Today was the LAST day of my Jury Duty service. We were given "certificates" (LOL-I felt like I was graduating ) and asked to fill out a questionairre.
I won't go into the nitty gritty of what I wrote, but on the negative side, I let the system know what this citizen thought about certain aspectis of serving Jury Duty in the Parish of Orleans, criminal court (where I had to serve), such as the compensation (a joke), and how often one is called to report.
On the positive side, everyone I came into contact with was courteous, from the Jury Pool Staff to the Judge, to their Deputies.
And finally, in regards to the others with whom I served Jury Duty this month...during this period of time, you befriend people to a certain level, because you are thrown together for a few hours or a day (if your picked to be on a Jury), and that's what made it a nicer experience, overall.
It was also interesting to see the "process" in action, but scary also, in realizing that we mere mortal human beings are charged with the responsibility of deciding someone's guilt or innocence in a civil or criminal case....
Wow....that's an awesome responsibility, and one for which I now have a greater appreciation of.