keep the diversity coming!!!!!!!I think I love WDWMagic almost as much as I love Disney....Thanks, you guys, for keeping this site & forum running!!!!!:sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy:

corran horn

Well-Known Member
KevinPage said:
Being at Universal they seem to go out of their way to remind you that you are IN REALITY. Shoving celebrities down your throats at pre shows. How many times do I need to see Pullman and Hunt blah about Twister. I don't need to see Speilberg talk about ET. I don't see Lucas on video monitors for Star Tours.

It's just a choice they've made. I suppose they want to keep the pretense that Universal Studios FL is a functional movie studio so whenever they can get the star-power out in front they do so. They don't really do that at Islands at all.


Well-Known Member
I went to US and IOA in November 2000. I have to say, I agree with the others who posted saying that the parks are 1/2 day parks at best. We were able to go on every attraction (aside from the little kid ones) from 11 AM - 6 PM.

The rides and attractions there were very good and I enjoyed myself but at the same time, there is no appeal to re-ride like I want to at Disney.

I think the biggest difference between US/IOA v. WDW is that WDW caters to families, US/IOA is more catering to the adventurer and scaring the little kids.


Well-Known Member
First of all, I'd like to say that I did enjoy my time at US and IOA. We had a lot of fun. IOA was great with the Hulk, Spiderman, Dueling Dragons, Jurassic Park and Poseidons Adv. However, that was about it .. we were finished at about 2 or 3, and I am the sort of person that can take hours in a museum or zoo while others rush past. I don't plan on going back any time soon but I do think the rides are really good.
I'd say over a 10 year span I would probably go to Disney 4-5 times and I'd go to Univ Studios maybe twice.


Account Suspended
KevinPage said:
Weid how everyone has different percpetions cause my wife and I feel Universal Studios is one of the worst amusement parks we've been to. ET & MI are OK, haven't been on Mummy, and we hate Shrek. Jaws is GREAT, but Back to the Future and Twister were some of the worst attractions I've ever been on.

You're definitely correct about how perceptions can vary from one person to the next. The one Universal attraction that you identified as "GREAT" (Jaws) is truly the ONLY attraction at Universal that I think is pretty lousy. But for the most part, even though I do sincerely love Disney, I find Universal's parks and attractions to be superior.


New Member
Warning: this post is IMO... do not flame no :fork: no :D

It's odd, I really enjoy Walt Disney World, but at the same time, every trip we make a visit to Universal Studios and Islands of Adventure... well since it has been open that is.

Both are half day parks, but to me, that isn't a problem, because there are two of them right next to each other and City Walk, which to me, makes a complete and fun day. I am impressed with almost everything at Universal, such as the food, cleanliness, themes, attractions, and feel of the parks, but you are correct the parking is too far away. I think Islands of Adventure is a great park, although I am not too happy with Jurassic Park, that whole area has so much potential and the River Adventure was made far too short. I enjoyed Amazing Adventures of Spiderman and the Incredible Hulk coaster, I thought the queue for Dr. Doom's Fearfall was hilarious, I enjoyed the Cat in the Hat (a good dark ride which is constantly overlooked) and theming of Suess Landing, all of Toon Lagoon (I love those classic cartoons and comics), and of course Beastly Kingdom... errrr Lost Continent. Universal Studios has good attractions with the E.T. Adventure (another good dark ride), Earthquake - the Big One, Jaws, Men in Black Alien Attack, Terminatior 2: 3-D Battle Across Time, and Back to the Future (one of my favorite movies ever).... but Twister... Ride it Out is not that good I will admit, and the fact that they removed Kongfrontation for the Revenge of the Mummy - the ride, ehh kind of bothers me. Kongfrontation was a Universal classic (yes I said CLASSIC) and I don't believe it should have been taken out. I'll have to ride the Revenge of the Mummy - the ride to make up my mind until I can comment. With additions like Shrek 4-D and Jimmy Neutron's Nicktoon Blast, they have stuff for kids too. Also IoA has Suess Landing and Toon Lagoon (despite the rides), great for kids. Universal Studios Escape has come along way. It can almost be considered a Walt Disney World equal in this area.

With that said, I will now comment on WDW.

WDW has incredible theming throughout the intire "world" and is great overall. I have been noticing though on my last two trips, that Animal Kingdom has also been a half day park for me. Don't get me wrong, I like AK, but it lacks a lot to me, it seems like there's really nothing to do after the great but few attractions. MGM Studios has more attractions but to me it seems like it is slowly going down in quality. Great Movie Ride, Muppetvision 3-D, Fantasmic (even though the only part I really like is the music), Star Tours, Backlot Tour, Rock n' Rollercoaster, and Tower of Terror are great attractions, but I somehow liked it better when I could watch animators drawing and knew it was a working studio, more than it is now. I am also not a huge fan of stage shows. Epcot is my favorite park. It is mostly calmer than the other parks, more open, educating, and fun. I do miss Horizons and World of Motion, and although Test Track and Mission: Space are good attractions, I don't think they beat their predicessors. The World Showcase is great, it has culture, good attractions, and shopping, but needs updating, there have been no new countries or new outstanding attractions for YEARS. I also like the new incarnation of Illuminations music a lot too. Magic Kingdom is a great park, really in my oppinion nothing really is wrong with it. It is great and is my second favorite theme park.

What I am trying to say is, both sets of parks are great... I enjoy both. I love Disney's magic, effort, and whole presentation, and I love Universal's showmanship, effort, and whole presentation. Both should be experienced with open mind. It shouldn't be this or that, enjoy both. Have fun
:sohappy: :wave:


Active Member
Our family went to Universal in April. Yes, I was very impressed in how it's changed since first visiting about 10 years ago. However, Universal is not WDW, and never will be.

I didn't like the extra charge for preferred parking and still had a long, long, long walk. In 1993 we parked and walked right into Universal about 300 feet at most. The rides and attractions were so crowded. Waited in line for Spiderman for almost 2 hours and found out about their pass system too late. Will use it next time in September. I agree Disney can and should have more Spiderman-like rides--great fun and not too scary.

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