Just got back; and people are rude...

Let me just start off by saying, I did have an absolutely incredible trip with my girlfriend, just fantastic. Marie (Wannabebelle) was amazing, she booked everything for me, gave me fantastic dining recommendations (I thought I knew all the best places to eat, and she proved me wrong), and she was incredibly helpful!!! I hope everyone goes through her for their vacations because she just did such an amazing job and my girlfriend and I can't thank her enough!!!

Now, as for a slight trip report/trip finding:

I couldn't believe it. I spent most of my trip furious at how inconsiderate and selfish some people are. I mean, you always always ALWAYS get families with young children and the father is a happy guy making jokes about his kids and being friendly... it's great. You always get older people being nice and making jokes about themselves and starting up conversation with you. I usually wear 3-4 Red Sox shirts per trip (not exactly the best time this year considering at the end of my vacation they were getting swept in 5 vs. of course... the yankees) but I always get fellow sox fans starting up convo or asking me my thoughts. You also always get Yankee fans who happily joke with ya which by all means is fine, I love that... I hate it when I'm at school and a yankee fan makes an actual mean/jerk statement... they aren't joking, they literally just don't like me or other sox fans because we are sox fans...

But anyways... you always get this and its fantastic, and then you always get these people who just think Disney was made for them and them only... well, this trip, I feel I encountered 1-2 nice people a day and honestly... 15-20 of these jerks a day... and it somewhat ruined/put a damper on my trip. On top of things, when you have people blatantly cut you in lines 15 times a day, other things start to annoy you more than they would normally... such as people who think they know everything but then say something ridiculuous that just doesn't make any sense... or people who do genuinely know a lot, but brag about it... ughhhh i can't stand that. Example: I'm in line for Everest and they have a single riders line which is in view and has a good 40-50 people waiting in line... this guy is talking about all this stuff Everest related, but I can't hear him; trying to be a hero. Well, some kid directly ahead of me asks (this kid wasn't with this guy) "what's that?" pointing to the single riders line, and this guy replies "That's Fast Track" and the kid says "I thought that reduces your wait? There's like 50 people over there?" and the guy replies "Well, I'm pretty sure they just randomly pick people to ride first, and maybe disney screwed up and picked too many" then laughed like a jerk...

Also, you get people who interupt others in line to tell them like the history of a ride... yeah I know a lot about Disney, a ton, but I don't go bragging about it, I hate that... I mean, a few times I said things to other people about a ride because like 1) they were asking each other the same question and couldn't figure it out, so I just answered their question without trying to be a hero, 2) they have a child and none of them have been on the ride and the kid is scared... so I told the kid he'll have too much fun on the ride to even realize he's scared and things of that nature, and I just try to be helpful... not a hero. They were A LOT of these people out there this past week... too many.

Then you get parents who SCREAM at their children in public, the kid isn't even causing a scene but the parent goes nuts, sometimes as far as to hit them... I mean come on... then you get obnoxious kids and the parents refuse to do anything, I saw one child who would go up to other kids and hit them, and the mother just laughed... I don't get it...

And then there's the teenagers... why are they always there on their own in packs? It's not six flags... I don't get it... They think it is six flags though, they swear, they make obnoxious jokes, they makeout with their bf/gf in line for rides, touch each other all over... I mean, they've probably been dating like 4 months, gone on 6 dates to the mall and yet they act like they're in love and in some kind of o... its disgusting... its because of this type of people that whenever i see teenagers in a group... immediately I don't like them. Ya know how sometimes you see someone and you just don't like them? I get that EVERYTIME I see a pack of teenagers... if i see a teenager with his family, good kid. He could go home and do this stuff that bothers me, dont matter, good kid. Another example; I'm in line, like 11:00 at night for a milk shake at my resort (AS Sports) and there's like 3 high schoolers in front of me, probably 16 years old, and then like 4 kids out of line just talking to them, and they're all acting like they're the greatest thing since sliced bread... well there was one kid who just had this awful demeanor about him, probably the "leader" of this little group... wicked annoying, thought he was absolutely the man... starts talking to another random group of teens who he didn't actually know... and was joking with them like they were best buds, and these kids thought nothing of him and walked away, so the kid was like "wow... someone thinks they're too cool" and I was livid... just staring him down now... and he turned to me and was like "so where you from" and I just glared at him and finally said "don't ever talk to me" and he just turned around and shut up... I'm not tough, not at all, but I was livid with this horrible human being, and he shut up fast... so it was nice...

