July 22-26th Trip Report

Well, decided to take the family on a surpise vacation to DisneyWorld last week and had a mnixed bag of an experience.

We stayed at the Coronado Springs Resort and arrived Sunday evening around 6EST. The checkin was a disaster, the lady at the check in desk must have been new as she ended up double charging my credit card for my entire vacation. We get this resolved (partially took 4 days for the double charge to be removed from my card) and get to our room to find a musty smell and dirty bedspreads where it looked like dirty footprints on the bed. The remote for the TV was missing batteries as well, I called the front desk and they said they would get someone right out. I waited an hour and nothing. I called the front desk again and was informed that they only had 1 person in housekeeping working the off shift for the 1200 room resort and that she would get to it soon. We then decided to hit downtown Disney for dinner.

We finally caught a bus and headed downtown after waiting nearly an hour and wound up going to T-Rex. I have to say that my boys 15 and 9 both enjoyed it as did the wife and I. The food was ok by Disney standards with very large portions. We walked around DD for awhile and headed back to the resort to find the housekeeping never showed up. We took the bedspreads off and went to bed anyway.

The next morning I caught housekeeping and they resolved all the issues with the room, We grabbed a quick bite for breakfast and headed to catch a bus to Typhon Lagoon around 10:30 am only to see all the other buses to other parks come 3 times with no DD/ Typhon Lagoon buses anywhere. I couldnt believe in an hour we never saw 1 bus to where we were wanting to go. Finally we gave up and went to Blizzard Beach instead. It was raining off and on, but we were wet anyway since we were at a water park. We had a great time there basically having the park to ourselves as most people left due to the rain. We headed back to the resort changed and went to Animal Kingdom to eat at the Rain Forest Cafe for an early dinner. The food was nearly identical to T-Rex so it was decent and a large amount. WE then went to MK and there was very little wait for most of the rides due to the rain. The weather finally cleared before the last parade. There is something about being in MK at night, main street is really nice at night time.

On Tuesday morning, we were wanting to go to Animal Kingdom but again there wasnt a bus to be found going to AK, after over an hour we decided to go back to MK to ride all the rides we didnt get to on Monday and the place was packed. Fast Pass was the key. We were in the park most of the day and had a good time. We then went back to the resort and hung out there in the pool the rest of the afternoon and evening. The main pool was extremely nice and wasnt too far from our room. We decided to go off of Disney to Outback for dinner as its our favorite place to eat.

On Wednesday we were wanting to go to Hollywood Studios and you guessed it, the bus didnt show up for an hour after we had seen all the other park buses come by, not sure what the deal was, but it was a pain. We finally caught a jam packed bus and made it to the park, which was only a couple miles from where we were staying. I could have walked to the park quicker. LOL The place was packed as we expected but thanks to Fast Pass, we got to ride the Rockin Roller Coaster with very little wait. We didnt ride the tower of terror as there was a huge line and it was hot and we wanted to hit Typhoon Lagoon. We got to TL and the wave pool was so packed you couldnt even get in it, the same with the lazy river. The crowd finally thinned out and we had a blast in the wave pool and the new Gusher Crusher ride. WE rode that ride about 5 times right before closing with hardly no wait at all. We headed back to the resort and wanted to head back to Hollywood Studios for the late Fantasmic show. I had seen this show back over 13 years ago, but with the new enhancements, this one was simply amazing, probably the best experience of the whole trip. We ended up eating in the different parks for our meals this day as we didnt want to waste any park time.

On Thursday we had to go to Animal Kingdom and couldnt believe that the 1st bus that came was AK, our luck had changed. LOL We got in right away and rode 5 rides within the 1st 90 minutes with very little waiting. We spent half of the day in AK and had a blast. Expidition Everest is an OK Coaster, but not to the level of Rocking Roller Coaster. That is the best one I have ever rode. We finished off our last stop at Epcot and then headed to the beach for the rest of our trip.

Overall it was a good experience with some annoyances, the buses really no excuse for this at all. The room should have been in pristine condition for the prices we had to pay as I could have stayed at the Hilton for a much lesser price and not had to deal with the bus issue. Will go back again but will probably stay off of Disney next time, spent valuable park time waiting on and riding on buses when this was supposed to be the major perk of staying on a Disney Resort. Also saw on the news while there that the EMH may be getting reduced or eliminated.


Active Member
Thanks for taking the time to share your trip, it's so frustrating when you're spending that kind of money to deal with bus issues and especially issues with your room/check-in...hopefully you're next trip will be much better!


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They must have had a shortage of drivers as on our last day the 4 times we boarded a bus they all had drivers that were in training. Also Coronado Springs is a huge resort, next time we will probably stay somewhere different like Carribean Beach or Port Orleans. Main reason we chose Coronado was their main pool was very nice. Still even with the issues, we had a great time. My 9 year old really loved it since it was his 1st visit. The new show they have on the Castle at nights was really nice as well. My youngest got very caught up in it and he was the same with fantasmic.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like the buses were a nightmare, we have never had an experience as bad as that but havent used buses since 08 as we always rent a car now, glad you sitll had a good time though :).


