Journey Of The Lion King


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An idea for a new ride at Disney's Animal Kingdom.

Ride Name: "Journey Of The Lion King".
Type of Ride: An indoor boat ride (i.e. It's A Small World). Ride goes at a slow speed just like Small World, with no dips, drops, or dunks. Basically, ANYBODY can ride this attraction.

The outside of the building looks like a large African jungle cave with moss, draping vines, a waterfall pouring down one side, and plenty of trees.

When guests enter the building, they feel as if they have just stepped into the African Savannah. The waiting line for this ride is very detailed, with the ceiling designed to look like sky with moving clouds(that's right, some clouds looking pretty dark. Possibly a storm brewing?) Wind occasionally picking up adds to the outdoor effect. The waiting area has plenty of well-themed surroundings that include tall Savannah grass, the sounds of wild animals in the distance, and more trees.

Now for the ride part. Guests finally reach the river, where thay board boats similar to the ones ridden on in Pirates & It's a Small World. The boats are painted a grass-stained color to once again add to the outdoor atmosphere.

The Journey: Now Simba's journey begins. As the river leads guests through thick-wooded jungle; passing drinking zebra, hippo, and other animals, guests may wonder.."Is this an indoor version of Jungle Cruise?" when suddenly, the boats lead them around the bend and come face-to-face with a large replica of Pride Rock. The river leads guests under pride rock where guests see animatronics standing on top of the rock of baby Simba being held by Rafikki.

The next scene leads passengers past the "I Just Can't Wait to Be King" part of the movie. Simba & Nala are singing as they sit on top of Giraffe's heads. Other animals are dancing as guests pass through this scene.

Around another bend, passengers find themselves floating through a spooky elephant graveyard. It is very dark, and the sounds of laughing hyenas can be heard in the distance. (Note: This section of the ride can be a bit intense for small children.) Watch out or you just might get sprayed by one of the erupting geysers that are hiddin among the elephant bones. (Of course, it won't be steaming hot water like it was in the movie). The river leads past a scene where Scar is sitting on a rock talking to the other hyenas about his plan for taking over pride rock.

The scary part is over and guests pass a much happier scene where an adult Simba is singing with Timon & Pumbaa.(Look for the realistic-looking bugs that are crawling out of holes and tree trunks as the trio is looking for lunch.

Around another bend and guests float by Pride Rock with Simba and Scar fighting on top. Flashing & glowing orange light in the background creates the feeling of the wildfire that has started. (Guests can actually feel the heat!). A crack of thunder is heard, lightning flashes, and all of a sudden guests get a bit wet by the rain that has started. (Many times, passengers will forget that they have actually been inside a building all this time).

And finally, the grand finale scene. The boats lead past a champion Simba standing on pride rock with all of the animal friends standing below cheering him. As 'Circle of Life' is heard, the ride comes to an end.

The animatronics in this ride highly resemble the puppets used in Magic Kingdom's 'Legend of the Lion King' show.

That's the general idea for the ride. (Sorry for the long post)


Well-Known Member
I like this ride. It has everything in my book... cohesive storyline, successful movie, some animatronics can be reused, and from the General Discussion board, it would provide AK with that relaxer ride that is needed.

Two possible placements for this place...

1. In Kilamanjaro, when you cross the main bridge, directly to the left.

2. Behind Asia, off of Rafiki's Planet Watch (Lion King thing keeps going)...

It has some great possibilities though.


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"1. In Kilamanjaro, when you cross the main bridge, directly to the left."

Oh yes! That would be a perfect spot. There's enough room, and would be able to flow in foot-traffic there easily.
Another idea would be to add a drop (no larger than the one in Pirates at MK) as the boats enter the elephant graveyard scene. Just as Zazu went over the edge of a falls during the "Just Can't Wait to be King" number, that would also be a great way to end that scene in the ride as well.
I know that in my original post I said there would be no drops. But the more I think about it, a small one might fit in nicely there.

Once the boats reach the bottom. They've reached the dark elephant graveyard! Just a thought.