Final complaint... as said above, getting cut. I got cut a total of like... 25 times, and it was ridiculuous, people pushing others out of the way, sprinting, literally sprinting on rides like ToT and RnRC to get out of the screening room first... unreal... people cutting for buses so they could sit... it was just so rude...

HOWEVER... final verdict: after I accepted this and just tried to enjoy myself... it was a GREAT trip... FANTASTIC... got on Everest probably 6-7 times, and it was A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!!! Had an absolute blast. Only got to do RnRC twice, ToT twice, Test Track and Soarin' once, Space, Thunder, and Splash Mt all only twice each... it was just so crowded... but it was okay... I think I need to only go in Septemeber from now on... where it will be less crowded, and have less local teens who make is less "magical" All in all... amazing trip... very depressed to be home... and I cannot believe I'm at work right now (even though I'm hardly working...)

Sorry if this was too much of a negative post... just had to vent some thoughts because all in all... it was a great trip, just had a lot, and I mean a lot more encounters with rude people... a lot more than normal... I wish they could do a considerateness (if thats a word) test or screening... so only nice people could get in...

And thanks again to Marie (Wannabebelle again incase anyone forgot). You were so unbelievably helpful!!! Everyone really should use her, or any of the Kingdom Konsultants!!!
Many people fit in the category I call "Not happy unless they are UN-happy" Some folks just can't have a good time, even at the WDW.:brick: Unfortunatly, these people often make everyone around them miserable.


New Member
I agree. People just need to chill and realize that Disney is a place to have fun, not scream at children, be rude to other people, or tick off everyone around you by being an idiot.


New Member
Original Poster
I wasn't being rude with my six flags comment... the fact of the matter is, six flags is a lot more affordable than disney (being single parks where you pay for one park, not four, and you go for a day, not 6+), and its mostly thrill rides, which a lot of teens like. I went to six flags a ton as a teen... and many many many middle schools and high schools take field trips to six flags... So you figure on any given day, six flags is filled with roughly 80% teens, and like... 5% families, while disney is almost the opposite... I'm not down-talking six flags, it certainly isn't their fault, but its like... Where are you going to see more families eating, Burger King or Outback? Sure there are more Burger Kings, but its not a family dining place, its for a quick cheap bit... lots of teens who just have gotten their license go there... Outback is more expensive, friendlier atmosphere, you stay longer... more families, young adults. It's business, Six Flags' main demographic IS teenagers, Disney's IS families... so how am I being rude by stating the obvious???

Also, one thing I forgot... 3D SHOWS... "Please move all the way across your row and make room for everyone." EVERYTIME... 100% never fails that people stop in the middle... it's a 3D show... every seat is the same... I cannot stand that, its the worst!


Well-Known Member
Hey Joe...
Glad you had a great time despite all the other stuff....

Next time try to just ignore it...getting upset by things you cant control only causes you to be miserable and you end up not having as great of a time as you could be having.
Try not to sweat the small stuff....

So I want to see some pics...:)

You can email me them ..you know..;)
Miss you...Love ya..:)


Well-Known Member
All I can say is "WOW" I cannot believe it could be that bad. Although, I don't know what was said to the boy who went in front of the ropes...if it was something along the lines like "Hey buddy you cant stand there" thats fine. My kids never leave my side..(except when my DH takes them on the teacups)..even my 10yr old daughter...not even sending her to the restroom alone (ok i'm a germaphobe)...and it does grate my nerves when I make my kids sit for an hour for a parade and others just run up at the last minute and expect me to give up my spot next to my children so that their kids can have a great spot...uh no, I'm not getting separated from my children.

Glad you didn't let it ruin your feelings for disney...I hear so many people do that...disney cannot be the behavior police 24/7 its too big and too many people.


Well-Known Member
I'm glad that overall your trip was not ruined.

I was only there for one day back earlier this month, but I encountered three rude instances in one day - which is normally a rarety.

I posted the other two on the "most obnoxious guests" thread, but have not mentioned the worst one.

