Just got back and some observations I made


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We just got back from WDW last night. It was my daughter's first ever trip to WDW. She is 3 and absolutly loved it. She was a major daredevil. Loved Splash Mountain, and Goofy's Barn Strormer. She was very upset we would not take her on Tower of Terror. She had seen it on the planning DVD and really wanted to do it. We had to take her away screaming.

Anyway, as much as we loved being there and had the time of our lives we noticed that the maintenance was terrible. The last time we were there was in 2000 and and we saw some signs of it, but this time was terrible. Rusty railings on the walkway to the castle, paint chipping, cracks in sidewalks. None of this was ever this bad before. The one that really got me was a really, really badly paint chipped door on one of the monorails. I was very dissapointed in all of this. I have been going to WDW since 1973 and I really see some changes that I wish were not happening. I have attached a link of a photo to the monorail door.


I love WDW and wish that maintenance was kept up better that they are doing.


Well-Known Member
While its sad that the magic seems a little tarnished why not focus on the fact that it was you daughter's first trip & she loved it!!!! Think of all the good times to come with the many return visits I'm sure you will plan.



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Please don't get me wrong. I absolutly will never forget the trip, we had so much fun. My wife and I were fighting back tears when we arrived because our daughter was so happy.

I just wish that the upkeep was kept better. At this point it would not deter me from going back. We are already planning our next trip.

On a funny note of our trip. We did not tell my daughter we were going to WDW. We just told her in advance we would be going on a plane. We had given her the planning video so she would know some of what she was seeing. Apparently she paid real good attention. The moment we walked under the train station onto Main Street, she said "where's the castle"? We thought she had no clue. She taught us a thing or two.

Pixie Duster

New Member
I am so glad you had a great trip with your daughter. We are fighting for more money for maintainence. I spend most of my time in AK, and no big problems there, thank you for caring so much about WDW. Please do not let this discourage you. The pendulum is always swinging...


New Member
I love WDW also. It"s just a shame because the cleanleness was always a part of the magic! It is also a shame that I hear people are littering alot more! I sure hope there are planns to correct this situation. The upkeep means more then new rides!! Just my opinion1


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Originally posted by murphy
I love WDW also. It"s just a shame because the cleanleness was always a part of the magic! It is also a shame that I hear people are littering alot more! I sure hope there are planns to correct this situation. The upkeep means more then new rides!! Just my opinion1

You are right about the litter. My wife and daughter were at one of the Cinderalla Surprise Celebration shows and she said aftwards people left empty popcorn containers, cups, bottles, etc. on the ground. That in my opinion is discusting. There are garbage cans about every 30 feet in the Magic Kingdom, it is pretty sad if you can't take the time to walk up to one and throw out your trash.


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Originally posted by tigsmom
While its sad that the magic seems a little tarnished why not focus on the fact that it was you daughter's first trip & she loved it!!!! Think of all the good times to come with the many return visits I'm sure you will plan.


Tigsmom, just wanted to share a photo of why I will always keep coming back (among other reasons).

This was taken at the Cinderalla's Surprise Celebration Party.


This photo means a lot to me.

Pixie Duster

New Member
When I work or visit the parks as a guest I always pick up litter as I stroll or such. Many times guests and CMs tell me "that's custodial's job, not yours" (or something like that). My reply "I take pride in my parks and I really think it's sad how much trash is just thrown around." I mean we really should just be more responsible as citizens of this world.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by mrtoad
You are right about the litter. My wife and daughter were at one of the Cinderalla Surprise Celebration shows and she said aftwards people left empty popcorn containers, cups, bottles, etc. on the ground. That in my opinion is discusting. There are garbage cans about every 30 feet in the Magic Kingdom, it is pretty sad if you can't take the time to walk up to one and throw out your trash.
You know what? This is not just a WDW problem--this is a nationwide problem. Working in the retail sector, people are rude and ill-mannered, though not all. They leave their trash all over the store, they leave empty Starbuck cups on the shelf with merchandise, they leave merchandise anyplace they feel like dropping it because it's "our job" to clean up after them. Courtesy is a lost art.


New Member
God Bless You Pixie Duster for trying to make a difference! I t should be the job of each individual to keep things clean just out of respect and common courtesy!! I remember a time when people use to be ashamed to smoke because the place was so clean!!! Lets bring back thses days!!!


People littering also increases proportionatly to how much care and maintenance goes into a park.

When the park looks pristine people are less likely to litter it.

Once Disney refocuses money into maintenance again you will see the amount people litter will decrease.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Lovecraft
People littering also increases proportionatly to how much care and maintenance goes into a park.

When the park looks pristine people are less likely to litter it.

Once Disney refocuses money into maintenance again you will see the amount people litter will decrease.

Good point.

I just hope there aren't anymore cutback...God knows what the parks would look like then if that were to occur...most CMs do the best they can with what they're given so the blame surely isn't theres...its just sad the lack of funding the parks are getting at this point in time...



New Member
My friends who work in maintenance say it is really getting bad. No parts to fix anything with. They are trying to scrounge and save on everything. When people leave they don't replace them. The managers are real penny pinchers, they won't pay for one minute of overtime. They let all the experienced people leave, then they have low paying jobs that they think can do everything. Now, when something breaks they just turn it off instead of repairing it.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Lovecraft
People littering also increases proportionatly to how much care and maintenance goes into a park.

When the park looks pristine people are less likely to litter it.

Once Disney refocuses money into maintenance again you will see the amount people litter will decrease.

I couldn't agree with you more. I was really amazed at the site of garbage in the lines leading up to the ride. I mean Pirates looked as if pirates really had gone through. And if people get the impression that Disney doesn't care, they'll wonder why should they and treat it like any old park.


Well-Known Member
Sometimes one must take into account the time they visit. Is it a weekend, peak season, or a holiday? This will have a definet affect on trash and it's pick-up.

The problems with the appearance of a lack of maintenance maybe just that, an appearance. As we go more frequently, we become more aware and start to notice the fine little details. The first trip anyone goes on will be such a sensory overload that you're lucky if you can remember the rides, much less a few rusty rails or chipped paint.

I understand that all facilities will require attention. During my visits i view it as though i'm caught at the end of a duty cycle for the object needing service and that it will be serviced soon. I don't let it interfere nor affect my overall perception of WDW.


New Member
Lack of maintenance is not just appearence or how many times we go vesus what we notice! Please go to (save Disney.com) and Read (trash talk or why can"t disney keep it's Kingdom clean?) This will explain the problem! It really does exist!! I hope this problem can be resolved in the Future! I am a die hard WDW lover and i would hate to see them go under!


New Member
I used to think Disney was such a clean place and magically place, and now that Im hearing all these negative comments im gonna have to look closer when I visit on Feburary 28th. Im going to see how much they let the park go and Im gonna bring my Digi Cam to snap pics of trash or rides being poorly maintained. Where has all the magic gone?

Pixie Duster

New Member
Guys I know things aren't what they used to be. But things are not complete crap either. If you spend your vacation looking for hte flaws then you are wasting your vacation.
If youare going to walk around taking pictures of the bad things then you are being one sided, why not also point out what areas look clean and maintained (ie landscape)...

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