Then I hear someone say I'm _______ (nickname from a board, don't want to give away her identity unles she wants me to) from Such and such a board. I gave a little shout and told her how nice it was to meet her, we got to talking and stuff, she played with MJ and took us into the theatre, seated us up front and took off to do her thing....she came back a bit later before the show started and told us to wait for her after the show and to stay seated until the theatre cleared out. So we enjoyed the show (altho the porcupine and birds didn't cooperate very well) The show is pretty neat, especially loved Sprig and Grandmother Willow.
So after the show clears out we are waiting around talking to Marcia and out comes Stephanie (It might have been Lynnzie) with POCAHONTAS!!!! Oh my goodness! Well, for those of you who know me, you know the water works started then! MJ actually let her picture be taken sittng with Pocahontas, she signed her book and played with her for a bit....pure magic!