Well-Known Member
Buses are so hit or miss there. Even when we stay on property we drive if we have our own car. We usually stay at Wilderness Lodge so the only park we use Disney's transportation to is MK and then we take the boat. super fast and easy. Hardly ever a wait. Last year we had really good luck with the buses. WL always had the shortest line of all the bus stops while we were there, which was a plus for us!

Glad you all had a good time. I want to go to TL to ride Crush N Gusher. I hear it's a blast!


New Member
I was laughing reading your report, because the days prior we stayed at PORS and experienced the same problem with the buses. Wherever we wanted to go, that bus we wouldn't appear but every other park bus would show up. Finally, when our bus would show up there was another right behind. That Monday you were at BB, we were there too, and my wife said we're not closing this park because it took us 2 hours to get back to PORS on Friday. On Tuesday which was the day we were leaving, I told my wife the next time we come let's stay at Coronado since it's closer to BB and the other parks. I guess I can throw that analogy out the window.


New Member
Original Poster
I was laughing reading your report, because the days prior we stayed at PORS and experienced the same problem with the buses. Wherever we wanted to go, that bus we wouldn't appear but every other park bus would show up. Finally, when our bus would show up there was another right behind. That Monday you were at BB, we were there too, and my wife said we're not closing this park because it took us 2 hours to get back to PORS on Friday. On Tuesday which was the day we were leaving, I told my wife the next time we come let's stay at Coronado since it's closer to BB and the other parks. I guess I can throw that analogy out the window.

They must have a shortage of drivers and a bunch of new ones that are learning from what I can gather. This was our 1st time back to Disney since 99 so we were surprised at how bad the buses were compared to then. We were so close to BB that we should have probably drove instead of riding the busses there.

That Monday when the downpour came was brutal once we got on the bus, we were soaked from the cold rain and the bus was very cold, thankfully it wasnt a long ride to the resort.

How was PORS? I had been told that they have upgraded the rooms to all queen size beds now. Coronado SPrings is so big that it involves alot and I mean alot of walking. The main pool is awesome at CS, we didnt eat any meals there though as the reviews werent all that great and we werent going to take any chances as we had planned out our meals other places.


Well-Known Member
I was laughing reading your report, because the days prior we stayed at PORS and experienced the same problem with the buses. Wherever we wanted to go, that bus we wouldn't appear but every other park bus would show up. Finally, when our bus would show up there was another right behind. That Monday you were at BB, we were there too, and my wife said we're not closing this park because it took us 2 hours to get back to PORS on Friday. On Tuesday which was the day we were leaving, I told my wife the next time we come let's stay at Coronado since it's closer to BB and the other parks. I guess I can throw that analogy out the window.

Sorry to hear about your bus issues. However, we stayed @ PORS from July 9th thru July 20th and never waited longer than 10 mins for a bus. This was also the case leaving the parks. By far, the best transportation experience that I have had.

I would also add that we were very close to the South Depot which we used exclusively. I did hear a few guests complaining about service to the other depots. The early morning buses stop @ POFQ first then head to PORS - South Depot. On many occasions, this stop would fill the bus and the driver would exit the property without stoping @ the other depots.


New Member
They must have a shortage of drivers and a bunch of new ones that are learning from what I can gather. This was our 1st time back to Disney since 99 so we were surprised at how bad the buses were compared to then. We were so close to BB that we should have probably drove instead of riding the busses there.

That Monday when the downpour came was brutal once we got on the bus, we were soaked from the cold rain and the bus was very cold, thankfully it wasnt a long ride to the resort.

How was PORS? I had been told that they have upgraded the rooms to all queen size beds now. Coronado SPrings is so big that it involves alot and I mean alot of walking. The main pool is awesome at CS, we didnt eat any meals there though as the reviews werent all that great and we werent going to take any chances as we had planned out our meals other places.

PORS is nice and the AB room had queen beds which worked out well for us. The only drawback was because of the extra bed, there was only 3 drawers so we had to leave some of our clothes in our luggage. We stayed at building 37, which was close to the North depot and only took 5 minutes to get to the main pool and another 5 minute walk would get you to the lobby. The theming was awesome, for us it gave us the feeling that we were staying in the swamps. Most of the CM's was nice and friendly, we did have a B---- of a waitress at the restaurant, but the food was good. I would go back, but I wish they would improve the bus service, because the last time we were there in 98 we didn't have any problems.


New Member
Original Poster
PORS is nice and the AB room had queen beds which worked out well for us. The only drawback was because of the extra bed, there was only 3 drawers so we had to leave some of our clothes in our luggage. We stayed at building 37, which was close to the North depot and only took 5 minutes to get to the main pool and another 5 minute walk would get you to the lobby. The theming was awesome, for us it gave us the feeling that we were staying in the swamps. Most of the CM's was nice and friendly, we did have a B---- of a waitress at the restaurant, but the food was good. I would go back, but I wish they would improve the bus service, because the last time we were there in 98 we didn't have any problems.

We will probably stay there next time, was surprised at the lack of anything to remind you of Disney at CS, no pictures on the walls or anything. The theme was desert and I really didnt care for that too much. It wasnt a bad place to stay though. I think they are working on the bus issue as I did notice a few buses that said training on them. I would imagine that is a tough position to fill and would be a pretty tough job in all that traffic all day and night long.

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