Jury Duty


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Originally posted by songbird
so Camelot... did you get picked?

No...I did not get picked to serve on a jury....yet.

The group I have to report with, must show up on Tues. and Thursdays during February (with Mardi Gras, we were allowed to skip this week, and it will resume on Tues, Feb. 19th.)

I have "reported" two of six days, so far, so it is a matter of showing up and waiting to see if my names gets called go to one of the 12 criminal courts for interview.

So far, my name was only called on the first day I went, but I was not chosen to be on the jury...the second day I went, my name was not even called to go to any of the courts.


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getting picked might be interesting.

I hope you get icked if you want.

if you don't want to be on a jury, I hope your jury duty ends soon.


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Well, today was the third of the six jury duty reporting days that I have to serve, and this morning I was chosen to be one of two alternates on a six person jury, involving a case of alledged theft.

We started hearing testimony today and the case will continue on Thursday, when they expect it to end.

It was an interesting day, and I am curious to see how things will turn out on Thursday.


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Today was my fourth day of serving Jury Duty this month, and 8 of us had to return to court, to continue the trail that started on Tuesday. We heard some more testimony, followed by the attorney's closing remarks, and the judges instructions...Then the other alternate and myself were dismissed for the day, when the 6 jurors were taken to make their deliberations.

When I return on Tuesday, it will be interesting to see what Verdict the others reached.


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Today was the 5th of my 6 jury duty reporting days, and upon my return today, I found out that in the trail for which I was an alternate last week Tuesday and Thursday, that the Jury could not render a verdict...it was a hung jury.

Today I was selected to serve on a Jury dealing with posession of a gun and drugs...we took a break for lunch, and when we returned to the courtroom, the Judge thanked and excused the other people still waiting in the court room and then turned to the selected jurors and thanked and excused us for the day, and we were not instucted to return, so apparently over the lunch break, they must have made a plea bargain...

Thursday is my last day to serve Jury Duty, and hopefully, it will be a long time before I am called up again.


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Today was the LAST day of my Jury Duty service. We were given "certificates" (LOL-I felt like I was graduating ) and asked to fill out a questionairre.

I won't go into the nitty gritty of what I wrote, but on the negative side, I let the system know what this citizen thought about certain aspectis of serving Jury Duty in the Parish of Orleans, criminal court (where I had to serve), such as the compensation (a joke), and how often one is called to report.

On the positive side, everyone I came into contact with was courteous, from the Jury Pool Staff to the Judge, to their Deputies.

And finally, in regards to the others with whom I served Jury Duty this month...during this period of time, you befriend people to a certain level, because you are thrown together for a few hours or a day (if your picked to be on a Jury), and that's what made it a nicer experience, overall.

It was also interesting to see the "process" in action, but scary also, in realizing that we mere mortal human beings are charged with the responsibility of deciding someone's guilt or innocence in a civil or criminal case....

Wow....that's an awesome responsibility, and one for which I now have a greater appreciation of.

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