Jungle Cruise


Active Member
Our fav Jungle Cruise experience was a Christmas 2002 trip. There were 6 in our group and we were the only ones to get on the boat at 11:30 PM. Lenora was the Skipper and she started the cruise with the usual script. After a couple minutes she asked us if we've been on the cruise before. We said "YES". She then said, "would anyone like to drive the boat?". We all took turns driving and she sat down and pointed out Hidden Mickey's along the route. Just before the "pair a docks" point, she told us she needed to drive again and she picked up the script from that point. She told the dock people we were riding again. Another family got on and they drove the boat and we rode around again with Lenora. Jungle Cruise is a "must-do" on our list every trip.


Well-Known Member
My favorite Jungle Cruise Jokes are these

as your approaching the docks:

"Please keep all your body parts, including your children, inside the boat, we are approaching the pier, and we wouldn't want you to feel any pier pressure! (peer pressure)


"you've been an outstanding crew today, now i need you "out standing" on that dock.


As approching the temple
"We're now about to enter a temple that an earthquake must have caused recentely, now that goddess over on your left is the goddess Shirly, which happens to make this Shirly's Temple!"

Btw: I've heard almost every joke in the book on Chief Nami, with the shrunken heads, we were stoped at that part waiting for station clearance, and the jokes just kept coming, none really good enough to put on this forum site!!


Well-Known Member
In talking to one of the CMs there on a previous visit, they said that all of the guides at JC get together and brainstorm on putting their own personal twists on the more classic script. So, from what I gathered there are certain points of interest or objects throughout the ride that are required to be mentioned, but each individual guide uses his/her own personal favorite wisecracks, which may vary or be interchanged.


New Member
I like the jungle cruise. But I have to make sure it's a few years between rides. I can appreciate the silly, cute jokes. They are what made the JC famous after all. The last time I rode it though, I just wanted to jump overboard.


New Member
Mickey04- Your Skipper was absolutely histerical! (now if i could only spell "histerical"...is that right? I dont know) How long ago was that? Must have been a while because he still shot in the Hippo Pool. I laughed. That was very funny. But yeah, in training we are all told we are not allowed to put the Disney Company down in any way (ex: temple=giftshop) , but everyone still does...I think it makes it even funnier.


I only here once in a great while when approaching the temple you see what kinda looks like a monorail track so the skipper goes and that was the first disney world attempt at the monorail (pause.....) ya well who cares now we are much safer on the highway in the sky (quietly)on the ground is much better

i got to be sitting in the front and when the skipper got to the punchline i would quietly say the line and the skipper got so mad at one point and he said would you like to stop or either start working for disney.... trust me it sucks


Well-Known Member
While I was down there the last time, my tour guide kept making wisecracks about Britney Spears. I don't think I've ever enjoyed the JC more in my entire life! Just wish I could remember some of them.


New Member
I like at the end when the skipper asks to give her a round of applause or whatever and then she gets all blushing like and says awwww.... get out...then she gets all serious and says no really see the dock there??? get out!!!


New Member
Dr.Seeker said:
Sounds like a great idea! I agree though I can practically mime those jokes but sometimes they vary between parks e.g. in Disneyland they often make references to people queuing for INdy as monkeys desparately scavaging! lol

Here's another from Indy that just cracks me up:
"Look here we have a bunch a very strange jungle species, ya see that one there *points to male* the one with the wider hips, that's the female of the species. "

Another favorite of mine happens at night while passing the waterfall:
"Ladies and gentlemen, Disneyland proudly presents, Fantasmic!"
*The guide sings part of the song while shining the flashlight at the waterfall.
At the ends says in a squeaky voice:
"Some imagination, huh hehee!" :lol:

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