My daughter and I were had gone to get fastpasses for Splash. I dropped them on the stairs walking back up to the gift store. No problem, I scoop them up real quick. No sooner am I standing on two feet, then I am pushed with two hands on my back that sends me flying to my knees. I said excuse me as I look around to see who pushed me down and this ignorant woman says I said excuse me twice. I said I didn't hear you and that is no excuse for you to touch me. She gets in my face and says what are you going to do about it? I never answered, my Dad and my sister stepped in between us and my Dad told her to get on her way. Had I answered, she probably would have killed me - she looked like she was from the worst Harlem neighborhood in NY. Maybe I'm lucky I only ended up with two scraped knees.:rolleyes:

Oh, and I have a teenager. She is not allowed anywhere unless they are traveling in a pack. Safety in numbers...............


I also found more rude people on my trip in July than any other year (and I go every year). The pushing and cutting is out of control. There was this little kid (about 7 or 8) weeving and moseying his was past people then calling his whole family up to him, like he was holding a place in line. My husband and I watched this kid for about 1/2 hour doing this routine. When he was getting close to us, we decided that we would make a wall so he couldn't get through us. He tried and tried but wasen't able to. So he decided to go under the rail to the next line. UNREAL!!! But the people up there must have also been watching him and actually yelled at him. So then all the people in line started applauding! Of course his family "pretended" they didn't speak english and didn't understand what was being said, but of course they (his family) stopped letting him cut in line. This wasn't the only "rude" behavior we encountered this trip, but it was the most memorable. Think happy thoughts, think happy thoughts.....................:wave:


New Member
Original Poster
I just don't understand the cutting thing... like do people understand the concept of lines? It's the worst at Epcot... at least for the All Stars, because... well its hard to describe, but the line starts where the bus loads you, and you walk in the mazey like thing... but where the bus loads there's a spot where people can ignore the entrance to the line and walk right up to the bus and walk in front of those that have been waiting in line when they're just reaching the bus stop... at like 4395345843095834534583409535 people did it this past trip... okay maybe not quite that many.. but so many did.

Also, the lines for the buses (ropes) are so wide that they can fit many people, so you get like 25 people form a perfect single-file line, then like a family of 4 obnoxious people will rush up along side people... I wanna just knock them out...

Mr Starky

Active Member
Duke, this is the current state of American kids. Not all of them, but a large percentage. My wife and I went to WDW most recently in November 2005. I have to say that it was the best time to go. It was still more than hot enough to enjoy the water parks if your into that and there weren't a lot of those age kids there that you were refering to. I know it's difficult. Don't worry most likely they will grow up and become mostly decent people who will bring there kids to WDW. Here is my hope and prayer that they somehow learn and teach their children what they seem not to have been tought.


New Member
Why let it bother you so much....you say you had an incredible trip but all we're hearing about is you complaining about everyone you met.

You were at Walt Disney World....let it go and have fun.

I doubt that everyone is as rude as you say....if you were experiencing that many people who were rude, I'd be wondering whether the problem is you.


New Member
Original Poster
Why let it bother you so much....you say you had an incredible trip but all we're hearing about is you complaining about everyone you met.

You were at Walt Disney World....let it go and have fun.

I doubt that everyone is as rude as you say....if you were experiencing that many people who were rude, I'd be wondering whether the problem is you.

why would you come here with a post like that? Everyone else was seeing very very similiar things. I'm simply stating how rude people have become there. "You were at WDW... let it go and have fun." Did I not say "as soon as I let it go and accepted it I was fine."

And also, how is it me when there are 6 teenagers, 3 boys and 3 girls, all making out, grabbing places you shouldn't grab in public, and basically dry humping while in line for Everest? Is that me??? Apparently I made them do this??? Or some girl literally pushing me aside to get on the bus before me... did I go up to her and ask "will you please cut me???" How is it me???

Sorry I'm not always WDW shielded from the fact that people are rude... i clearly stated you NORMALLY see a balance of your friendly and happy people and then your rude... and I was shocked at the over-abundance of inconsiderate people... and a few people simply agreed that they noticed the same thing... but apparently a rudeness problem that has clearly become an issue on this site with many threads starting up about altercations, obnoxious stories, dumb things people say, brazilian tour groups that are loud and everywhere... and all these other such threads are 100% my fault...

You always hear about the nice people, you always meet the nice people... its expected, you also always hear about the rude people, you always meet the rude people... its expected... am I not allowed to post my shock at the overabundance of rude people???

