With Liam happy at Stormalong Bay (no worries, he's 12 and they have life guards), we suited up for the quiet pool and grabbed our laundry. While Jack went to put the clothes in the wash I took a nice soak in the hot tub. There were a few couples already in the tub so I found a spot. They were already conversing so I just chilled. I happend to take a look up at one of the guest balconys and I could see right into one of the rooms. I wasn't intending to look but I could see a man taking off his pants. A lady in the room was motioning to the open window and he just shrugged. By this time he was down to his tighty whities. Then he removed those and I could see his bare bum! He started to turn around so I quickly diverted my eyes so I wouldn't have to see his full monty.

One of the couples got up and left so I started up a converation with the remaining pair who were also celebrating their anniversary. They said they got a call from Mickey wishing them a happy anniversary. We never got one.

They had been there since New Years Eve. They said it was very crowded but the experiance was worth it. They were in EPOT for midnight and they said the count down was off by a few minutes because the show was delayed starting. Funny!
Jack came back and said the rumor in the laundry room was the washers didn't spin enough and the clothes were coming out dripping wet. We had 5:30 dinner reservations at Yachtsman and it was already 4:30. The problem was all of our pants were in the wash so if they didn't dry we would be pantless! Our plan was to put one of my pairs and one of Jack's in their own dryer and the rest all in one so at least we would have dry pants. When it was time we went to dry but the washer wouldn't stop spinning. It said it had 1 minute left but it kept going for 10 minutes. The door wouldn't open even if we unplugged it. Jack went to call the front desk for help and I just got more and more frustrated. I actually kicked the washer out of spite. Guest what? It stopped spinning! Jack came back and we thew our stuff in the dryers.
I went back to the pool and saw something odd. There were two little girls(around 8 -10 years old) with bikini bottoms but no tops. They were speaking French so I got it. I was born in England so I am familiar with the fact that little girls in Europe sometimes swim toppless. I was wondering how Jack would feel about it. I was happy my son wasn't with us because I think it would have shocked him. I wondered if it ever crossed the minds of the parents that that is considered unappropriate in American culture. I went back to the hot tub and it was empty. Jack joined me and I asked him if he noticed the girls. He said he did and thought something was missing.
We sat for a while and went to get our clothes. We were lucky that they were all dry. We had 10 minutes to make it to our reservation on time. Liam was already back at the room showered and ready to go. We threw on our clothes and were out the door. Fortunatly it was a short 5 minute walk. We made it on time and were seated. It was very quiet, not too many people. I forgot to take photos because I was so hungry. We all ordered steak. They serve the most awsome Mac n Cheese. It has white truffles in it so it is YUMMY. I was not able to eat all of mine so we boxed it up to take back for later. We also ordered our desserts to go.
Our plan for the evening was to go to Down Town Disney to do a little shopping. Typically you can find anything from the parks there so I had not bought anything yet. It took forever to get there by bus because the bus stops at YC, S&D and BW. Our first stop was the Goofy Candy Co. Liam was after some sour balls. My stomach started to disagree with me so I excused myself to find a restroom. I spent the rest of the evening with nasty stomach cramps. I think it must have been the onions on the truffle mac and cheese. Oh!

Jack had bought a grape slushy thing from Goofy's and gave me a taste. I kept thinking about it the rest of the evening. We stopped by Pin Traders (we love pins) and then Art of Disney. Jack wanted to buy something for our home but didn't fancy anything. Our last stop was the mega Disney store. It was so crowded! I have never seen it that busy before. I guess none of the parks were open late so everyone else decided to shop too. I started to feel worse and crankier. I did find my Mickey tea ball I have been wanting and some Wonderland tea for my parents. I couldn't find anything else I realy wanted. I had seen a shirt at the Contemporary and thought I would find it here. Nope! I swear they have cut down on the amount of merchandise they used to sell. My stomach was realy starting to hurt so I had Jack stand in the long check out line so I could get some fresh air. I still wanted a grape slushy so I didn't let my stomach stop me. It did actually help a bit. Yum

! We waited forever for the bus and then it took forever to get home because it stopped at all of the other resorts first. My tummy was killing me and it was almost 11pm. I had to get to a giftshop to get something to tame it. Jack came to my rescue and got off at YC. He texted me that he made it before 11pm. My hero! By the time Liam and I got to the BC and up to our room, Jack was right behind us. What a wonderful husband I have. We called it a night and fell into bed.