Well-Known Member
Very good idea! Maybe when you get to the elephant graveyard you start to go up a little bit then when you get to the end of Scar and Simba fighting area you can drop ( the same or less then the Pirates) then you see Simba and the other lions roaring togeter on Pride Rock. Also maybe show Pride Rock when it was under Scar's power. Still Very good :sohappy:


New Member
This is a pretty darn good idea. I don't really see any big problems with it, but one.

You already have Festival of the Lion King in AK. Lion King characters are in the show at The Land. The Lion King show at MK is now gone, but when it was in production, I often heard comments from guests that there was just too much was devoted to the Lion King.

I'm just concerned that guests will feel even more exposed to Lion King as if something like this were to appear, it would be a very popular attraction making the Lion King have 2 with the Festival. Not to mention 2 of the most popular stops at AK.

From a business standpoint, it makes pretty good sense. Lion King was one of the last blockbuster movies and is still quite popular.
The scene selection and drop into the elephant graveyard are great ideas, except I don’t understand why this is a boat ride though, it seems like it could easily be interchanged with a typical dark ride system, even the drop into the graveyard would still be possible. Still one major problem would be the theming of the vehicles. Painting the boats a grassy green color is really not much of a solution, it would rather simply be better to maybe make them seem like they are made out of grass rather than just painting them, if that is the effect you wanted. Also I had done this alot before too, but they sortof set trait at AK, is that animatronics are only allowed in fictions areas, Dino-land, Camp Minnie- Mickey and eventually Beastly Kingdom. Disney has set a president to only have real animals or none at all in the areas such as Africa, Asia and any other future continent they might add. Once again a place for this might better be at MK or just in Camp Minnie- Mickey


Well-Known Member
I agree. Camp Minnie Mikey would be the best spot to put this fantasy ride. It's too bad that Disney's exploitation of Kimba the White Lion, er, I mean the Lion King really is approaching the blood-from-a-stone level. Here's an idea to simplify the ride. Rather than have two Pride Rock "presentation of the baby" rooms you would only need one. The first time the guests pass through it they would be on its right side of the rock, and the second time on the left, floating in an opposing canal flowing the opposite direction. This would mean that the lion characters on the rock would look different from either side, like Mufasa on his left side and like Simba on the right. This would cut down on the total size of the attraction area and more importantly mean that the ride itself really was a circle of life. Two other things I would add: A digital projection of Mufasa's ghostly face in the clouds echoing the scene from the movie and some good old fashioned Universe of Energy sulfur scent in the Elephant Graveyard.


New Member
I am a huge Lion King Fan, and I like this ride! But, I think it should be put into Animation Courtyard (where bear in the big blue house is, then have the whole playhouse gang moved to the old DOUG building) AK is sorta overloaded with LIon King stuff, plus, the spot you are talking about is where I'm replanting the Lion King Show with me renovation of Camp Minnie Mickey (the model is indeed coming along nicely)


Well-Known Member
That sounds sooo cool, except the drop, I'm not too keen on drops, as long as it's not any worse than POTC...But it sounds soooooo cool!!!


New Member
Yup! It is the best movie, but it needs to be distrubuted evenly throughout the parks..AK already has it's lions share, give some to MGM!


New Member
I still thinking of a different car theme. How about a big round tumble weed, or a tree bough, or my last try, just a rock??

Anybody got another car idea?


New Member

The cars don't HAVE to fit in perfectly with the ride..Meaning, they don't have to resemble an element present in the theme..

I think Making each car a different animal, and using some of that nifty abstract animal artwork that's present in the puppets would make the cars neat...

You know, it doesn't LOOK like a zebra, but it's decorated with coverings of zebra print..

I hope someone understands what I mean...Just imagine one of the really cool BIG...Puppets from the Jammin' Jungle Parade, and wraps it around a snow-white car, and ta-da! You've got a cool, neat looking buggy


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I LOVE the idea about modeling the boats/cars to resemble animals or plants.
And also the idea about having Mufasa's face appear in the clouds would add great too.
I wonder if Disney will hash out something big for its best money-maker ever.....especially since the film's 10 year anniversary is coming up in 2004!:)

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