If you MUST:

While sitting at Electric Umbrella this man with four kids and a wife were finding a table... the guy then said "ummmm... ya know what I'm gonna sit with you two" (speaking to me and my gf) as his kids were being very very polite, but were a tad bit Disney excited, not being a problem, but the father was making a joke... and then said "I'm sorry, they can get a bit excited" but they were being great kids, and I thought it was funny.

On my way back from Epcot on my last day I was wearing a Sox shirt and a 67 year old man sat on the otherside of the aisle from me and talked to me the entire bus ride about the sox and how Teddy Ballgame was his hero and how he cried the day he passed because "what do you do when your hero dies" but he also talked and talked and talked about how much he loves boston and asking me about what I do up there for fun, then telling me stories from his childhood... probably one of the nicest men I've ever met... great great person.

Also, an english man was telling his kids about how many times Jack Sparrow is now in POTC and he was saying "i think its two, I believe so... ooohhh but i'm not sure... excuse me, i'm sorry sir, excuse me, have you riden this since it re-opened? My kids and I are oh so excited about Jack Sparrow" and I told him it was three times, and told them where they were, and I talked to him for a bit, very very nice gentlemen.

Yeah, sure I should have praised these people, but there's also been hundreds of threads about "all the nice people you meet in disney" and I couldn't get over the shock that... I'd meet 1-3 nice ones a day... and encounter like 10+ rude people (of all ages, races, genders, size, shape, you name it) per day... and I was shocked... did I come out and say "DISNEY IS HORRIBLE!!!!" no... because i said I still had a great trip...

So, please, I ask you kindly not to just bash someone for absolutely no good cause when they are simply pointing out something they found to be shocking... while basically everyone else that has replied has encountered very very similiar things...


New Member
Original Poster
So when does the actual report part start?:veryconfu

I'll do a real trip report later tonight after work. I'll provide a link at some point to pictures I'll put up on webshots tonight as well. Again, I really had a great trip and have some great great things to share. Sorry this one was so negative!


New Member
LOL I think the thing that annoys me the most is when people call fastpass a fast track. What the...? Please tell me that only happens at EPCOT.


Well-Known Member
why would you come here with a post like that? Everyone else was seeing very very similiar things. I'm simply stating how rude people have become there. "You were at WDW... let it go and have fun." Did I not say "as soon as I let it go and accepted it I was fine."

I think if you had really let it go and accepted it, you wouldn't have come all the way home and posted about everything that went wrong, and you wouldn't still be talking about it...Seriously...let it go...There are rude people everywhere. Don't become one of them, do your best to ignore them and have a great time wherever you go! :wave:


New Member
I too am a Sox fan, horrible weekend for us, I'll bet you heard it down there. But like you, I wear my share of Sox clothing in the parks and love to talk to fellow Nation members and yes, even Yankees fans. The way I see it, we're all in Disney World to have fun...heck, I ever bought beer for Yankees fans in the ESPN Club one night, talk about the Magic of Disney huh?

My gf and I will be going to WDW in October, I hope the crowds aren't too bad. It's good to hear that Disney was able to give you a great vacation. So many times you read on these boards people blaming Disney for a horrible time when it was actually the other guests!!!

Don't be depressed for too long, you'll be back before you know. Glad you had a great trip. GO SOX!!!

Maybe we'll see you down there in October... I'll have my Sox hat on...proudly... (And at least one day my three kids will be decked out in sox outfits as well). I am always happy to spot all the other Red Sox hats down there. :) Don't think I'd find myself buying beers for Yanks fans, though, ever. :) :hammer: I will never be THAT pleasant.


New Member
People are definately getting more rude and self-centered. I guess it shouldn't be too surprising since popular culture idolizes some of the most rude and self-centered people on the planet.

Anyway, I think you need to go determined that rude people are'nt going to get to you. I'm going this winter and I'm just going to assume high levels of rudeness and not let it bother me. If people bud in front me I'm not going to let it bother me, i'll just let them live in thier self-centered, small little world.

Why should I let jerks spoil my fun??


Well-Known Member
People are incredibly rude. I've noticed it more since I've been driving. It seems like when there's a crowd, people go crazy. They push, they shove; as if they're not going to get on the attraction. I'll never forget the fight I witnessed between two GROWN adult couples in line a Test Track. Fighting infront of little kids about who was in line first. Incredible. I wish people weren't so selfish. Oddly enough, rudeness is something I hardly EVER encounter at my University, except from some of the professors. I've experienced it more at WDW and in high school.

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